Theworldin 2030

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The World in 2030

A write up by Anugyan Sharma Student of Grade 3, Riverstone International School, Boise, Idaho, USA

The below write up is a compilation of available information on the Internet and any discrepancies in the comments and associated values used are not typical. Some of the views/inputs expressed are solely that of the author and not intended to represent any scenario.

Special thanks to: My Grandfather, Professor PB Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi Technological University, for guiding and motivating me for this write up. My class teachers, Ms. Sally Stewart and Ms. Joanne Sours for their consultation and guidance for this project on The World in 2030. My elder brother, Aishwarya, for all his help to teach me website tools and internet search engines.

We live in world today which is witnessing mind boggling technology innovations and yet creating an uncertainty about the future. We are heavily dependent on ever rising consumption of electrical energy and are rapidly depleting reserves of natural resources. Further the water crisis is looming large on humanity and the food crisis is also posing a major threat in the coming years. So it is difficult to predict the world in 2030. The world of 2030 is exciting, challenging, and full of fun and energy; we just need to be focused on making sure that technology integrates well within the social life and is used for betterment of mankind.



A shift from fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil to renewable such as Solar, Biomass, Wind and future fuel such as Hydrogen is eminent. Energy harvesting shall become a mass movement. The world is in an energy crisis, so we have to develop new technology so people throughout the world can have access to energy. This would involve using solar panels, windmills, and water plants to supply energy to people.



By 2030 we should witness E-vehicles; battery operated cars, motorbikes and buses as well as batteries charged by solar energy. Revolutionary changes in design including flying cars, folding cars, and personalized transport will dominate by 2030. The cars we have today release pollutants into the air and this causes the air to be polluted and harmful to health. Therefore we need vehicles that use renewable energy sources. This could include hybrid cars and cars that run on alternative energy. If we make these changes now, the future in 2030 will have a clean and healthy environment.


Housing and habitat:

We shall be moving to green buildings using renewable in a big way including solar passive buildings, use of environmentally friendly materials and construction and technology. In 2030 we will be living in buildings that will be built out of materials that are friendly to the environment and will not be harmful to animals or to people. With growing population it will be important to provide enough space for each person in the house. This will have to include compact spaces and conserving furniture.



It is here that convergence technologies and advances of new materials shall give rise to new communication systems supported by breakthrough computation and intelligent and smart network. Communication without devices leading to mind to mind connectivity may become a reality. In 2030 we will be able to communicate with devices that use less energy and power to send messages through satellites. That will let energy travel everywhere in the world and let everyone communicate with each other. If we make this change now everyone can communicate with each other.


Climate change:

Climate change is a reality. Were already seeing its impact in the extreme weather patterns, and rising sea levels. Even if all greenhouse gases were to stop tomorrow, the effects of our past pollution will continue to work their way through for at least the next 30 years. The earlier we adapt, and plan to adapt, the less it will cost and the better able we will be to handle the changes that are coming.


Food and water security:

Water is a key to food. Crops and livestock need water to grow. Agriculture requires large quantities of water for irrigation and of good quality for various production processes. Irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater appropriated for human use. Water is a crisis in the world everywhere; In 2030 we will have water transporters that will transfer water everywhere in the world. This will also help water crops and plants in farms everywhere in the world. We should make this change now so that people everywhere can have water.


Population Growth:

The world population is predicted to grow from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 8.3 billion in 2030 and to 9.1 billion in 2050. By 2030, food demand is predicted to increase by 50% (70% by 2050). The main challenge facing the agricultural sector is not so much growing 70% more food in 40 years, but making 70% more food available on the plate. By 2030, the world will need an estimated 40% more freshwater and 50% more food and energy. This accelerating demand is due in part to the world's rapidly expanding population but also to climate change, increasing urbanization and growing prosperity all of which have an impact on the availability and use of resources.

Increase in Demand in 2030

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