Important Dates 2013-14

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Important Dates Discovery Kindergarten

March 21st April 4th April 11th April 18th May "th May *th May 12th May 14th May 2'rd 'rd 4th &th No school for the afternoon class (records day) Spring Break: No School No school: ood !riday

#rack and !ield $ay: Both classes %ill attend in the afternoon 11:&& ':1&p() No school for the $isco+ery ,indergarten classes) -t is ro.nd/.p day for ne0t year1s children) 2a(p field trip Spring M.sic 3rogra(: Morning 2lass 15:55 6igh School !le0 2enter Michigan Snack $ay: 7ach child (ay in+ite one g.est) (More infor(ation %ill follo%) -(agination Station !ield trip (rain date: 4th) 9ast day of school for the (orning class 9ast day of school for the afternoon class

:::: -nfor(ation %ill follo% on each e+ent; as needed)

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