Choose The Correct Word or Phrase.: Determiners

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Choose the correct word or phrase.

1- They havent got 2- Would you like 3- I think we need - There! much / some/ many / no money in the bank. orange juice?

a few / a little/ several / a small number little / many / any / some more milk.

not many / very few / no / a small amount many / any / some / few hel$.

time the!e day! to do anything.

"- #ou never give me %- There i!

hardly any / very few / a lack of / not many

&ruit le&t. more chair! in the

'- (ont worry) There are ne*t room. +- ,eira ha! !aved you - . There! very

a great deal of / a large amount / much / many

a little / any / a few / much


few / little / a few / a little

time be&ore the train leave!.

1/- Either / all / much / both 11- Neither / all / none / some 12- Im going to a!k 13- (ave ate

o& tho!e !hirt! i! &ine0 thank!. o& my three children have been to !ee u! yet. o& you to !$eak &or two or three minute!. cake! in any / many / no / all time)

every / none / either / each

all the / a whole / the whole / much

1 . We had two idea!0 some / all / none / neither 1"- There were !$eed camera!

o& which worked. &ew kilometer!.

some / many / every / each

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