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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

Purpose: This docu!ent de"ines the basics Quality #odule Setup$ Table of Contents: Collection Elements.............................................................................................................2 Reference.........................................................................................................................2 Variable............................................................................................................................3 Attribute...........................................................................................................................3 Collection Plans...................................................................................................................5 Actions.............................................................................................................................7 Quality Report Writer....................................................................................................1

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

Collection Elements
%ollection ele!ents are the basic building bloc&s o" collection plans' (hich are the data structures that you use to collect Quality results$ )e"ore you can collect Quality data' you !ust "irst create a collection plan$ *ou begin by creating collection ele!ents' (hich de"ine the characteristics o" the product or process that you (ant to !onitor' record' and analy+e$ %ollection ele!ents are categori+ed by type so that they can be sorted and grouped in database searches and on reports$ *ou assign collection ele!ent types to collection ele!ents (hen you de"ine the!$

The Re"erence ,n"or!ation collection ele!ent type groups collection ele!ents that re"erence co!!on ob-ects de"ined in other Oracle .pplications' such as Oracle /lo( #anu"acturing' ,n0entory' Order #anage!ent' Purchasing' and 1or& in Process$ *ou can re"erence any data (ithin an Oracle Database$ /ro! your Quality !enu' 2.3 4 Setup 4 %ollection 5le!ents$ 1hen the Screen appears' 6uery "or %usto!er$ This (ill bring up the %usto!er Re"erence %ollection 5le!ent' as sho(n belo($ This is a seeded ele!ent and you should not !odi"y it$ *ou can create another as long as the na!e is di""erent$ The Select state!ent is used to de"ine the 0alid 0alues "or the data a user (ould select "ro!$ #a&e sure the data type and reporting length !atch the data you are re"erencing$ *ou cannot change the data type once the ele!ent is sa0ed$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

," you need collection ele!ents based on speci"ication tolerance ranges' you (ould use a 0ariable collection ele!ent type$ The setup is the sa!e e7cept you (ould press the Spec Li!its button at the botto! o" the "or!$ The screen belo( (ill display$ 8ere you can establish the acceptable ranges o" your speci"ication$ *ou (ill note the 9)ell: cur0e arrange!ent o" the data$ *ou can use these ranges to de"ine actions ta&en (hen data is input outside o" the range$

," you need collection ele!ents based on a custo!i+ed list o" 0alues' you (ould use an attribute collection ele!ent type$ The setup is the sa!e e7cept you (ould press the 3alues button at the botto! o" the "or!$ The screen belo( (ill display$ 8ere you can create your 0alues you (ish the user to select "ro!$

1hile it is reco!!ended you use the abo0e ele!ents types as described' you are not re6uired to by the application code$ *ou can use create re"erence ele!ents that use spec li!its and so on$ *ou can also de0elop you o(n ele!ent types to categori+e the!$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

Speci"ications de"ine the re6uire!ents to (hich the product !ust con"or!$ *ou can de"ine speci"ications "or the &ey characteristics o" the products that you produce or "or the !aterials that you recei0e "ro! suppliers$ *ou can attach illustrati0e or e7planatory "iles to speci"ications' such as te7t' i!ages' (ord processing docu!ents' spreadsheets' 0ideo' and so on$ .ttach!ents can be used to docu!ent processing instructions as (ell as inspection and disposition procedures$ /ro! you Quality !enu' 2.3 4 Setup 4 Speci"ications$ The "or! belo( (ill appear$ *ou can lin& the speci"ication to an ,te!' Supplier or %usto!er$ ,t can also apply to a single ite!' category or category set$ , !ost cases you (ill lin& it to a single ite!$ ," this is the case' you can !a&e the Speci"ication 2a!e the sa!e as the ite!$ Once you ha0e input the abo0e in"or!ation' you can press the SP5% 5L5#52TS button$ The screen belo( (ill appear$ <sing the collection ele!ents you pre0iously created' enter you range data$ *ou can also copy "ro! e7isting speci"ications$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

Collection Plans
/ro! your Quality !enu' 2.3 4 Setup 4 %ollection Plans$ The screen belo( (ill appear$ 8ere you can enter the collection plan in"or!ation$ The plan type adds no "unctionality beyond the grouping o" collection plans$ *ou can use the %opy 5le!ents button to open a "or! to copy all the ele!ents "ro! another collection plan$ To lin& the collection to an e7isting speci"ication' press the SP5%,/,%.T,O2S button$ The "or! belo( (ill appear and you !ay select "ro! the list$ For each collection plan created, Oracle generates a table view of the plan data. To generate the table' press the 3,51S button$ Oracle (ill sho( a "or! displaying the 0ie( table na!e and the i!port table na!e$ *ou can open these tables in any SQL editor$ Press the %R5.T5 button to co!plete the process$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

," you (ish to lin& the collection plan to a transaction' press the TR.2S.%T,O2 button$ The "or! belo( (ill appear$ Since this !odule (as de0eloped "or discrete applications' !ost o" the transactions re"er to those !odules$ ,t does o""er lin&s to Purchasing' 5.# and Ser0ice$ ," you need ha0e a user access the collection plan "ro! a transaction not supported' you can use a custo! ?OO#$ %hec&ing the #andatory bo7 (ill not let the user sa0e the transaction (ithout entering a collection plan record$ %hec&ing the )ac&ground bo7 allo(s the collection plan to auto!atically collect data "ro! the transaction detail so the user does not ha0e to reenter it$ *ou !ust chec& the 5nabled bo7 i" you (ish to use the transaction lin&$ ,n the %ollection Triggers section o" the "or! you can establish the conditions you (ish to launch the collection plan$ , the abo0e instance' the collection plan is 9triggered: (hen a user is per"or!ing a recei0ing transaction o" a ;1@A, ite!$ The user (ill not be able to co!plete the receipt (ithout entering the collection plan data$ There are !any triggers you can choose "ro!$ ,t i!age to the right sho( se0eral$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

*ou can use actions to per"or! noti"ications to the user or to generate e!ails to others based on speci"ic conditions$ Select an ele!ent on the %ollection Plans screen press the .%T,O2S button$ *ou should no( see the screen belo($

There are t(o actions speci"ied$ 1e are loo&ing at the "irst$ This action is in0o&ed (hen the user inputs a 0alue outside o" the upper and lo(er speci"ication li!its o" this ele!ent$ 1hen this occurs' the user is pro!pted (ith a dialog bo7 containing the !essage sho(n$ 1hen (e re0ie( the second action' (e see the action details change$ Press the .%T,O2 D5T.,LS button$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200 8ere you can enter the e!ail address' sub-ect' and %c or )c addresses$ ,n the Te7t area' you can enter the body o" the te7t along (ith any 3ariables$ 3ariables are a (ay to include data speci"ic to the record$ ,n order to lin& the 0ariables to your plan data' press the 3.R,.)L5S button$

*ou can no( see the .ctions: Send 5!ail screen$

/ro! this "or! you can de"ine the 0ariables used in the body o" the e!ail$ This (ill lin& the! to the actual 0alues in the 6uality record$


o" 10

Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

*ou can also create collection ele!ents as a place holder "or in"or!ation deter!ined by data in other ele!ents$ /or instance' you !ay (ish to display the ite! description ne7t to the ite! nu!ber$ *ou need create an ele!ent$ ,n this case (e created .leris ,te! Description$ 1e added it to our collection plan and (e can no( add an action rule as seen in the "or! belo($ Press the .%T,O2 D5T.,LS button$ The "or! belo( appears and you can insert the SQL code needed to locate the ite! description associated (ith the ite!$ 2OT5: ,ncluded in the state!ent is the ,T5# 0ariable you !ust de"ine$

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Prepared by: Larry Sherrod

Title: Oracle Quality Setup and Processing Release Date: 02/10/200

Quality is uni6ue a!ong !odules in that it has a report (riter tool built into its "unctionality$ This allo(s users to de0elop their o(n reports based on their needs$ These report te!plates can be sa0ed "or use again$ They can also be copied and then !odi"ied to !eet another userDs needs$

Quality Report Writer

/ro! the reports !enu select' Quality Results Report1riter$ The screen belo( (ill appear$ 8ere you can de"ine the na!e' plan' title and description o" the report$ *ou can de"ine the colu!ns you (ish to display$ *ou can also establish the conditions you (ish to report using the Sho( Results 1here area$

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