Letter of Invitation

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To, The HR Manager,


Dear Sir Our Institute, Nannapaneni VenkatRao college of Engineering&Technology, hol s the pri e as one !eing one of the !est technological institutions in "n hra #ra esh, especially in $untur istrict an has a glorious past% &e starte our 'ourney in the fiel of e ucation (ith the esta!lish)ent of VSR&NVR college in*+,-%NVR .ollege of Engineering&Technolgy is the /rain0chil of our e icate .EO Mr%/haskar Nannapaneni,heir of the Nannapaneni $roup, foun e !y Mr% Nannapaneni VenkatRao12ate3%It is (ith this 4ision5 to pro4i e e6ceptional stan ar s of technical e ucation that (e ha4e starte NVR .ollege of Engineering& Technology in 7--+ (ith four !ranches na)ely .i4il, .SE, EEE, E.E an ME (ith an e)phasis on 4ocational e ucation an personality e4elop)ent% &e spare no efforts to groo) our stu ents not only in their chosen iscipline, !ut also encourage the) to !roa en their perspecti4e an create a con uci4e en4iron)ent to e4elop to a positi4e )in set an iscipline% &e strongly !elie4e that our stu ents pro4e to !e a 4alua!le resource an a great asset to your estee)e .orporation, if you choose to hire the)% I for(ar here(ith our college !rochure along (ith etails of the 4arious #rogra)s8courses offere an our contact etails% &e seek a )utually con4enient ate for your 4isit to our ca)pus% It (oul !e our pri4ilege to host an acco))o ate you% 9ou can 4isit (e!site (((%nannapaneni%org #lease feel free to call )e on )y )o!ile in case of any :uery% &e look for(ar to hearing fro) you% Thanks&Regar s% Training an #lace)ent Officer Nannapaneni VenkatRao1NVR3 college of Engg&Tech, Nannapaneni nagar, Tenali,$untur1Dt3, "#,In ia0,77 7-*% Mo!ile; +*<-+ *-,== E)ail; tpo>nannapaneni%in

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