Citation Needed Lumen: Récits de L'infini

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141 Lumen is a dark (C-type), large rocky asteroid 130 km in diameter orbiting in the main belt near the

Eunomia family of asteroids. t is not, ho!e"er, physically related to the group, being of the !rong spectral class.#citation needed$ %et, &'(' continues to categori)e it as a main-belt asteroid.#*$ t !as disco"ered on +anuary 13, 1,-*, by the brothers .aul /enry and .rosper /enry, but .aul is the one !ho !as gi"en the credit for this disco"ery. t is named for Lumen: Rcits de l'infini, a book by the astronomer Camille 0lammarion.#1$ 2ichard .. 3in)el and (chelte +. 3us further added to the kno!ledge about this asteroid in a light-cur"e sur"ey published in 4003. 5his pro6ect !as kno!n as (mall 7ain-belt 'steroid (pectroscopic (ur"ey, .hase or (7'(( , !hich built on a pre"ious sur"ey of the main-belt asteroids. 5he "isible!a"elength (0.83*90.:4* micrometre) spectra data !as gathered bet!een 'ugust 1::3 and 7arch 1:::.#-$ ;ightcur"e data has also been recorded by obser"ers at the 'ntelope /ill <bser"atory, !hich has been designated as an official obser"atory by the 7inor .lanet Center.#,$

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