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Physical Education Unit Preparation Guide


$ISTO"Y or AC&G"OUN% OF T$E ACTIVITY O" SPO"T: In the winter of 1887 a group of Yale and Harvard Alumni were gathered waiting the results of a Yale-Harvard football game. When results came that Yale won an e!cited Yale alumni grabbed a bo!ing glove and threw it at a Harvard Alumni. He then grabbed a broom stic" and tried to hit it. #eorge Hancoc" who was a reporter for the $hicago %oard of &rade had an idea and suggested a game of indoor baseball. 'oftball was originall( called )"itten ball* and was later named softball in 1+,- and was included in the Amateur 'oftball Association in 1+... ETI'UETTE: &he pitcher should never deliver a ball until the batter is read(. /ielders shouldn0t use e!cessive force when tagging runners. 1erc( rules can be implemented to prevent lopsided games. SAFETY: 'creening should be used to protect pla(ers in dugout and benches. &he field should be maintained with no sin" holes stumps or roc"s in the infield or outfield. /ences walls and posts should be padded for runners tr(ing to catch balls and running into them. E'UIP#ENT NEE%E%: $atchers to wear full face mas" and throat protection with helmet. 2la(ers to wear cleats and batters are to wear helmets with ear protection. "U!ES: 'oftball games consist of 7 innings. &he distance between bases is -3 feet which is .3 feet shorter than in baseball. %ase runners are not allowed to lead off or steal bases. &he( can0t leave the base until the ball leaves the pitchers hand. &here are 13 pla(ers in the starting lineup. $atcher pitcher 1st ,nd .rd base right field center field left field and , short stops. P!AYING A"EA %I#ENSIONS or #A"&INGS: &he softball field is -30 between bases. &he pitches area is an 80 radius. &he catchers bo! is 130 in length and 8 40 wide. &he outfield is ,53 meters.

( #U!TIP!E C$OICE TEST 'UESTIONS FO" T$IS SPO"T: 1. How man( innings are pla(ed in softball6 a. + b. 7 c. 11 ,. How man( feet are between the bases on the softball field6 a. .3 feet b. -3 feet c. +3 feet .. What (ear did softball originate6 a. 1833 b. 1887 c. 1++, 7. %atters re8uired to wear helmets6 &rue or /alse6 5. 9unners are allowed to steal bases. &rue or /alse6

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