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WAAMC Geography Department Year 7 Autumn Term 2 Map Skills

Lesson Title

Learning Objectives

-Review the previous topics An introduction to Geography. - Hand out Topic overview sheet pupils to complete target level and prior !nowledge "uestion.

Main Task
- Rally robin #what can maps shows us$% -&lass feedbac!. 'tress maps do not (ust show use places locations roads they can show us population climate etc. -To gain an understanding of pupils understand and to give them a tas! to e)plore atlases. *upils to be given a blan! world map and they have to identify the specific countries on the powerpoint. +se a variety of different world maps use one that shows countries and one that doesn%t. ,in! to 'ome ,-. - Table 'hare with their locations and findings what did

What are the problems with using maps$

Homewor k
.one set

Resource s needed
-Topic -verview -/lan! World 0ap

-To identify what maps can show us 1 and how atlas Intro u!tion can aid us in to Map our Skills understanding of the World. -Some pupils can suggest limitations to using maps. -Most pupils can interpret a basic atlas. -All pupils can identify 5 things that maps can show us .

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