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KNAN, KNAF,ONAN, ONAF First letter - main cooling medium (in contact with the windings) O = mineral or synthetic

oil, flash point < 3000C K = do with Flash point > 3000C L = do with unmeasurable flash point Second: Circulation method of media 1 F = Forced, N = natural D= Forced, Through a cooler Third - External Cooling media A= Air, W= Water Fourth- Circulation of (3) F= Forced, N= natural. So KNAN = Cooling fluid(liquid) with flash point > 300 degree, natural circulati on in the tank, the tank is cooled by naturally circulating air ie kept in open ambient (not cooled by fans etc) For more details you must refer to IEEE 57 12 00 The K is for mostly the new Natural ester type fluids with a flash point of grea ter than 300C. These fluids are relatively new & are often vegetable based diele ctric fluids. These fluids are very biodegradable & are the way of the future. T hey are often used in high fire risk situations - gets rid of the old PCB oils & silicon fluids etc. refer for more details about their charateristics & methods of testing them in I EEE, IEC & ASTM standards Usually, a transformer will have multiple ratings corresponding to multiple stag es of cooling, as the supplemental cooling equipment can be set to run only at i ncreased loads. Methods of cooling for liquid-immersed transformers have been ar ranged into cooling classes identified by a four-letter designation as follows: Four letter cooling classes 1 medium Internal Table 1 2 3 mechanism External 4 medium mechanism

Cooling Class Letter Description

Letter Description Internal First Letter

(Cooling medium) O Liquid with flash point less than or equal to 300C K Liquid with flash point greater than 300C L Liquid with no measurable flash point Second Letter (Cooling mechanism) N Natural convection through cooling equipment and windings F Forced circulation through cooling equipment, natural convection in wind ings D Forced circulation through cooling equipment, directed flow in man windi ngs External Third letter (Cooling medium) A Air W Water Fourth letter (Cooling medium) N Natural convection F Forced circulation Advertisement Table 1 lists the code letters that are used to make up the four-letter designat ion. This system of identification has come about through standardization betwee n different international standards organizations and represents a change from w hat has traditionally been used in the U.S. Where OA classified a transformer as liquid-immersed self-cooled in the past, it is now designated by the new system as ONAN. Similarly, the previous FA classification is now identified as ONAF. FOA could be OFAF or ODAF, depending on whether directed oil flow is employed or not. In some cases, there are transformers with directed flow in windings witho ut forced circulation through cooling equipment. An example of multiple ratings would be ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, where the transformer ha s a base rating where it is cooled by natural convection and two supplemental ra tings where groups of fans are turned on to provide additional cooling so that t he transformer will be capable of supplying additional kVA. This rating would ha ve been designated OA/FA/FA per past standards.

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