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Ver 2-28-2014 3:44pm


Standardized Assessment Audit

This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into by and between the Minneapolis Public Schools (District) and the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) and will remain in effect for the duration of the !"#$"% &ollecti'e (argaining Agreement) WHEREAS, The MFT and MPS share an interest in rethin*ing instructional time and ensuring the ma+imum time a'ailable for instruction) WHEREAS, The MFT and MPS are interested in collaboration and a goal of assessment being to inform instruction and illustrate what a student *nows and can do) WHEREAS, The MFT and MPS wish to impro'e their testing and assessment practices to ensure we are gathering meaningful and useful student data to impro'e student results NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the District and ,nion hereby agree to form a Tas* Force to determine") .ow many assessments are gi'en and the purpose for collecting the data/ ) .ow much student instructional time is lost/ #) ,sefulness of the information data gathered by assessments/ 0) Determine the 1uality of each assessment/ %) 2hether the tests are gathering redundant information/ 3) 2hether the assessments are necessary to impro'e teaching and learning/ 4) 5s there alignment to curriculum/ 6) 2hat is the in'estment of time and resources associated with testing/ and7 8) Are the assessments fairly constructed and without bias) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: ") The tas* force will be made up of teachers from a 'ariety of grade le'el and discipline and rele'ant district personnel) ) The tas* force will start meeting beginning April !"0 and will ma*e initial recommendations by 9une #!7 !"0 for implementation for the !"0$"% school year)

BE IT FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT to the e+tent that this Memorandum of Agreement may be construed as a de'iation from the terms of the !"# : !"% &ollecti'e

Ver 2-28-2014 3:44pm (argaining Agreement between the District and the ,nion7 it shall not form the basis of any precedent that may be cited by any teacher in any grie'ance that may be filed)

For the District: By: Its: ________________________ ________________________

For the Union: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Date: ________________________

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