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Dear Respondent, I, Kanika Shah, student of Navnirman Institute of Management, Surat is conducting a survey to study Impact on students due

to addiction of social networking sites in Surat city in partial fulfillment of semester 6. Data which I collect from you will be used for academic purpose only. We kindly request you to provide your valuable data. I would be heartly thankful for your co-orporation.

1. Are you a member of multiple social networking sites? Yes No

2. Which of the following social networking sites are you a member of? Facebook. Twitter Google Plus Flickr Orkut Youtube Others

3. How many times in a day do you visit your page on a social networking site? Once a day Every hour Every few hours 2-5 times a day More than 5 times Always logged on

4. Do you visit your social networking site with no goal or specific purpose in mind? Always Rarely Sometimes Never

5. Do you have more friends on social networking site than in real life? Yes No

6. Do you prefer to interact with people on social networking site rather than face to face? Always Rarely Sometimes Never

7. Do you feel frustrated when the server goes down? Yes No

8. Do you feel depressed when someone does not admire or like you on social networking site? Yes No

9. Do you check your social networking site through your phone while travelling? Always Rarely Sometimes Never

10. For what reason do you use social networking site? Find new friends Play interactive games Chat Time pass Update our profile Check out what others are doing

11. Would you accept strangers who add you on social networking sites? Always Rarely

Sometimes Never

Have you ever ignored a responsibility because of social networking site? Always Sometimes Rarely Never

13. Do you stay up late to spend more time on social networking site? Yes No Sometimes

14. Have you been ever disturbed by the social networking site during your academics? Yes No Sometimes

15. Has the social networking site ever influenced your eating habits? Yes No Sometimes


Gender: Female






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