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Spain is located on the Iberian peninsula in Europe. It is on the southern side of the Iberian peninsula, to the east of Portugal and south of france. The population of Spain is just over 47 million people. Spain is a constitutional monarchy, meaning that Spain has a king or queen. Since November 22, 1975 their king has been juan carlos 1st. A little about the climate in spain, spain has a very ordinary climate, hot dry summers, cool dry autumn, cool wet winter, and hot wet spring.

First great tourist spot is Pamplona, but only in the summer from July 6th to July 14th during the san fermin festival. The reason for this is the running of the bulls, people run from bulls released right in the street!

The next spot is the aqueduct of Segovia. I think this is a cool place to visit because of its historical significance, it still works, providing water to Segovia from the nearby frio river, it was built in 50 A.d.

The third place is el Escorial. I think this is a good tourist spot for its great history and beauty. Although it is now used as monastery, royal palace, museum, and school, in 1559 A.D it was the political center of Spain under king phillip 2nd.

The last tourist spot is the palacio real, it is the official residence of the king of spain, although it isnt used for anything besides ceremonies. It was built between 1738 and 1755 A.D and the first official resident was king carlos 3rd. Here is a video on food in spain, so you tourists know what to expect. Video on spain

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