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When someone says, STOP or expresses uneasiness, respect their boundaries.

Remember Sexual Harassment is against the law. Flex Plan Retirement does not tolerate any form of Sexual Harassment. Report any act of sexual harassment. Protecting each other and working together is very important. STOP Sexual Harassment.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Several forms: Unwelcomed sexual advances in exchange for favorable treatment, or under the threat of unfavorable treatment. Sexually related behaviors that create a hostile environment. Persistent and unwanted communication in a sexual nature. Sexual assault can also be a form of sexual harassment.

Why its important:

Can create fear and intimidation. Be an attempt to control someone. Leads to tension or conflict in a residential community or workplace.

How to Stop it:

Dont put up with it, most situations get worse instead of better. Tell the person to stop, verbally or in writing. Dont forget there are people who can help

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