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How Howmany many pages pagesare arethere there in the in the catalogue? catalogue?

Look Lookat atpage page %& What %& Whatis isthe the most expensi'e most expensi'e thing thingon onthat that page? page?

Can Canyou youfind findtwo twothings things that cost more than that cost more than50 50 and two things that cost and two things that cost less lessthan than20? 20?

Look Lookfor forthe thetoys toys in the index in the index What Whatpages pagesare are they on? Can they on? Can you youfind findthem? them?

What Whatis isthe the cheapest cheapestthing thing on page 52? on page 52?

Choose Chooseaapage pagefrom from the toys section the toys section !ind !indtwo twothings thingsyou you could "uy for #0$ could "uy for #0$ 20 20

Catalogue Catalogue

Can Canyou youuse useaa calculator calculatorto tofind find the cost of two the cost of two items? items?What What does the does thedisplay display say? say?

What Whatis isthe themost most common car common car colour? colour? How How many can many canyou you count in 2 count in 2 minutes? minutes? What Whatis isthe the num"er on num"er onyour your car num"er car num"er plate? plate? Can Canyou you spot a car with spot a car with aahigher higher num"er num"eron onit? it?

How Howmany manycars carsare areat at the petrol station? +f the petrol station? +f each eachcar carhas hasfour four wheels$ how many wheels$ how many wheels wheelsare arethere? there?

How Howmuch muchdoes does petrol cost per petrol cost per litre? litre? What Whatnum"er num"erdo do you think you can you think you can count countto to"efore "efore the traffic the trafficlights lights turn green? turn green? Check Checkto tosee seeifif you youare areright right Can Canyou youspot spotaa num"er num"erplate platewith withaa **in init? it? What Whatis isthe the whole num"er on whole num"er onthe the num"er plate? num"er plate?

How Howmuch muchtime timewill will your (ourney take? your (ourney take? )ime )imeititand andsee see

Car Car journey journey

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