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Lecture Fourteen 1. What are some of the main reasons for organizational resistance against change?

Some of the main reasons for organizational resistance against change are as follows: 1. Organization Culture The culture of an organization develops over time and may not be easy to change. n ineffective culture may result in a lac! of fle"ibility for# or acceptance of change. $. %aintaining stability Organizations# especially large scale ones# pay much attention to maintaining stability and predictability. The need for formal organization structure and the division of wor!# narrow definitions of assigned duties and responsibilities# established rules# procedures and methods of wor!# can result in resistance to change. &. 'nvestment in resources Change often re(uires large resources which may already be committed to investments in other areas or strategies. ssets such as buildings# technology# e(uipment and people cannot easily be altered. ). *ast contracts or agreements Organizations enter into contracts or agreements with other parties# such as the government# other organizations# trade unions# suppliers and customers. These contracts and agreements can limit changes in behavior. +. Threats to power or influence Change may be seen as a threat to the power or influence of certain groups within the organization# such as their control over decisions# resources or information. 2. List the steps for successful largescale change. ,otter and Cohn list the following eight steps for successful largescale change: 1. Create a sense of urgency among relevant people# whatever the nature or size of the organization. $. -uild a guiding team with the credibility# s!ills# connections# reputations# and formal authority to provide change leadership. &. Create visions which are sensible# clear and uplifting# and sets of strategies. ). Communicate the vision and strategy in order to induce understanding and commitment. +. .mpower action and remove obstacles that stop people acting on the vision. /. *roduce short0term wins that help to provide credibility# resources and momentum to the overall effort. 1. 2on3t let up but maintain the momentum# consolidate early changes and create wave after wave of change. 4. %a!e change stic! by nurturing a new culture# and developing group norms of behavior and shared values.

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