Korean Word List-ToPIK

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Korean Word

English Meaning price furniture bag fall, autumn family price river distance anxiety; worry wedding race experience season plan worry; agony cat hometown place performance park note book airport fruit snack interest


car accident dress shoe purchase picture theater near letter this year period standard kimchi black flower flower shop country tree day weather Namsan next year content tomorrow cold noodle refrigerator year feeling; ex)

ex) .

song males older sister tear feeling; next next month word month home library money Dongdaemun younger sibling back drama hike hiking shoes radio Russia across from head figure hat weight door

stationary store problem; question; issue culture thing The USA bottom pants museum outside class room method broadcasting station ship pear actor department store bus number hospital ball point pen spring parent parents part

() 2

request atmosphere bulgogi rain airplane bread apple person office freebie; bonus gift dictionary photo mountain color colors thinking, thought birthday life Seoul Seoul Station Bookstore present, gift teacher explanation Seoraksan

character introduction news hand customer class pocket book time watch market city hall test resturant meal newspaper shoe baby bottom father ice cream sir, uncle maam, aunt morning breakfast apartment

in eye glasses information in front of baseball medicine pharmacy appointment mother yesterday face old girl trip history contact pencil recipit English movie beside after a long time after a long time right (direction) afternoon ex) ex)

this year clothes foreigner chef these days umbrella milk exersise what matter upper part study abroad bank drink food concert meaning chair name this (ex. this year) strange internet work Japan Japanese Sunday

car seat bicycle last year magazine place evening electronic dictonary phone number lunch arrangement Jeju Island graduate week weekend address owner prepare china wallet last week last year subway house a tea charge

Window book desk clean football (soccer) hobby getting a job skirt friend bed camera Canada coffee computer males oldest brother tennis court saturday bankbook blue party letter weekday grape ticket goods

paino need boarding house academy Korea Korean speech Korean language traditional Korean Clothes Korean resturant

event males older brother room number subway line company office worker meeting after holiday hope effort

grandmother grandfather discount

Counting Units Korean Word English Meaning general counter books machines animal people times (ex, 3 times) bottle people people age Explanation

bunch (of fruit) a serving of food glass paper floor package

Verbs Korean Word English Meaning go bring go with so.th transfer (subway) catch a cold go and come take worry cross (a road) catch expereince make a plan plan ex) . there is something wrong with engine Explanation

choose be so.th wrong; be in trouble watch

rescue draw a picture wait remember ?? ex) .

remember block the pathway trim take out turn off cut end


finish put on go out come out take out money drop pour sing a song sing effort play play basketball cry go back

ex) put on gloves

go back and forth close answer arrive cost return ex) ex)


give (to older person) eat (to older person) listen enter enter leave drink like finish meet make

ex) ex)

speak to (older person) speak speak eat do not know gather

insufficient take a bath question ask receive eat food learn take off send see full send mail request lend borrow subtract ex) there is an accident

accident be buy use take a photo take a walk live stand wash


explain introduce swim rest begine start order have a meal wear (shoes) dislike write wear (hat) wash (face) sit know understand match travel connect practice have a feaver make a promise/appointment come rise come up, climb

take an umbrella exerise drive laugh move to other place move converstaion use understand wake read lose lose wear forget be well do well become sleepy eat transmit; tell transmit a phone to other person


call (telephone) Can I talk to___. recieve a call call call

be careful to like give sleep (only to older persons) order prepare pass spend; live ask a question make search for visit clean invite play depart employ turn on have a runny nose ride play tennis incorrect sleep deeply play piano do ex) .

angry have a meeting Adjectives: 72 Words

light thanks be (to older people) thanks sunny clear ok feel happy long deep clean bad write down low wide high different dirty hot clean many clear ex)

tastes bad tastes good cool (a cool person) scary sorry glad bright hungry full hungry crowded diligent inconvenient similar expensive new easy sad hate cheap beautiful painful dark young not have

pretty dangerous famous strange have small interesting/fun less quiet narrow like sorry important merry short cold kind big tall convenient comfortable easy tired needed free


Adverbs Korean Word (+)= English Meaning near sometimes most suddenly like almost continuously soon just soon exactly later everyday too late all more seperately and straight at last Explanation

a lot of very daily ahead all nail; cannot in advance straight; right right now already very normally quickly new each other some time ago perhaps very yet quick, not always hard long in a long time ex)

for a long time thesedays later now early often well wait moment not at all really best a little quietly some now directly really first slowly largly particularly especially well together

always alone alone

Conjunctions Korean Word English Meaning so only because if well then and Explanation

Question Words Korean Word English Meaning who what what where how when how much why which Explanation

how many what

Numbers Korean Word / English Meaning 3 13 12 9 6 12 13 1 20 Explanation

Pronouns Korean Word English Meaning there the ex) put it whereever Explanation

it whereever here everyone our this

/ /

this that that there we

Determiners Korean Word whatever several this that 1 new 3 20 ex: (whatever) English Meaning the 4 2 Explanation

Interjections Korean Word English Meaning maybe; perhaps yes no Explanation

hello yes

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