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Comprehensive reproductive health package- Ngapudaw Township 1. Safe motherhood(Yes) 1. 2. 3. 4.

AN Delivery PN Newborn

2. Birthspacing(Yes) 3.RTI/STI/HIV (Yes)

4. Adolescent reproductive health(Yes Both in TH and Health Facilities) 5. Male involvement in RH(Nil) 6. BCC/HE/Advocacy/Volunteer(Nil) 7. GynaecologicalCancer(Nil) 8. Postmenopausal reproductive health(N) 9. Others (please specify) Detailed Activities Package

Safe motherhood A-1 Prenatal care Home based records (preparation of birth plans) Immunization against tetanus Detection and treatment of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy Detection and treatment of malaria Advice on early detection of complications and danger signs Provision of iron and foliate supplement Detection and treatment of anaemia Syphilis screening and treatment Treatment of intestinal parasites VCCT for HIV A-2 Delivery care Clean delivery practices

For Township Hospital and SH Yes, not enough Yes Yes(urine albumin, BP) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes (PMCT)

For Health Facilities

Not enough Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes



Administer oxytocic drugs in the third stage of labour Routine examination of placenta Administer parenteral anticonvulsants to treat pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Use of the partograph Administer oral and/or parenteral antibiotics Perform surgery A-3 Postnatal care Development of birth spacing plan and birth spacing service provision Early detection and management of complications of puerperium Detection and treatment of malaria Advice and support for breast-feeding, nutrition and healthy life style Provision of iron/folate supplement Detection and treatment of anaemia Provision of postnatal care within the first week Thorough review at 6 weeks post partum Immunization against tetanus (if not done during ANC) VCCT for HIV (if not done during ANC) Syphilis screening (if not done during ANC) A-4 Post-abortion care Post-abortion birth spacing service provision Counselling on birth spacing and other reproductive health issues for post-abortion clients Manual vacuum aspiration or management of incomplete abortion Prevention and management of sepsis, tetanus, injury, shock and haemorrhage A-5 Neonatal care Prevention and management of hypothermia Prevention and management of infections Promotion of initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding (first 6 months) Resuscitation of the newborn Care of the umbilical cord Early detection and management of neonatal jaundice Birth spacing and contraceptives Emergency contraception

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes (Not sure for SH) Yes Yes Yes Yes NO in PN No in PN Yes Yes Yes Yes No

No Yes No No Yes (Septrin) No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No Yes

Yes No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Mucus extraction only Yes Yes



Oral contraception Monthly and/or three monthly injectables IUDs Female sterilization STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS Condom promotion Diagnosis and treatment of RTIs and STIs VCCT for HIV Syphilis screening and treatment PMTCT Adolescent Reproductive Health Provision of sexual and RH information for young people Youth friendly clinics/centers Men's reproductive health Promotion of awareness of STI/HIV/AIDS Promotion of men's role in support of RH Promotion of community awareness about violence against women BCC/HE/Advocacy/Volunteer Gynaecological cancer Cervical cancer screening and treatment Breast cancer screening and treatment Postmenopausal reproductive health Counselling, including lifestyle and nutrition Others Please specify

No No No Yes

Yes (Not enough) Yes (not enough) No No

Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Initial step trained to BHS Refer to TH No Yes

Yes No

Yes (no IEC) No

Yes Yes but not so active functioning No No No No No

Yes Yes but not so active functioning No No No No No



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