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Genetic Biodiversity

Tommy Morteboy Biology

Genetic Biodivercity

Genetics of cheetah
Acinonyx Jubatus, Acinonyx means what genes they come from and Jubatus means what species they belong in

About 10000 years ago all species of Genus Acinonyx became extict beacause of climate change Except Jubatus the only left in the Acinonyx Jubatus which became geneticaly inbreed in other words they were closely related Cheetahs are on the population bottleneck which means a low divesity in genes this means they have to bread with family or close relatives

20000 years ago they lived spread around the world in places like North America, Africa, Europe and Asia

Genetic inbreed makes them suffer from a lack of biodiversity genetics, this means they are not able to survive climate change, and this causes extinction

To be able to prevent this animals eztinction Zoo"s are taking care of the in captivity and they make them mate so their biodiversty of genes grow as well as their whole Genus.

This will prevent the animals extinction of the Genus and be able to save an animal that is known all around the world and make the world a better place to live in

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