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Reference: APA: Journal

Click here to automatically cite a Journal. How to Cite a Journal in Print in APA Structure: Last, F. M., & Last, F. M. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume( ssue), !!. Pa"e(s). Examples:

Jacoby, #. $. (%&&'). Public attitudes to(ard "o)ernment s!endin". American Journal of Political Science, 38(*), ++,-+,%. Fearon, J. .., & Laitin, .. .. (*//+). 0thnicity, nsur"ency, and Ci)il #ar. American Political Science Review, 97(/%), 12. doi3 %/.%/%145///+/22'/+///2+'

How to Cite a Journal Online in APA Format: Last, F. M. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume( ssue), !!. Pa"e(s). 6etrie)ed 7rom 86L. Example:

Poi"er, 8. $. (%&&,). 6ock 9n9 6oll, Female 5e:uality, and the Cold #ar ;attle o)er $erman dentities. The Journal of Modern Hi tor!, "8(+), 211. doi3 %/.%/<,4*'2+'+.

How to Cite a Journal on a Database in APA Format: Last, F. M. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume( ssue), !!. Pa"e(s). 6etrie)ed Month .ate, Year 7rom 86L. Examples:

Jacoby, #. $. (%&&'). Public attitudes to(ard "o)ernment s!endin". American Journal of Political Science, 38(*), ++,-+,%. 6etrie)ed 7rom htt!344(((.=stor.or". .a)is, 0. (%&+*). >e( Cha!ters in American ?istory. The Science New #$etter, %%(,/2), +/,-+/1. doi3 %/.*+/14+&/1&1+ .

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