Adverb Notes1

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The Adverb

**Definition An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Adverbs Modifying Verbs

When an adverb modifies a verb, it answers one of the following !estions" #. Where$ %. When$ &. 'ow$ (. To what e)tent$


Where$ We lived there. ,lease ste+ up. - have the here.

When$ May we go tomorrow$ Water the +lant weekly. We/ll see yo! later.

'ow$ 0he quickly agreed. The rain fell softly. Drive carefully.

To what e)tent$ - am completely ha++y. 'e hardly moved. Did she hesitate slightly$

Adverbs Modifying Adjectives 0ometimes an adverb modifies an adjective.


1eth did an e)ce+tionally fine job. 2The adjective fine modifies the no!n job.3 2The adverb exceptionally modifies the adjective fine.3

The car had a slightly damaged fender. 2The adjective damaged modifies the no!n fender.3 2The adverb slightly modifies the adjective damaged.3

4re !ently !sed adverbs that modify adjectives" e)tremely dangero!sly definitely !ite entirely rather com+letely terribly !n!s!ally es+ecially s!r+risingly dreadf!lly

Adverbs Modifying 5ther Adverbs

0ometimes an adverb modifies another adverb.

*)am+les 6alvin was almost never late. 2The adverb almost modifies the adverb never.3

We/ll meet shortly afterward. 2The adverb shortly modifies the adverb afterward.3

0he sle+t too late. 2The adverb too modifies the adverb late.3

4orms of Adverbs Many adverbs end in 78ly.9 While this is tr!e, there are many adverbs that do not end in 78ly.9 Also, there are +lenty of other words that do end in 78ly9 and are not adverbs.

The sol!tion$ 4ig!re o!t what f!nction the word is serving in the sentence. -f the word is modifying a verb, adjective, or another adverb then it is an adverb.

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