Research Introduction

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Introduction Education is an important aspect of life.

It is where the minds of the youth are shaped to be utilized in the production of well educated, well informed and knowledgeable individuals. The central source of knowledge comes from the teachers and facilitators. The teachers or facilitators are the people in charge of the students' learning. They mold the future professionals. The definition of the word teacher from Merriam ebster's !ictionary is "guides the studies of , or to impart knowledge to." Each teacher has their specific way of delivering information to their students, they have their own teaching style that has its own disadvantages and advantages. #ccording to !aniel $. %chneider "teaching style refers to the teaching strategies and methods employed plus use of certain kinds of rhetorics. "There are other definitions by different people such as this one. "The term itself has no agreed definition but the more widely accepted definitions refer to it as "a set of teaching tactics" &'alton et al, ()*+, There are a lot of theories concerning teaching styles, they are classified by who it focuses on or what it focuses on. There are a few typologies of teaching styles such as the teacher centered, student centered, while some focus on monitoring or tutoring. In relation to the information cited above, the different types of teaching styles in every educational institution are immense. Each style varies from teacher to teacher and from sub-ect to sub-ect. .ut we will narrow it down to five types, namely/ E0pert, 1ormal #uthority, 2ersonal Model, 1acilitator, and !elegator &'rasha,())3,. !ue to the variations of the teaching styles, there is a rising 4uestion of which are effective and in effective. 5ur task therefore is to determine the perceived effectiveness of each teaching style. It is necessary to undertake this research to provide the valuable information that will help improve the 4uality of education. If we can determine the most effective teaching style, it will ma0imize the teachers' full potential. These will in turn affect the students in a good way.

Theoretical Framework

Teaching is the art of influencing the future generation by imparting the knowledge and monitoring the students' behavior. Teaching is an art because it calls for the e0ercise of talent such as creativity and resourcefulness to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations and difficulties. &6ulueta, 7++3, Teaching is also a science that is concerned with producing individuals that could be useful in the career world. It is a science for it involves a systematic and organized system of procedures, strategies, techni4ues, and mental skills in the attainment of knowledge and information they will e4uip the learners for a better 4uality of life. &6ulueta, 7++3, #ccording to the theories of 'rasha, dividing the teaching styles into two typologies &student centered and instructor centered, was not enough to e0press the broadness of the styles. 8e then divided it into four types namely the/ formal authority, demonstrator or personal model, facilitator and delegator. Teaching styles greatly affect the students' learning, It is the teachers uni4ue way in providing information. Each style is uni4ue but they will be classified by comparing the dominant characteristics. 9astly, each teacher is responsible for the students' academic performance and their teaching styles are an important factor to be considered in their education. Conceptual Framework Shown in figure 1 is the Conceptual Framework of the study. It can be noted in the figure given that there are four &:, factors as inputs for this research/ 2rofile of the respondents; %ub-ects involved; .ase teaching %tyles; and description of the teacher. 1urther e0planation of the same figure reveals that the profile of the respondents serves as the moderating variables of the study. These variables are the following/ age; gender; and grade<year level. 1I'=>E ( I?2=T 2>5@E%% 5=T2=T
PROFI ! OF T"!Comparati&e analysis of the R!SPO#$!#TS% respondents' perception in( percei&ed effecti&e A#ge the field of !ducation inteaching style in Indiana A'ender Indiana earning Center. earning Center A'rade<Bear 9evel and %ection S)*+!CTS% Comparati&e analysis of the AMath su,-ect in the Curriculum A%cience in&ol&ed. A8istory T!(C"I#. ST/ !S% A1ormal #uthority Comparati&e analysis of the A!emonstrator or 2ersonaldescription of the teachers Tutor and teaching styles. A1acilitator A!elegator $!SCRIPTIO# OF T"! T!(C"!RS ,y its% A2referred Teaching %tyle A#ttitude A8andled %ub-ect A ork E0perience

In addition of the variables as one category of input, the second input has to do with the sub-ects involved, namely/ Math; %cience; and 8istory. The ne0t variable is the Teaching %tyles based in 'rasha's Theories/ 1ormal #uthority; !emonstrator or 2ersonal Model; 1acilitator; and !elegator. To fully achieve the intended output of the study that of identifying the perceived teaching style of the Indiana 9earning @enter based on the effectiveness, the researchers undertook the following processes/ @omparative analysis of the respondents' perception in the field of Education in Indiana 9earning @enter; @omparative analysis of the description of the Teacher and Teaching %tyles. Statement of the pro,lem% It is the main goal of the study to determine the 2erceived Effectiveness of !ifferent Teaching %tyles on students in Indiana 9earning @enter and will serve as a basis of which teaching style maybe used in the classroom . %pecifically, the student seeks to identify the effectiveness of the teaching styles/ hat is the profile of the respondentsC (.(. , #ge (.7. , 'ender (.D. , 'rade<Bear 9evel 7. hat are the sub-ects involved in this studyC 7.(, Math 7.7, %cience 7.D, 8istory D., 8ow do the Teaching %tyles reflect the teachers' description in terms of/ :.(, 2referred Teaching %tyles :.7, #ttitude shown :.D, 8andled %ub-ect :.:, ord E0perience "ypothesis of the Study This study is based on the hypothesis that there are effective and non effective teaching styles based on the students' preference, the teacher's approach, topic or sub-ect and its relevance in the modern classroom Scope and $elimitation The study is primarily concerned with the perceived effectiveness of teaching styles in the &.E!, .asic Education @enter of Indiana 9earning @enter to the 8igh %chool ,Bear 7+(DA7+(:. It focuses on the teachers' best style in teaching which students can easily understand or will be interested and learn a lot from. This study does not cover Elementary %tudents. 5nly selected :+ %tudents from the 1irst year to Third Bear @lass will represent the entire 8igh %chool 2opulation of the .asic Education !epartment, Indiana 9earning @enter. #dditionally the appro0imate span of time that will be spent on the >esearch will be at least a month to successfully procure an agreeable margin of fact, ideas and generalizations; efficient time must be given to accommodate with the preparation and action to be done. (.

(. 7. D. :. E. 3.

(ssumptions The %tudents are fully capable of assessing the effectiveness of a teaching style. The teaching staff have uni4ue ways of teaching but will be grouped according to it's most prevailing characteristics. The students are capable of accepting<understanding the idea from different teaching styles. 1aculty members in the 8igh %chool !epartment have higher and lower standards in teaching styles. The teacher's behavior affects the 4uality of their teaching. The satisfaction of the students is based on the Teachers' Teaching %tyles.

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