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Grade 8 Language Arts CBIS

Ms. Melnik March 10th, 2014

Personal Focus Unit ME Collage Rubric

Name: _______________ Not Meeting Expectations (0-2) The collage contains lots of empty space with few images or words Images and words have not been used together to convey relevant information about its creator Somewhat Meeting Expectations (3-4) The collage has some empty spaces and contains some images and words Images and words used in the collage give the viewer some understanding about the creators self-identity Meeting Expectations (5-6 points) The collage contains few empty spaces and is covered with lots of words and images Exceeding Expectations (7) The collage contains no empty spaces and is covered with lots of words and images The words and images chosen by the creator have provided the viewer with significant insight about the creators selfidentity Excellent effort was made to look for material that was used very creatively to be descriptive, interesting and relevant Presentation was very effective with consistent use of skills including eye contact, loud voice, gestures and explanation of the collage



Critical Thinking

No effort was made while working in class to search for specific images or words


Student did not speak clearly, did not make eye contact and the presentation was hard to follow

Words and images have been well combined in ways that provide the viewer with lots of relevant information about the creators self-identity Some effort was A lot of effort was made to creatively made to look for use words and material that was images available to used creatively to be creatively describe descriptive, self-identity interesting and relevant Presentation was Presentation was somewhat effective. done effectively Student used a clear using a loud, clear voice some of the voice, good gestures time but and eye contact for presentation skills most of the time still need to be refined

Content _______ Development _________ Critical Thinking _________ Presentation _______ Total_______/28 Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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