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Virtual Lab: The Scientific Method Lab Worksheet Submit your answers by clicking on the homework/quiz submission link

for The Scientific Method! in Moodle" Table #: $%erage Tem&erature of 'ackets 'acket (olor Black Blue Green Yellow White Wool o( 30.8 29.1 28.3 28.9 25 29.1 28.1 27.4 27.8 24.6 )ylon o( 29.6 28.5 27.8 28.3 24.9 *enim o(

+ost,laboratory -uestions: 1. An ex eri!ent i" a " eci#ic te"t o# a$ a. theor% b" hy&othesis c. &aria'le (. control 2. Which &aria'le" are u"uall% o'"er&e( #or chan)e in an ex eri!ent* a. con"tant" '. (e en(ent &aria'le" c" inde&endent %ariables (. controlle( &aria'le" 3. +n#or!ation )athere( (urin) ex eri!ent" i",are calle($ a. conclu"ion" '. a theor% c. h% othe"i" d" data

4. Which o# the #ollowin) i" an e(ucation o""i'le an"wer 'a"e( on what %ou know an( o'"er&e* a. conclu"ion b"hy&othesis c. (ata (. re(iction

5. Which o# the #ollowin) were controlle( &aria'le" in thi" ex eri!ent* -.elect all that a l%/ a" amount of light '. color o# 0acket c. #a'ric o# 0acket (. a!ount o# heat a'"or'e( e" amount of time e.&osed to light 6. 1he re" on(in) -(e en(ent/ &aria'le in thi" ex eri!ent wa"$ a. a!ount o# li)ht '. color o# 0acket c. #a'ric o# 0acket d"amount of heat absorbed e. a!ount ti!e ex o"e( to li)ht 7. 1he !ani ulate( -in(e en(ent/ &aria'le in thi" ex eri!ent wa"$ a. a!ount o# li)ht b"color of /acket c. #a'ric o# 0acket (. a!ount o# heat a'"or'e( e. a!ount o# ti!e ex o"e( to li)ht Ba"e( on %our ex eri!ental re"ult"2 #or which color wa" heat a'"or tion the hi)he"t* a" black '. 'lue c. )reen (. %ellow e. white Ba"e( on %our ex eri!ental re"ult"2 #or which color wa" heat a'"or tion the lowe"t* a. 'lack '. 'lue c. )reen (. %ellow e" white



10. 3on"i(er the #ollowin) h% othe"i"2 45oe" #ertili6er !ake a lant )row 'i))er*7 Which o# the #ollowin) woul( 'e an in(e en(ent &aria'le in an ex eri!ent (e"i)ne( to te"t thi" h% othe"i"* a. t% e o# #ertili6er u"e( '. t% e o# lant u"e( c" amount of fertilizer gi%en to &lants

(. hei)ht o# lant" 11. 8u!'er the "te " o# the "cienti#ic !etho( in or(er #ro! #ir"t -1/ to la"t -5/. 5 !ake conclu"ion" 1 o'"er&e an( 9ue"tion 2 (e&elo a h% othe"i" 4 anal%6e the (ata 3 te"t a h% othe"i"

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