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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

____________________________________________Review Paper

Vayasthapak- The Ayurvedic Anti aging drugs

Mishra RN Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India. _____________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT The Ayurved helps maintain youth and counters the aging and its allied ill-effects with three pronged approach. First it recommends the countering of aging and its adverse effects by use of Vayasthapak drugs (age stabilizers), the second approach is to rejuvenate the aged body by using Jeevneeya group of herbs (vitalisers) and the third approach is Jarachikitsa i.e. Rasayan chikitsa. (rejuvenative process and formulations). This Review Article researches the classic Ayurvedic Texts and gives the details of herbs and processes involved in these systems, in countering the aging and allied damages to the body and mind. The modern research has covered a lot of pharmacological screening of most of these herbs but somehow anti aging aspect of research still needs to be focused. The reason could be the variance in stating the therapeutic benefits in the individual monograph of the herbs and the three classes mentioned above. This review article may help to some extent in focusing the future anti aging research to these herbs. Key Words: Anti aging, Vayasthapak, Rasayan, Age stabilizer, Vitalizer. 1 INTRODUCTION The Ayurved counters the aging and its allied ill-effects with three pronged approach. First it recommends the countering of aging and its adverse effects by use of Vayasthapak drugs (age stabilizers) and the second approach is to rejuvenate the aged body by Jeevneeya drugs (vitalisers) and the third approach is Jarachikitsa i.e. Rasayan chikitsa. (rejuvenating process and formulations). 2 VAYASTHAPAK DRUGS (AGE STABILIZERS) 2.1 Mahakashay (Great Extractives) The one approach is the prescription of a group of herbs named Vayasthapak i.e. age stabilizer. Under the 50 Mahakashay i.e. great extractives1, all classes of great extractives are mentioned that cures various diseases or help contribute to positive health like age stabilization or enhancing aphrodisiac power.

2.2 Vayasthapak Mahakashay.(Age stabilizing Great Extractive) Vayasthapak is 50th number of Mahakashay. This Vayasthapak group contains 10 herbs.2

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

These herbs are listed below. 1. Guduchi. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Miers 2. Haritiki. Terminalia chebula Retz 3. Amalki. Emblica officinale Linn 4. Yukta. Pluchea lanceolata OLIVER & HIERN. 5. Shweta. Clitoria ternatea 6. Jeewanti. Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn. 7. Atirasa. Asperagus racemosus 8. Mandookparni. Centella asiatica (Linn) Urban 9. Sthira. Desmodium gigenticum D C 10. Punarnava. Boerhaavia diffusa Linn 2.3 In order to get maximum benefit from the herbs, one must use the herbs of Himalayan origin. The best quality herbs and fruits are those which are grown in the Himalaya3

The information regarding taxonomy, the other names and the therapeutic uses of these ten herbs in the Ayurvedic texts is detailed below. 2.4 Guduchi Tinuspora cordifolia (Willd) Miers Taxonomic classification Kingdom : Plantae Division : Magnoliophyta Class : Magnoliopsida Order : Ranunculales Family : Menispermaceae Genus Tinospora Species :T. Cordifolia Binomial name :Tinospora cordifolia Synonyms; Cocculus cardifoliusdec; Menispermum cardifolium willd M.glabrum, Tinospora glabra

2.5 Origin of Guduchi, its other names, qualities and therapeutic uses. 4

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

2.5.1 Origin of Guduchi The genesis goes back to Ramayan era, the kidnapping of Sita and the war that followed, in which Ram led the army of monkeys to fight the all powerful demon king Ravan. In this war, the proud of his strength, Ravan, the foe of devtas, was killed. Indra, the thousand eyed and the chief of Devtas, was very pleased with Ram. So Indra sprinkled Amrit i.e. nector on all dead monkeys and brought them back to life. Wherever the Amrit drops fell on ground, due to the spilling, the Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) was born. 2.5.2 Other names of Guduchi Guruchi, Madhuparni, Amrita, Amritvallari, Chhinna, Chhinnaruha, Chhinodbhava, Vatsadni, Jeevanti, Tantrika, Soma, Somavalli, Kundali, Chakralakshinika, Dheera, Vishalya, Rasayni, Chandrahasa, Vayastha, Mandali and Devnirmita. 2.5.3 Therapeutic uses of Guduchi Rejuvenator, Strengthening, Increases the digestive capacity, Helps Cure Thirst, Burning sensation, Obesity, Cough, Jaundice, Anemia, Leprosy. It is anthelmintic, antiemetic and antipyretic. It strengthens heart and balances all three Dosha. 2.6 Haritiki Terminalia chebula Retz 2.6.1 Taxonomic classification Kingdom : Plantae Division : Magnoliophyta Class : Magnoliopsida Order : Myrtales Family : Combretaceae Genus : Terminalia Species : T. chebula 2.6.2 Origin of Haritiki 5

How did it originate! Where! How many species are there! What are main tastes and sub-tastes! How many names does it have! And what are characteristics of these various species of Haritki and what are different uses of them!

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

What is its different combination with other herbs and these combinations are effective against which disease! Please answer my question exactly in the way, they have been asked. Daksh Prajapati replied that once upon a time, while Indra was sipping Amrit (nector ).one drop of it fell on earth from his mouth and from that divine drop of Amrit, seven species of Haritaki were born. 2.6.3 Other names of Haritiki6

Abhaya, Pathya, Kayastha, Pootna, Amrita, Hemvati, Avyarha, Chetki, Shreyasi, Shiva, Vayastha, Vijaya, Jeevanti, Rohani. 2.6.4 Uses of different species of Haritiki7

Vijaya and Jeewanti Haritiki are useful in all diseases. Rohini cures skin diseases including boils. Pootna is used for external application. Amrita is used for purification. Abhaya is good for curing eyes diseases. Chetki is used for powder preparations and good laxative. Haritiki is Rejuvenator and antiaging, strengthening, beneficial to the eyes and enhances intelligence. It is anthelmintic, cures piles, inflammation, voice related throat problems and leprosy. It also cures thirst, hiccup, cough, itching and heart, liver and spleen diseases. It is used in urinary diseases and stones. 2.7 Amalki 8 -Emblica officinalis Gaertner

2.7.1 Scientific classification Kingdom : Plantae Family :Phyllanthaceae Genus :Emblica. 2.7.2 Other names of Amalki-Emblica officinale: Vayasya, Amalki, Vrishya, Shiva, Dhatriphalrasa, Shriphal and Amritphal. 2.7.3 Therapeutic uses of Amalki- Emblica officinale : The therapeutic properties of Amalki are similar to Haritiki.(T. chebula). It is rejuvenator, body strengthener and aphrodisiac par excellence.. It balances all three Dosha.

2.8 YUKTA - Pluchea lanceolata OLIVER & HIERN.9

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

2.8.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Asteraceae Subfamily: Asteroideae Tribe: Plucheeae Genus: Pluchea 2.8.2 Other names of YUKTA Rasna, Yuktarasa, Rasya, Suvaha, Rasna, Rasa, Elaparni, Surasa, Sugandha and Shreyasi. 2.8.3 Therapeutic uses of YUKTA It digests aam (the undigested food which gets absorbed) and cures 80 types of Vat related diseases. It cures cough, stomach diseases and inflammation. It is also analgesic and detoxifier. 2.9 SHWETA Clitoria ternatia10

2.9.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Rosids Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Genus: Clitoria Species: C. ternatea Binomial name: Clitoria ternatea L 2.9.2 Other names of SHWETA (Blue and White color flower) Koya, Aasphota, Girikarni, Vishnukanta and Aparajita. 2.9.3 Therapeutic uses of SHWETA It enhances intelligence, quality of voice and improves eye sight. It cures skin diseases including leprosy, urinary diseases and inflammation. It is detoxifier. 2.10 JEEWANTI - Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn.11

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

2.10.1 Scientific classification Genus:Leptadenia Family: Apocynaceae Subfamily:Asclepiadoideae Tribe:Ceropegieae Subtribe: Leptadeniinae. Also placed in: Asclepiadaceae 2.10.2 Other names of JEEWANTI Jeewni, Jeeva, Jeevneeya, Madhusrawa, Mangalyanamdhewa, Shakshreshtha and Payashwini. 2.10.3 Therapeutic uses of SHWETA It is rejuvenator and strengthening. It is beneficial to eyes and balances all three Dosha. 2.11 ATIRASA- Asparagus racemosus WILLD.12

2.11.1 Scientific classification Kingdom- Plantae clade- Angiosperms Order: Asparagales Family: Asparagaceae Subfamily: Asparagoideae Genus: Asparagus Species: Asparagus racemosus Willd. Synonyms: Asparagus rigidulus Nakai, Protasparagus racemosus (Willd.) 2.11.2 Other names of Atirasa: Small Shatawaris other names- Bahusuta, Bheeru, Induvari, Vari, Narayani, Shatpadi, Shatveerya and Peevri. Big Shatawaris other names-Mahashatawari, Shatmooli, Oordhvakantika, Sahastraveerya, Hetuh, Rishyaprota and Mahodari 2.11.3 Therapeutic uses of Atirasa It is rejuvenator, strengthening, aphrodisiac and enhances intelligence. It increases digestive capacity. It is galactogogue and beneficial to eyes. 2.12 MANDOOKPARNI.- Centella asiatica (Linn) Urban13

2.12 .1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order: Apiales

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

Family: Mackinlayaceae Genus: Centella Species: C. asiatica Binomial name: Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Synonyms: Hydrocotyle asiatica L., Trisanthus cochinchinensis Lour. 2.12.2 Other names of Mandookparni Brahmi, Kapotvanka, Somvalli, Saraswati, Manduki, Tvadrishti, Divya, Mahaushadi 2.12.3 Therapeutic uses of Mandookparni It is rejuvenator, detoxifier and age stabilizer. It improves the memory and intelligence. It cures leprosy, jaundice, purifies blood and is analgesic and antipyretic. 2.13 STHIRA. Desmodium gigenticum D C Pennel14

2.13.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Phylum:Magnoliophyta Class : Rosopsida Order : Fabales Family : Fabaceae Genus : Desmodium Species : Gangeticum shalparni (L.) DC. 2.13.2 Other names of Sthira Shalparni, Soumya, Triparni, Peevri, Guha, Vidarigandha, Deerghangi, Deerghrapatra and Anshumati. 2.13.3 Therapeutic uses of Sthira It is rejuvenator and strengthening. It is analgesic, antiemetic and balances all three Dosha. 2.14 PUNARNAVA - Borhaavia diffusa Linn15

2.14.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Order: Family: Genus: Caryophyllales Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia

Species: B. diffusa Synonyms: Boerhavia adscendens, B. caribaea, B. coccinea, B. erecta, B. paniculata, B. repens, B.viscosa. 6 species are found in India B. diffusa, B.chinensis, B. erecta, B. repens, B. rependa, and B.rubicunda. Boerhaavia diffusa

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

2.14.2 Other names of Punarnava Other names of White Punarnava: Punarnava, Shvetmoola, Shothaghni and Deerghpatrika Other names of Red Punarnava: Raktapunarnava, Raktapushpa, Shilatika, Shothaghni, Kshudravarshabhu, Varshketu and Katillabh. 2.14.3 Therapeutic uses of Punarnava It is detoxifier and blood purifier, It increases the digestie capacity and relieves stomachache. 3. JARAA-CHIKITSA / RASAYAN-CHIKITSA (REJUVENATION THERAPY) 3.1 The Ayurved is originally called Astanga-Ayurved i.e. Ayurved with eight parts or divisions. Out of eight parts, one part is devoted to the cure of aging and its adverse effects. This part is called Jaraa-chikitsa, commonly known as Rasayan-chikitsa.(science of rejuvenation)16

From the rasayan treatment, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorders, youthful age, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, oratory, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, respectability and brilliance. It means the attaining the excellent Rasa etc. 3.2 RASAYAN BENEFITS17

As was the nector to the gods and ambrosia for the serpents so was the Rasayan for the great sages in early times. The persons using Rasayan treatment in early ages lived very long life unaffected by old age, debility, illness untimely death. Rasayan is the seventh division of the eight divisions of Ayurved. The Rasayan drugs and formulations provides longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorders, youthful age, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, oratory, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, respectability and brilliance. 3.3 Rasayanas treatment of different kinds 3.3.1 Classical methods18

3.3.2 Kutipraveshika Indoor : A special cottage is built on a auspicious ground, in the neighbourhood of holy people and where all conveniences are available. It has three rooms one after another, all-weather worthy. It must be sound proof.

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

3.3.3 Vatatapika Open air :This method is outdoor method. 3.3.4 Kamya Rasayans (use oriented) 1. Medhya Rasayan: Promote intelligence Specific formulation is prescribed. 2. Prana Rasayan: Promote age-stablization, longevity and vitality- Most formulations are in this category. 3. Srikamya Rasayan: Promote complexion Specific formulations are prescribed. 3.3.5 Rasayanas based on drug, diet and life style. 1. Aushdha Rasayana - Drug Based Rasayana. 2. Ahara Rasayana - Dietary Rasayana. 3. Achara Rasayana - Lifestyle Rasayana. 3.3.6 Naimittika Rasayans help to fight a specific disease. Presently considerable research is being carried out on various Rasayan Products and the herbs to screen them for various therapeutic benefits. But the research is focusing only one or couple of aspects of Rasayans therapeutic benefits. The exhaustive research on all therapeutic benefits of single Rasayan product will be more conclusive validation of claims of classical Ayurvedic texts. Some research on Rasayan drugs and formulations is briefly reviewed below. 4 Jeevaneeyagan1,19

This mahakashay (great extractive) is the first one of the fifty mahakashay. The eight herbs mentioned below constitute the Jeevaneeyagan (vitalisers). These herbs are aphrodisiac, strengthening, blood purifier, conception plus and galactogogue. Collectively these herbs are also named as Astavarga. As the original herbs have become extinct, the substitute herbs are in use today. 4.1 Astavarga Herbs i. Jeevak - SubstituteVidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa (ROXB. EX. WILLD.) DC. ii. Rishbhak Substitute... Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa (ROXB. EX. WILLD.) DC.) iii. Meda - Substitute Shatawari mool (roots of Asparagus racemosus WILLD.) iv. Mahameda- Substitute.. Shatawari mool (roots of Asparagus racemosus WILLD.) v. Kakoli-SubstituteAswagandha mool (Withania somnifera Dunal) vi. Ksheerkakoli SubstituteAswagandha mool (Withania somnifera Dunal) vii. Riddhi - SubstituteVarahikand (Diascorea bulbifera Linn) viii. Vriddhi -SubstituteVarahikand (Diascorea bulbifera Linn) 4.2 Vidarikand- Pueraria tuberosa (ROXB. EX. WILLD.) DC.20

4.2.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

(unranked): Order: Family: Genus:

Rosids Dioscoreales Solanaceae Withania.

4.2.2 Other names of Vidarikand Vidari, Swadukanda, Krostri, Sita, Ikshugandha, Ksheervalli 4.2.3 Therapeutic uses of Vidarikand It is rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, strengthening and age stabilizer. It is diuretic, improves voice and complexion. It is galactogouge. 4.3 Shatavari mool12Roots of Asperagus racemosus Detailed under point no.2.11 4.4 Ashwagandha mool21 Roots of Withania somnifera

4.4.1 Scientific classification: Kingdom:Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Genus: Withania Species: W. somnifera Binomial name: Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Synonyms: Physalis somnifera. 4.4.2 Other names of Ashwagandha Hayavhaya, Varahkarni, Varda, Balda, Kusthgandhini, Vajigandha and Haygandha 4.4.3 Therapeutic uses of Ashwagandha It is very potent aphrodisiac, rejuvenator and strengthening. It cures leprosy. 4.5 Safed moosli-22Asperagus adscendens Roxb

4.5.1 Scientific classification Kingdom:Plantae Class: Equisetopsida C. Agardh Subclass: Magnoliidae Novk ex Takht. Super order: Lilianae Takht. Order: Asparagales Link Family: Asparagaceae Juss. Genus: Protasparagus Obermeyer Binomial name: Asperagus adscendens Roxb Synonyms: Asparagopsis adscendens (Roxb.) Kunth .

4.5.2 Other names of Safed moosli

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

Shwetmoosli, Moosli 4.5.3 Therapeutic uses of Safed moosli It is rejuvenator, strengthening and aphrodisiac. It cures piles 4.6 Mugdhaparni 23-Phaseolus trilobus Ait

4.6.1 Scientific classification Kingdom:Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Rosids Family: Leguminoseae 4.6.2 Other names of Mugdhaparni Kakparni, Suryaparni, Alpika, Sahaa, Kakmugda and Marjargandhika 4.6.3 Therapeutic uses of Mugdhaparni It is aphrodisiac, beneficial to eyes, analgesic and cures burning sensation and piles. 4.7 Mashaparni24- Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng.

4.7.1 Classification System: APG III (down to family level) Regnum: Plantae Cladus: Angiosperms Cladus: Eudicots Cladus: Core eudicots Cladus: Rosids Cladus: Eurosids I Ordo: Fabales Familia: Fabaceae Subfamilia: Faboideae Tribus: Phaseoleae Subtribus: Glycininae Genus: Teramnus Species: Teramnus labialis Subspecies: T. l. subsp. arabicus - T. l. subsp. labialis - T. l. subsp. labialis. 4.7.2 Other names of Mashaparni Kamboji, Haypuchchhika, Pandulomashparni, Krishnavanta and Mahasahaa. 4.7.3 Therapeutic uses of Mashaparni It is aphrodisiac and purifies blood. It cures piles and inflammation.

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

4.8 Varahikand25- Diascorea bublifera Linn

4.8.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Monocots (unranked):Rosids Order: Dioscoreales Family: Dioscoreaceae Genus: Dioscorea 4.8.2 Other names of Varahikand Gristi, CharmkaralukVarahvadna and arda. 4.8.3 Therapeutic uses of Varahikand It is rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, strengthening and age stabilizer. It improves complexion and voice. It increases the digestive capacity, cures cough, leprosy and is anthelmintic. 4.9 Kapikachchhu- Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.

4.9.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked):Rosids Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Tribe: Phaseoleae Genus: Mucuna Species:M. pruriens Binomial name: Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. 4.9.2 Other names of Kapikachchhu Atmagupta, Vrishya, Markati, Ajadaa, Kandura, Vyanga, Dushsprasha, Pravrishaayli, Langli and Shookshimbi. 4.9.3 Therapeutic uses of Kapikachchhu It is potent aphrodisiac and strengthening. 4.10 Yastimadhu 27 - Glycerrhiza glabra

4.10.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms

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International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

(unranked): Eudicots (unranked):Rosids Order:Fabales Family:Fabaceae Subfamily: Faboideae Tribe: Galegeae Subtribe Glycyrrhizinae Genus: Glycyrrhiza L. 4.10.2 Other names of Yashtimadhu Yashtimadhu, Yashtimadhuk and Clitanak. 4.10.3 Therapeutic uses of Yastimadhu It is aphrodisiac, strengthening and detoxifier. It improves complexion, voice and hair growth. It is anti emetic, cures thirst, boils and inflammation. 5 RASAYAN FORMULATIONS 5.1 Additionally there are many important Rasayan formulations which are rejuvenator and age stabilizer. Some important ones are refered below. 5.2 Chwayanprash: In the present time, this is the most famous Rasayan formulation. This may be a rare product named after the patient (Rishi Chwayan for whom Ashwini Kumar created this product.) It contains anti aging, strengthening, aphrodisiac and vitaliser herbs.28

5.3 Indra Rasayan is detoxifier and provides immunity against all diseases, promotes longevity, provides strength to psyche, memory, intellect, physique and senses. It is aphrodisiac. It promotes energy, complexion and voice.29

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

5.4 Brahmarasayan 30 This formulation is very important although it is not as well known as earlier one. As per the Ayurvedic texts, the famous Rishies of Vaikhanas and Balkhilya group used this Brahmarasayan and attained immeasurable life span, acquired youth replacing aged physique, endowed with great memory, intellect, concentration and physical strength. 5.5 The Second Brahma Rasayan 31

This Second Brahma Rasayan was used by great sages in ancient times and provides immunity against diseases, great strength and the long life. It is great detoxifier and provides mind like sages and rock like firmness of body. 5.6 Special Rasayan product of Emblica officinale, Borhavia diffusa, Puerraria tuberose with other herbs32

By its use, the life span increases to hundred years without the effect of weakness of any kind, memory and intelligence remains intact, immunity protects against the diseases and great aphrodisiac powers are bestowed upon

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

5.7 Shilajeet Rasayan formulation33

The Shilajeet Rasayan provides immunity against all diseases. It provides great energy to the healthy person if one complies with the dose and schedule. 5.8 Medhya Rasayan34

The Medhya Rasayan is specifically intellect promoting and bestows longevity. It also provides immunity against diseases, strength, complexion, voice and digestive capacity. The herbs used include juice of Bacopa monnieri, the powder of Glycerriza glabra in milk, the juice of roots, stem and flowers of Tinuspora cordifolia and paste of Convolvulus pluricaulis. 6. CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS The modern research has covered a lot of pharmacological screening of most of these herbs but somehow anti aging aspect of research still needs to be focused. The reason could be the variance in stating the therapeutic benefits in the individual monograph of the herbs and the three classes mentioned above. This review article may help to some extent in focusing the future anti aging research to these herbs. REFERENCES 1. Charak Samhita, Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 1 Sutrasthanam, Chapter IV, 24, Shloka, 1998. 2. Charak Samhita, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 1 Sutrasthanam, Chapter IV, 29, Shloka 18 part 50. 3. Charak Samhita, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 1 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter I, Rasayan Adhyaya, Quarter 1, pp 5, Shloka 38-40 4. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 269, Shloka 1-10. 5. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 1, Shloka 1-4. 6. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 1, Shloka 6-7. 7. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 2, Shloka 11-18. 8. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 10, Shloka 38-41. 9. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 79, Shloka 162-164. 10. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 342, Shloka 111112. 11. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 295 Shloka 50-51. 12. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 392, Shloka 184188. 13. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 461, Shloka 279281.

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

ISSN: 2229-3701

14. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 285, Shloka 31-32. 15. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 423, Shloka 232233. 16. Charak Samhita, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 1, pp 3-4, Shloka 7-8. 17. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1,Qtr 1, pp 12, Shloka 78-80. 18. Charak Samhita, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 1 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter I, Rasayan Adhyaya, Quarter 1, pp 4, Shloka 16-22. 19. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 298, Shloka 57-59. 20. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 387, Shloka 180182. 21. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 393, Shloka 189190. 22. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 389, Shloka 183. 23. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 296, Shloka 52-54. 24. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 297, Shloka 55-56. 25. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 386, Shloka 177179. 26. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Guruchyadi Varga, pp 356, Shloka 129130. 27. Bhav Prakash Nighantu, 1998 Chaukhambha Vishwabharti, Chapter Haritkyadi Varga, pp 65, Shloka 145-146 . 28. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Section 6, Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 1, pp 9, Shloka 62-74. 29. Charak Samhita, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 4, pp 30, Shloka 13-26. 30. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 1, pp 6-7, Shloka 41-57. 31. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Section 6, Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 1, pp 8-9, Shloka 59-61. 32. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 2, pp 14, Shloka 4. 33. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 3, pp 26 , Shloka 62-65. 34. Charak Samhita, P. V. Sharma, 4th Edition, 1998 Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Section 6 Chikitsasthanam, Chapter 1, Qtr 3, pp 23 , Shloka 30-31.

Vol. 3 (1) Jan Mar 2012


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