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Database Management System B.

Tech/EEE/8th Semester/EEE-802C/2014

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

Full Marks: 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are requested to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP-A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: 10 X 1 = 10 i) Relational calculus is a A) Procedural language C) Data definition language B) Non- Procedural language D) High level language.

ii) Architecture of the database can be viewed as A) Two levels B) four levels. C) Three levels D) One level. iii) In a relational model, relations are termed as A) Tuples B) Attributes C) Tables D) Rows. iv) An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is a A) Strong entity set B) Weak entity set C) Simple entity set D) Primary entity set. v) In case of entity integrity, the primary key may be A) Not Null B) Null C) Both Null & not Null D) Any value. vi) Count function in SQL returns the number of A) Values B) Distinct values C) Groups D) Columns. vii) The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is A) Alter B) Update. C) Create D) Select. viii) TRUNCATE statement in SQL is a A) DML statement B) DCL statement C) DDL statement D) None of the above. ix) If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the primary key, the relation will be in A) First Normal Form B) Second Normal Form C) Third Normal Form D) Fourth Normal Form. x) Database locking concept is used to solve the problem of A) Lost Update B) Uncommitted Dependency C) Inconsistent Data D) All of the above. xi) The attribute that can be divided into other attributes is called A) Simple attribute B) Composite attribute C) Multi-valued attribute D) Derived attribute. xii) Which of the following is not an aggregate function? A) Min B) Max C) Select D) Avg.

GROUP-B (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three of the following 2. Explain physical data independence and logical data independence. 3. Explain Third normal form with example. 4. What are functions of BDA? 5. Explain the three tier architecture of DBMS. 6. What is two phase locking? Write down the ACID properties.

3 X 5 = 15 2.5 + 2.5 5 5 5 2+3

GROUP-C (Long Answer Type Questions) Answer any three of the following 3 X 15 = 45 7. Consider the following relations and write queries in Relational Algebra and SQL. Sailors (Sid, Sname, rating, Age) Reserves (Sid, Bid, Day) Boats (Bid, Bname, Color ) i) Find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103. 1.5+1.5 ii) Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat. 1.5+1.5 iii) Find the colors of boats reserved by Smith. 1.5+1.5 iv) Find the names of sailors who reserved a red or a green boat. 1.5+1.5 v) Find the names of sailors who have not reserved any boat. 1.5+1.5 8. a) Draw the ER diagram of Library Management System and Explain. 8 b) What do you mean by serializability? Consider two transactions T1 and T2. T1: R1(A) W1(A) R1(B) W1(B) T2: R2(A) W2(A) R2(C) W2(C) Let schedule S: R1(A) W1(A) R2(A) W2(A) R1(B) W1(B) R2(C)W2(C). Find out whether the given schedule S is conflict serializable or not. 1+4 c) What do you mean by transaction? 2 9. What is functional dependency? What is the need for normalization? Explain Second and Third normal form with example. Consider the relation--EMP_PROJ= {SSn, Pnumber, Hours, Ename, Pname, Plocation}. Assume {SSn, Pnumber} as primary key. The dependencies are {SSn, Pnumber} Hours; SSnEname; Pnumber {Pname, Plocation} normalize the above relation into 2NF. 3+3+3+6 10. a) Let R(ABCDE) be a relation schema and consider the following functional dependencies F = {AB E, AD B, B C, C D}, find out the candidate key. b) Write down the Armstrongs Axioms. c) Every relational in BCNF is also in 3 NF; however a relation in 3 NF is not necessary in BCNF. Explain. 4+7+4 11. Short note (Any three) a) Relational data Model. b) Sequential file organization. c) Query tree. d) Data dictionary. e) B+ tree indexing.
Answer of MCQ (GROUP-A) i)-B, ii)-C, iii)-C, iv)-B, v)-A, vi)-A, vii)-A, viii)-B, ix)-B, x)- D, xi)-B, xii)-C

3 X 5=15

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