Activity Prepphye136 Soccer

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Physical Education Unit Preparation Guide

UNIT or ACTIVITY:___Soccer__________________________ YOUR NAME: Christi !olli"ield

!I#TORY or $AC%GROUN& O' T!E ACTIVITY OR #PORT: Soccer was played as a sport in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC in China. Growth of modern soccer was started in England. Old rules allowed kicking punching !iting and gouging. "t was then !anned in #3$% !ecause of &iolence. 'odern day soccer is credited to starting in Britain and Scotland and England are considered co(founders. #)#% modern soccer !ecame popular in colleges uni&ersities and schools. *he foundation of soccer was esta!lished in #)$+. ,",- was esta!lished in #+./ and is responsi!le for organi0ing the first world cup in 1ruguay. 2%. million players play today and soccer is considered the most popular sport in the world. ETI(UETTE: ,air play losing a match should !e more fun than winning !y cheating. O!ser&e the laws of the game. *hey were created to make the game fun to watch and play. 2espect teammates opponents referees officials and spectators. -ccept defeat with dignity. #A'ETY: -nkle sprains are most common with hamstring pulls and tears ne3t. 4arm up to get !lood flowing and then stretch slowly. Soccer cleats are needed for e3tra traction. Shin guards protect lower leg in5uries. Soccer socks are needed to keep shin guards in place. 'outh guards will protect teeth lips cheeks and tongue. "t will also help pre&ent head and neck in5uries such as concussion and 5aw fractures. Be aware of other players around you to a&oid collisions. 1se proper techni6ue to a&oid in5ures. "nspect field for holes or items to trip on. 'ake sure goals are secured to ground. E(UIPMENT NEE&E&: Soccer !all soccer cleats socks shin guards and mouth guards. 4ear appropriate work out clothing. Goals.

RU)E#: Each team has ## players on the field. *here are 3 or / referees a central 2 assistants and sometimes a fourth for minor issues and in5uries. *he assistants help central with fouls off sides and out of !ounds. Game duration is two /% minute hal&es with #% minute !reaks in !etween. O&ertime is 2 mini #% minute periods and a kick off if needed. *he !all is kicked to start or restart game if a goal is scored or !all goes out of side lines. Goal kick is awarded to defending team if offense took !all out of play on defense goal line. Goal keeper kicks from safety !o3. "f defense touches !all last and !all goes o&er the goal line the offense earns a corner kick. -n indirect free kick is awarded when the team produces non penalty foul. - direct free kick is caused !y foul. 7enalty kick is caused !y foul and occurs in defense penalty area. Ball is in play unless out of !ounds. Goals are # point when !all crosses goal line. Offense must !e e6ual or !ehind the !all and last opponent or off sides is called. 4hen !all goes out of !ounds opponent of last player who touched !all must throw in. Both feet must !e on ground and !all thrown o&erhead. P)AYING AREA &IMEN#ION# or MAR%ING#: 8ength of field !etween +.m(#2.m width is !etween /%m and +.m depending on league. Goal !o3 is 2/9 wide 3 )9 deep. 7enalty !o3 is #2 yards from goal. :alfway line includes a #. yard circle for kickoff. *he touchline shows the perimeter of the field. * MU)TIP)E C!OICE TE#T (UE#TION# 'OR T!I# #PORT:

+, !o- .any players are there on each tea./ a, +0 1, 2 c, ++ d, 3 4, 5hen is o""sides called/ a, 5hen o""ense is in "ront o" 1all and last opponent 1, 5hen o""ense is out o" 1ounds c, 5hen o""ense in the center circle, 6, !o- lon7 does a soccer 7a.e last -ithout o8er ti.e/ a, 49:* .inute hal8es 1, 49 +* .inute hal8es c, + hour d, :* .inutes

:, #occer is the .ost played sport a, In the United #tates 1, In the -orld c, In Idaho d, In $ritain *, A penalty ;ic; occurs -hen a, Player is o""sides 1, A "oul occurs c, A 7oal is scored d, A player steps out o" 1ounds,

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