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OmniAll Corporation

New Employee Training

OmniAll's online New Employee Training course is designed to introduce you and all other new employees to OmniAll policies and procedures.
At OmniAll, every employee, client, and business associate is important to the continued success of the company. It is important to us that our employees are equipped to support these ideas, and this vision.

This module presents an overview of OmniAll and an introduction to the other modules in the course. To complete the module, you must view each of these six sections as well as some review exercises. When you are finished viewing the sections, there will be a test.

Corporate Vision
OmniAll Corporation follows a stated Corporate Vision which is supported by our Corporate Values. OmniAll strives daily to be the premier supplier of outsourced plastic components in the world. OmniAll: Moulding Our World

Corporate Policies
The policies module in this course will introduce you to our corporate polices and to our Employee Benefits and Profit Sharing programs.
As an OmniAll employee, you are required to adhere to the I.T Security Document and the General Policies outlined in the Employee Manual. Corporate Policies are meant to guide all behavior at OmniAll. If you have questions about any of these policies, please contact the Human Resources office at your local facility.

Business Divisions
OmniAll's business falls into three main areas.
The percentage of revenue represented by each is shown in this chart and the table shows revenue by division in the last three years.

Corporate Values
OmniAll Corporation's stated Corporate Vision is meaningless unless we uphold it by our commitment to our Corporate Values. These values guide our business, and ultimately, define our success.

You have completed this introduction module of OmniAll New Employee Training.

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