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Recuperation work for 4th Bimester Grade eighth 1) fill the table with adjectives and their opposite

Adjective Opposite

2) look at the image and make 20 positive or negative sentences with modal verbs (can, should, must, have to, etc)


fill in the blanks with the adjective in brackets and make comparative and superlative sentences: 1 !" brother is####################### (tall) than me 2 $anc" is ############################ (intelligent) girl in the classroom 3 %our father is ######################### (old) than "ou & 'his dress is ############################ (e(pensive) than those shoes ) *s *talian food ########################### (good) than +merican food,

&) -hose the correct answer 1) 'he black pig was than the pink pig + fat . fatter - fattest 2 *n the group of bo"s, 'om was the bo" + big . bigger - biggest 3 'his is the book in his stud" + good . better - best & 'im/s watch was than 0im/s watch + e(pensive . more e(pensive - most e(pensive ) -hristmas sales are when the stores are at their + bus" . busier - busiest 1 2f the two chairs, the leather one was than the wooden chair + comfortable . more comfortable - most comfortable 3 'he moment in m" life was on the da" that * got married + happ" . happier - happiest 4 * find that addition is than division + simple . simpler - simplest 5 *t is often to look for solutions instead of running awa" from "our problems + eas" . easier - easiest 10 6"dne" is the cit" in +ustralia + large . larger - largest

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