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1. Start the computer.

2.Open the text document with word.

3. Write the sentences in the word.

4.In the firts sentence change the font size to 12 and change the letter to Liberation seriff. The text justified in left.

5. In the second sentence change the font size to 12 and change the letter to Liberation seriff. Press CTRL+N to bold type. The text have a space to left.

6. In the three sentence change the font size to 12 and change the letter to Liberation seriff. Press CTRL+N to bold type and the word "love" change the colour to pink.

7.In the four sentence change the font size to 12 and change the letter to Liberation seriff. Press CTRL+N to bold type, press CTRL+K to italic type and press CTRL+S in the word "kill" to underlined type. Select the sentence and change the colour to red. Change the text to centered.

8. In the five sentence change the font size to 26 and change the letter to Liberation seriff. Press CTRL+N to bold type, press CTRL+K to italic type. Fill the text with the colour blue. Change the text to centered.

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