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Teaching Reading Technique for SMP Level

Mellyana A1B210026 Ana Robbiatusholli A1B210052

What is Think-Pair-Share technique?
What is its purpose?

How does it works?

Why should we use this technique?

What is Think-Pair-Share technique?

It is It is a learning strategy developed by Frank
Lyman, and associates to encourage student

classroom participation.

What is its purpose?

Students become actively involved in thinking about the concepts presented in the lesson. Revealed and then resolved their misunderstandings about the topic.

Students are more willing to participate
Think-Pair-Share is easy to use on the spur of

the moment.
Easy to use in large classes.

How does it works?

Give students a reading passages and ask them to think the answer for the question given. Students pair up to talk about the answer each came up with. Compare their answers and identify them as the best, most convincing, or most unique.

After students talk in pairs for a few moments,
the teacher calls for pairs to share their

thinking with the rest of the class.

Why should we use this technique?

Think-Pair-Share is helpful Giving a chance to silent student to speak up his thought at least to someone in this way. Increasing peer acceptance, peer support,

academic achievement, self-esteem, and interest

in other students and school


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