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Feudal Japan Textbook Assignment Rubric

Well Above Expected Standard Tasks completed

Above Expected Standard At expected Standard
All five pages completed and all required information (written, visual, glossary, questions) included Has created an informative text that is accurate and complete, using deliberate language and textual choices. No spelling or grammar mistakes. Correct use of historical terms.

Below Expected standard

Four tasks completed or three completed with one required element missing

Well Below or not shown

Two tasks or less completed or three or four completed with more than one required element missing Text is somewhat accurate or missing large sections. Some grammar and spelling mistakes.

History /Literacy: Written information reconstruction of summarised notes To describe Feudalism, Way of Life, Use of Resources, Decline of the Shogunate Communicating (Presenting) Visual information inclusion of appropriate pictures, maps, diagrams etc

Has created an informative text which is accurate and complete and shows some rearrangement of original notes and replacement vocabulary to create individual presentation. No spelling or grammar mistakes. Correct use of historical terms All required visual elements are present, relevant and engaging. Images are comprehensive in detail and information provided makes material very clear for the audience.

Has created an informative text which is accurate and complete and shows some rearrangement of original notes to create individual presentation. No spelling or grammar mistakes. Correct use of historical terms. All required visual elements are present, relevant and engaging and some effort has been made to include additional material or greater detail, making material clear for audience. Pages properly headed, sub-headings used, good use of colour, pictures appropriately sized and placed. Page logically set out and easy to follow

Text is largely accurate. Some information is missing or incorrect. Few spelling and grammar mistakes. Generally correct use of historical terms.

Presentation Title, sub-headings use of colour, page set out, page appearance Comments:

Pages properly headed, sub-headings used, good use of colour, pictures appropriately sized and placed. Page logically set out and looks professional

All required visual elements are present. Presentation forms and features, such as colour, designs, diagrams and models, clarify meaning for the audience. Images show required information and are relevant and engaging. Pages properly headed, sub-headings used, good use of colour, pictures appropriately sized and placed in textbook fashion

Most visual elements present, or all present although they dont meet task requirements. Visual elements assist somewhat in clarifying meaning for the audience

Some or most visual elements missing. Visual elements do little to clarify meaning for the audience.

Page properly headed, no sub-headings used, page shows some effort to present information clearly

Some or most elements missing. Page shows little attempt to present information in textbook style

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