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The scary monster in the frightening desert near the fabulous Las Vegas

WARNING!! The following story may confuse people wea er ner!es calm" I heard this story from my grandfather#s cousin#s niece#s brother#s father" This is a true story" The famous $ran %rebin hundred colonel wanted to catch the notorious scary monster" &e new that the monster is not what it seems" According to the last reports the monster situated in the 'o(a!e %esert" )o he went to the 'o(a!e %esert* where he wanted to (ump out of the plane with parachute" &owe!er* he didn+t now how to open the parachute" When he landed in the desert* he saw a sign" &e thought that the monster left" &e began to follow" After an hour he found a ca!e" &e decided to enter" When he entered* he saw a lot of terrorists* who wanted to blow up a nuclear bomb" ,uic ly to sa!e the world from terrorists* he illed one thousand terrorists and disarmed fifty thousand* alone" &e became angry* when he didn+t see any signs of the monster" When he got to temporary house in Las Vegas the door was open" &e thought this is the monster" &e too his shotgun and ran into the house" A man sat on the

chair" %rebin captured him" &e remo!ed the mas " &e couldn+t belie!e his eyes" &e was the most wanted criminals in the world" &e called the police* the $-I* the army and his boss" %rebin told him the news" &e couldn+t belie!e his ears" $ran %rebin got an award and li!ed happily until he died"

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