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Character Chart Characters full name: Einstein Walter Nut Reason or meaning of name: Einstein as when he was a baby

he fell out of a tree and hit his head so he isnt the brightest squirrel out there and Walter Nut in reference to his lifelong ambition to obtain the biggest Walnut in the world. Characters nickname: Brains Reason for nickname: Ironic nicknames given to him by family and friends as he has none. Birth date: March 14th, 2009 Physical appearance Age: 5 years old Weight: 1.5lbs Height: 18cm Body build: Curved in the appearance of tear drop shapes Shape of face: Oval shaped with a triangular nose Eye colour: Green Glasses or contacts: No Skin tone: Pale Pink Distinguishing marks: Small clipping missing in his left ear and a section of fur missing from his tail. Predominant features: Long Nose and goofy front teeth Hair colour: Dark Red / brown Type of hair: Scruffy / Bedraggled Voice: Goofy / Nasally Overall attractiveness: Not very / Dim / Simple looking Physical disabilities: No Personality Good personality traits: Brave / Empathetic /Loyal / Faithful / Compassionate / Optimistic Bad personality traits: Lack of Common Sense / Possessive / Obsessive / Impulsive / Foolish Mood character is most often in: Daydreaming / Zoned out Sense of humour: Laughs at anything and tries to make jokes in order to be accept however people are usually laughing at him and not with him. Characters greatest joy in life: Nuts Characters greatest fear: Never finding the worlds biggest nut Why? Because he believes that if he finds the worlds biggest nut he will achieve ultimate happiness and finally be accepted by his fellow squirrels who constantly mock him for his lack of brains and common sense. Priorities: Discovering the worlds biggest nut Life philosophy: When life gives you nuts, eat them Characters soft spot: Nuts / Flowers / Anything cute Is this soft spot obvious to others? Blatantly Greatest strength: His determination Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His desperation and the lengths in which he goes to

too obtain the worlds biggest nut. Biggest regret: He has none Biggest accomplishment: Finding a 10gram conker Minor accomplishment: Finally stopping the draft that blew into his tree by creating a barrier of leaves and general debris to create a draft excluder. Goals Drives and motivations: Nut collecting Immediate goals: To collect as many nuts as possible especially the worlds biggest one. Long term goals: Finally receiving acceptance from his fellow squirrels How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By continuous hunting for nuts and trying to become more socially involved. How other characters will be affected: It doesnt matter to them as they will always laugh at Einstein and treat him as a joke and ostracise him. Past Hometown: Oakwood Valley Nature Reserve Type of childhood: After his accident his father disowned him and paid more attention to his other brothers however the love from Einsteins mother only grew towards him as she pitied him and blamed herself for not being able to prevent his fall. This caused jealousy amongst his siblings as they to became bitter towards him therefore, leading his mother to suggest finding a nut in order to make a game in which everyone could play. This inexplicitly led to his life-long ambition as he still strives to find the worlds biggest nut although his mother has long past and only created the suggestion as away to socialise with his siblings. First memory: Waking up in A and E after his fall at the age of 1 (He has no memory of anything before) Most important childhood memory: The first time he started to realise that his brothers treated him differently from one another. Why: Because he realised he would have to go to any lengths to gain their love and social acceptance. Education: Oakwood Valley High Religion: Atheist Present Current location: Willow Wood Manor Currently living with: Alone Pets: None Occupation: Food Gatherer Family Mother: Lady Hazel Nut the 1st Relationship with her: Strong relationship with her before she passed as she pitied him and felt guilty for not preventing his accident. Father: Lord Chester Nut 3rd Relationship with him: Weak relationship with his son as he disowned his after his accident as he believes his son to be too simple to carry on and be associated with their esteem family name.

Siblings: Chip / Woody / Sid / Dexter / Alvin / Jane / Sandy / Penny Relationship with them: They all envy the attention he receives from their mother and do not accept him, excluding him from games. Spouse: No Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: No Relationship with them: N/A Habits Hobbies: Tightrope Walking / Sleeping / Nut collecting Plays a musical instrument? Flute Plays a sport? Tag / Kiss Chase How he/she would spend a rainy day: In his tree admiring his nut collection and sleeping Smokes: No Drinks: No Other drugs: No What does he/she do too much of? Spends too much time coming up with ridiculous plans to collect more nuts What does he/she do too little of? Getting things right and grasping social situations Extremely skilled at: Getting himself into awkward situations Extremely unskilled at: Socialising Mannerisms: Scratches obsessively Peculiarities: Zones out with a blank stare on his face mid conversation Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimistic Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly / Messy Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: He doesnt particularly see himself as excluded or simple, unless it is said directly to his face and even then he continuously attempts to obtain social acceptance but overall is happy living in his bubble. One word the character would use to describe self: Optimistic One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: A happy go lucky, fellow with a friendly approach and simple outlook on life. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? His brains (or lack of) What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His head strong approach to situations and impulsiveness What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? All of them What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? He has none How does the character think others perceive him/her: With a hint of jealousy of his brains and nut collection however he doesnt believe this affects their relationship towards him.

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His relationship with his father Relationships with others

Opinion of other people in general: Everyone is a friend waiting to be made, especially strangers Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes especially his desperation for acceptance from his father Person character most hates: No-one Best friend(s): Everyone in his opinion Love interest(s): Fleur La Cashew Person character goes to for advice: His siblings Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Everyone but particularly his family and friends Person character feels shy or awkward around: His father Person character openly admires: Everyone especially his brother Chip Person character secretly admires: No one he openly admires all others Most important person in characters life before story starts: His mother

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