Integrated Map

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8th Grade Curriculum Map Integrated Course 2013-2014


Theory of Knowledge

Colonization/ Revolution


Westward Expansion

Industrial Revolution

Civil War


Driving Question

How do we know what we know?

How can we create liberty today?

How do leadership characteristics transcend time?

What is the cost of progress?

What are the positive and negative outcomes of scientific and technological advancements? 3 weeks -Industrial Revolution Test Inventions Presentation Didnt Do this

How can we abolish slavery today?

Are reforms and reconstruction valuable to our community?

Duration SS Content Formative and Summative Assessments

3 week
-Primary vs. Secondary Sources

7 weeks -Colonization Test -Revolution Test

8 weeks -Cabinet Meeting -Constitution Test -Mock Trial

6 weeks -1790 Debate simulation -Dept. of Energy Simulation -Westward Expansion Test -Socratic Seminar: Clean Energy

6 weeks -Civil War Test -Mock Trial

3 weeks -Civil War Test Reforms Debate

-How to read like a historian

-Socratic Seminar Jamestown vs. Massachusetts Bay Colony

Didnt Do this

-Small group sharing

Integrated Assessment

-Learning style survey results -Definition of Collaboration and Leadership

-Multimedia research on immigration. Informing immigrants on how to become US Citizens (Inform)

Multimedia research presentation presenting an argument about the how a contemporary leader and a past leader have the same leadership traits.(Argument)

Multimedia research presentation presenting the cost of progress from one particular group of people during westward expansion and today: Pros and Cons of each (Argumentative Writing and Presentation)

Multimedia Pro/Con presentation answering the driving question as it relates to the industrial revolution and today. (Informative Writing and Presentation)

Multimedia research presentation answering the driving question

-Create propaganda posters to illustrate reforms that have positively impacted the community

LA/Written Assessment

-Where Im from Narrative Poem

-Literary Analysis: Plot Analysis --Fiction Cold-Read Assessment -Non-fiction Cold Read Assessment Review Verbals and Parts of Speech (Not a Written Assessment)

-Non-fiction Analysis: The Business of Us All -Write a Bill (Technical Writing) -Perspective Narrative

-Character Analysis: Timed Writing with Uglies

-Travel Narrative with Uglies

-Argumentative Essay: How can a modern-day business abolish slavery today

Research Presentation

Review Ideas and Organization(Not a Written Assessment)

Review Voice and Word Choice(Not a Written Assessment) -Uglies -Non-fiction articles -Fiction Articles: Comparing film to text There Will Come Soft Rains Hunger Games Excerpt Dark Games Fiction Book Project Non-fiction articles -Literature Circles
-There Will Come Soft Rain -Non-fiction Articles

LA Texts

-Poems; Where Im From by Lyons -Short Stories

- Short Stories -And Then There Were None

-Emmett Till -A Christmas Carol

-Non-fiction articles -Literature Circle Books related to modern-day -Upfront Magazine progress Articles -I Rise by Maya Angelou -Beyond by Lynette -And Then There Were Elliot None by Agatha Christy -Jim Crow Laws from Plugged Into Non-Poetry: Oranges fiction -Cello of Mr. O and Smokey Night -The True Story of the Three Little Pigs


Theory of Knowledge

Colonization/ Revolution


Westward Expansion

Industrial Revolution

Civil War


Why do we study history? How best can I verbally convey information that I have researched?
Social Studies Essential Questions

How did contact between European colonists and Native Americans influence both? How did physical geography affect the development of the American colonies? How can the actions of one person influence or change history? How are economic and political decisions related? When is it alright to rebel against the government? Why did Americans pledge their lives, their fortunes, and

What were the political and philosophical origins of the United States Constitution? How do we form sustainable government?
What are the roles and functions of the three branches of government? How is the Constitution a living document? Could the Constitution be written without compromise?

Why did the United States feel a need to expand? What factors contributed to the migration of people west? How can the action of one person influence or change history? Is it moral to enforce ones personal beliefs on another person? How do different cultures shape the idea of moral or immoral (right or wrong)?

How did entrepreneurs and inventors contribute to economic development in America? How can the action of one person influence or change history?

Why was sectionalism more important than nationalism to southerners? How had the North and the South become so different? What fundamental rights are all people entitled to? In what ways can conflict be positive and in what ways can it be negative to an individual and/or a society? How have groups of people exercised control over others? For what reasons? How were the

How do we heal the wounds of division? To what extent should government enforce rules and regulations on their people?
How might life have changed for freed men and women during Reconstruction? What can primary accounts during Reconstruction tell us about Southern society during Reconstruction? Can Reconstruction be considered a time of progress? Was the Civil War

What questions do historians ask to help them understand the past? What tools do historians use to learn about the past? What steps do historians take as they answer historical questions?

their sacred honor?

oppressed able to subsist?

worth its costs?


Theory of Knowledge How are themes and motifs universal? How does writing affect the attitudes and belief of its author?

Colonization/ Revolution How do I construct a thoughtful response to literature?

Constitution How do readers effectively activate background knowledge and seek out credible information? Why is it important for writers to understand others perspectives? How do readers make connections in unlike texts with common thematic ideas? How can a reader differentiate between the tone of writing to determine its credibility?

Westward Expansion Why is it important to establish credibility of sources? Why is it important for a writer to use details, conventions, and structure to create coherent writing? What is the cost of progress ?

Industrial Revolution How and why does a writer use literary devices to enhance the and determine the theme? How does the writer determine connections between individuals, ideas, and events in literature?

Civil War How will the purpose of a speech determine the content and delivery?

Reconstruction How can I use informational materials to make decisions and solve problems? How can I create clear and concise technical documents?

LA Essential Questions

How do we gain knowledge? How can I generate and organize ideas for different writing genres? Why do readers and writers need to collaborate in order to clarify ideas?

What are the literary devices, and how do they enhance our reading and writing? Communication? Why do people desire social justice and fight for it? How is the plot of a story constructed? How do readers and writers identify relevant evidence to support ideas?

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