MMF 26th Feb 2014 Fact Sheet

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BisB Money Mar%et Mar%et Fund

3ee%&y Fact Sheet 4 "5th Fe*ruary "6 7

N08 (S9 .67 :

6.67 6.67;

Fund =*Iecti,es =*Iecti,es and +o&icy

)he Fund aims to generate capita& growth and return capita& to its (nitho&ders through maintaining a high &e,e& of &iJuidity *y in,esting in &ow ris% Jua&ity Shari'ah comp&iant money mar%et instruments issued *y *an%s# corporations and go,ernments. Such in,estments may inc&ude1 short term deposits in the interE*an% mar%et- Shari'ah comp&iant fiHed term deposits with *an%s- and a&& types of su%u% issued *y the so,ereign wea&th funds and corporates and appro,ed *y the Shari'ah 0d,isers. )he in,estment strategy wi&& aim to maintain &iJuidity in a di,erse and &ow ris% portfo&io1 K MaHimum sing&e party eHposure of "6; for cash and cash eJui,a&ents in,estments and 6; for transfera*&e securities K MaHimum eHposure to su%u% not traded on a recogni$ed eHchange of 6; K 3eighted a,erage maturity of the in,estment portfo&io not to eHceed year K MaHimum foreign currency eHposure of "6; K MaHimum in,estment in cash and cash eJui,a&ents of the =perator wi&& *e 6;

Fund Specifics
Fund )ype 2aunch Currency Minimum Su*scription Minimum Co&ding +eriod Minimum Co&ding 0mount Su*scriptionDRedemption Su*scriptionDRedemption Notice Management Fee Su*scription Fee Benchmar% Registrar# 0dministrator F Custodian =pen >nded ?th @u&y "6 " (S Ao&&ar "B#666 units month #666 units 3ee%&y# >,ery 3ednesday 3ee%&y# >,ery Monday (p to 6.B; (p to 6."B; BisB !Emonths N)A and S)A Rates Gu&f Custody Company
1 &y e a r ( 2 .) *

Net 0sset 8a&ue FiHed Aeposits Cash Currency Currency 3eighted Maturity (Aays) Num*er of In,estments Num*er of Counterparties
In v e stm e n t Te n o r (D a y s)
1 &m o n t ! 1 + .2 * , u rre n t 0 .3 *

9 !#!8"#78: ??.5; 6.7; (S9 57.8; and BCA !B."; "7 "? :

Cistorica& +erformance
(S9MMF +eriod wee% 7 wee%s wee%s 8 wee%s " wee%s B wee%s< Inception to Aate (?th @u&y "6 ")
1.0440 1.0390 1.0340 1.0290 1.0240 1.0190 1.0140 1.0090 1.0040 0.9990 July-12 August-12 September- October-12 November- December- January-13 February-13 12 12 12 arc!-13 Apr"l-13 ay-13 June-13 July-13 August-13 September- October-13 November- December- January-14 13 13 13

BisB !M N)A +eriod 0nnua&i$ed +eriod

BisB !M S)A 0nnua&i$ed


0.038% 0.173% 0.356% 0.550% 2.429% 4.170%

1.98% 2.23% 2.29% 2.36% 2.45% N/A

#S$ F

0.024% 0.097% 0.198% 0.292% 1.298% 2.315%

%"s%&3 &N'D %"s%&3 &S'D

1.25% 1.25% 1.27% 1.25% 1.31% N/A

0.030% 0.121% 0.245% 0.362% 1.722% 3.451%

1.55% 1.55% 1.58% 1.55% 1.74% N/A

<)he annua&i$ed return ca&cu&ated *ased on !56 days.

+.=. BoH B"76# Manama Lingdom of Bahrain )e&ephone1 M?:! : B B !:# FaH1 M?:! : B! "8 :" www.*is*.com
BisB MMF Company B.S.C. (c) registered with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Bahrain under CR No. 8 !""# and the CBB has authori$ed the BisB Money Mar%et Fund as a Bahrain domici&ed Shari'ah comp&aint retai& CI(. )his report shou&d not *e considered as an offer to se&&# or a so&icitation to *uy# units mentioned herein. +ast performance is not necessari&y a guide or indication of the future performance. )he ,a&ue of the in,estment in the fund is ,aria*&e and may increase or decrease. Changes in currency rates and mar%et conditions may ha,e an ad,erse effect on the principa& ,a&ue# unit price and in,estment returns. )he information contained herein has *een compi&ed from sources *e&ie,ed to *e re&ia*&e- howe,er Bahrain Is&amic Ban% (.BisB/) does not guarantee its accuracy or comp&eteness. )his product may not *e suita*&e for a&& recipients of this report and in case of any dou*ts# you shou&d see% ad,ice from your in,estment ad,isor. More information a*out the fund is a,ai&a*&e in the +rospectus and the )erms and Conditions contained in the Su*scription 0greement. +&ease refer to the section headed .Ris% Factors/ for a summary of certain of the ris%s in,o&,ed. )his report is pro,ided for information purposes on&y and may not *e copied or distri*uted to any other person without the prior written consent of BisB. Note1 2ast ,a&uation date of the Fund may *e different from the date of this report.

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