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Certificate II in Workplace Practices

Enterprising People
The characteristics of enterprising people Enterprising people can turn ________________ into reality. Enterprising people are often willing to take _________________ and commence new businesses they are called ________________. They can get an idea off the ground and they have the skills and knowledge to ________________ and ________________ themselves and _________________.




others ideas manage

Enterprising People (cont.)

If you are a person who is ______________ to achieve, a person who sets goals and who likes the ________________ of new experiences, then you demonstrate _____________________ skills. Enterprise skills and positive personal attributes combined with the key competencies equip you to effectively engage in _______ and ___________ activities.

work enterprise

life challenge

Enterprise Skills

Enterprising People
Think of 5 people who are enterprising. Why did you choose them? What did they do to be enterprising?


The Key Competencies

Enterprise skills and key competencies are not industry specific. This means that these skills and competencies are __________________________________________________ relevant to all industry areas and enable people to __________________________________________________ effectively engage in the workplace __________________________________. Industry specific skills, on the other hand, are those skills needed in a particular industry ______________________________________ for example, typing speed, customer service, welding, making a coffee.

An enterprising approach to a project

Change the world for ten bucks We are what we do Team Tasks Form teams or 4-5 and allocate positions for each person Brainstorm ideas for a marketing campaign. How would you market this idea to the general public? Create a PowerPoint to present your campaign to the class.

An enterprising approach to a project

Individual Tasks Create a flyer or brochure to promote your idea. Write a business letter to the local radio station to promote your marketing campaign to them and ask them for air time to promote your idea. Send a memo to all staff explaining the marketing campaign to them. At the conclusion of your presentation, complete the report on page 17.

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