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2014 Proposed CA Framework & Modes of Assessment Secondary 3 Express

Term 1 and 2 !"omeo and #$%&et'

Mode of Assessment Pen and Paper Performance Portfo%&o *CT+,ased Tota% Poss&-%e


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Percenta)e 15 20 15 30 20 100


Mode of Assessment Term Pen and Paper 1 Tota% Poss&-%e Mode of Assessment Pen and Paper Tota% Poss&-%e Term 2

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Mode of Assessment Term Pen and Paper 3&* Performance 1 Portfo%&o *CT+,ased Tota% Poss&-%e Mode of Assessment Term Pen and Paper 3 Tota% Poss&-%e Mode of Assessment Term Pen and Paper * Tota% Poss&-%e

(ork +nseen Prose Essay Class &est ! +nseen Prose ,rou- Presentation on +nseen Prose Online Assess ent .0/ CA2 (ork Co

Percenta)e 30 30 20 20 100

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Percenta)e 100 .0/ CA2 100 Percenta)e 100 100

(ork 'A2 (o eo an$ )uliet & +nseen Prose

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