Scientific Method Lab Worksheet

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Virtual Lab: The Scientific Method Lab Worksheet Submit your answers by clicking on the homework/quiz submission link

for The Scientific Method! in Moodle" Table #: $%erage Tem&erature of 'ackets 'acket (olor Black Blue Green Yellow White +ost,laboratory -uestions: 1. An experiment is a specific test of a: a. theory b. hypothesis c. variable d. control . Which variables are usually observed for chan!e in an experiment" a. constants b. dependent variables c. independent variables d. controlled variables #. $nformation !athered durin! experiments is%are called: a. conclusions b. a theory c. hypothesis d. data Wool o( )ylon o( *enim o(

&. Which of the followin! is an education possible answer based on what you know and observe" a. conclusion b. hypothesis c. data d. prediction

'. Which of the followin! were controlled variables in this experiment" ()elect all that apply* a. amount of li!ht b. color of +acket c. fabric of +acket d. amount of heat absorbed e. amount of time exposed to li!ht ,. -he respondin! (dependent* variable in this experiment was: a. amount of li!ht b. color of +acket c. fabric of +acket d. amount of heat absorbed e. amount time exposed to li!ht .. -he manipulated (independent* variable in this experiment was: a. amount of li!ht b. color of +acket c. fabric of +acket d. amount of heat absorbed e. amount of time exposed to li!ht Based on your experimental results0 for which color was heat absorption the hi!hest" a. black b. blue c. !reen d. yellow e. white Based on your experimental results0 for which color was heat absorption the lowest" a. black b. blue c. !reen d. yellow e. white



12. 3onsider the followin! hypothesis0 45oes fertili6er make a plant !row bi!!er"7 Which of the followin! would be an independent variable in an experiment desi!ned to test this hypothesis" a. type of fertili6er used b. type of plant used c. amount of fertili6er !iven to plants

d. hei!ht of plants 11. 8umber the steps of the scientific method in order from first (1* to last ('*. 99999 make conclusions 99999 observe and :uestion 99999 develop a hypothesis 99999 analy6e the data 99999 test a hypothesis

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