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Presentation Submission: COM426

CDMA: Major Pros and Cons

Roderick Turner, March 8 2012 d!anta"es o# C$M %1& Robust ' as a resu(t o# usin" a )ide s*ectra( distribution o# ener"+, C$M is not a##ected si"ni#icant(+ b+ noise or inter#erence occurrin" in narro) s*ectra( re"ions %2& $i!ersit+ Recei!ers ' #or T$M s+stems mu(ti*ath si"na(s re*resent inter#erence and distortion o# recei!ed si"na(s, Since C$M uses code corre(ation in the recei!ers, it can corre(ate mu(ti*(+ de(a+ed si"na( !ersions and use these as !a(id si"na(, increasin" its o!era(( si"na( to noise rece*tion, -,., R /- recei!er 0i", 1 01.2R- 1: R /- Recei!er %Pah(a!an and /rishnamurth+ R-0 2&

%3& 4o 0re5uenc+ Reuse 1ssues ' since a(( users continuous(+ share the same s*ectra( channe( *o)er mana"ement in a ce(( e(iminates #re5uenc+ reuse com*(ications %4& So#t 6ando!ers ' due to there bein" no need to s)itch channe(s, so#t hando!ers #rom ce(( to ce(( can be *ro!ided ' (ess disru*tion, smoother transition $isad!anta"es o# C$M %1& 4ear70ar *rob(em ' since a(( users broadcast on the same #re5uenc+, subscribers c(ose to the base station are heard more (oud(+ than those #ar a)a+, Re5uires care#u( *o)er contro( %2& Ce(( breathin" ' due to base station broadcastin" on the same #re5uenc+ to a(( users, and (imited base station *o)er, the more users in a ce(( the sma((er the ce(( is %base station can8t "et enou"h si"na( *o)er to those at the *eri*her+& %3& Se(#79ammin" ' S:4 de"rades #or (ar"e numbers o# users since the si"na( o# a(( others is back"round noise, (so, ad;acent ce((s ha!e users )ith the same codes so can inter#ere )ith each other, so the s+stem e##ecti!e(+ <;ams8 itse(#, %4& Critica( Timin" ' since code corre(ation is used to e=tract si"na(s, timin" s+nchroni>ation o# base stations and mobi(es is critica( and must be care#u((+ contro((ed

%1& ?ire(ess Communications: Princi*(es and Practice, T,S, Ra**a*ort, Prentice 6a(( PTR %2002&, ISBN 0-13042232-0 %2& Princi*(es o# ?ire(ess 4et)orks % 2ni#ied **roach&, /, Pah(a!an and P, /rishnamurth+, Prentice 6a(( PTR %2002&, ISBN 0-13-093003-2 %3& .PRS and 3. ?ire(ess **(ications, Christo##er ndersson, 9ohn ?i(e+ and Sons %2001&, ISBN 0-47141405-0 %4& en,)iki*edia,or":)iki:Com*arison@o#@mobi(e@*hone@standards

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