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Identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood: A metaanalysis. Authors: Kroger, Jane1 jane.kroger@uit.

no Martinussen, Monica1,2 Marcia, James E.3 Source: Journal of Adolescence. ct2!1!, "ol. 33 #ssue $, %&'3-&('. 1&%. )ocument *y%e: Article Su+,ect *erms: -IDENTITY ./sychology0 in youth -IDENTITY ./sychology0 in adolescence -ME*A-analysis -1 23#*4)#2A1 method -A) 1ES5E2* %sychology -6 4*7 -- /sychology -58 SS-sectional method -5 M/A8A*#"E studies A+stract: A+stract: *he %resent study 9as designed to e:amine de;elo%mental %atterns of identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood through meta-analysis. Some 12< studies a%%earing in /syc#2= , E8#5, Sociological A+stracts, and )issertation A+stracts #nternational +et9een 1(&& and 2!!$ %ro;ided data. All calculations 9ere %erformed using the soft9are %rogram, 5om%rehensi;e Meta-analysis. 8esults from longitudinal studies sho9ed the mean %ro%ortion of adolescents ma>ing %rogressi;e identity status changes 9as .3&, com%ared 9ith .1$ 9ho made regressi;e changes and .<( 9ho remained sta+le. 5ross-sectional studies sho9ed the mean %ro%ortion of moratoriums rising steadily to age 1( years and declining thereafter, 9hile the mean %ro%ortion of the identity achie;ed rose o;er late adolescence and young adulthood? foreclosure and diffusion statuses declined o;er the high school years, +ut fluctuated throughout late adolescence and young adulthood. Meta-analyses sho9ed that large mean %ro%ortions of sam%les 9ere not identity achie;ed +y young adulthood. /ossi+le reasons for this %henomenon are e:%lored.@AAS*8A5* =8 M A4*7 8B Copyright of Journal of Adolescence is the property of Academic Press Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder s e!press written permission. "owever# users may print# download# or email articles for individual use. $his abstract may be abridged. %o warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. &sers should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.5o%yright a%%lies to all A+stracts. Author Affiliations: 1 4ni;ersity of *romsC, )e%artment of /sychology, (!3D *romsC, 2or9ay 2 5enter for 5hild and Adolescent Mental 7ealth, 4ni;ersity of *romsC, *romsC, 2or9ay 3 Simon =raser 4ni;ersity, "ancou;er, 5anada #SS2:

!1<!1(D1 ) #: 1!.1!1&E,.adolescence.2!!(.11.!!2 Accession 2um+er: $33'1<$& )ata+ase: Academic Search /remier

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