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Performing a Regional Musculoskeletal Examination

There are 5 key stages to be completed in the examination of a joint/joints in any part of the body. (1) Introduce yourself (2) Look at the joint/s (3) Feel the joint/s (4) Move the joint/s (5) Assess the function of the joint/s

(1) INTRODUCE Introduce, explain procedure, ask for feedback. A good assessment requires patient co-operation to be performed effectively. (2)LOOK Compare sides, skin changes, muscle bulk, swelling around the joint, obvious deformity in joint alignment or position. (3)FEEL Back of hand assess temp at joint & surrounding areas, palpate any swelling for tenderness & consistency (hard-osteoarthritis or rubbery & soft-inflammatory) NB -Synovitis triad = warmth ,swelling & tenderness. (4)MOVE

Active & passive range of motion bilaterally. Loss of active BUT passive ok = problem with muscle/tendon/nerve? (Active tissue) Hypermobility? Loss of movement use MILD, MODERATE OR SEVERE (difficult to record degrees exactly), also mention if accompanied by pain/tenderness, crepitus obvious muscle tightness. (5)FUNCTION Important to assess changes with regard to functional movements of the joint. Also special tests for the area.

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