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Clemson University Power Program - Joey Batson

Bench Press Training

1) Test your 1RM in the Bench Press 2) Start the program at Phase I, and work the different phases that correspond with the training week 3) Work off your 1RM and perform sets and reps that correspond with that weight 4) Your goal is to hit every set and rep at your max. EX: if you hit every rep on each set, bump your max up five pounds. Continue that process for all the phases. 5) Day #1 is your heavy day, use the grip you are most comfortable with 6) Day #2 is your light day (speed). Drop the weight down 15-25lbs and work of the percents at that weight. (i.e. if you max is 300, drop to 275). Also use a closer grip for this day (18-24 inches) Sample Training Program Day #1 Bench Press (Phase I, Day #1) DB Bench: 2x12 DB Triceps Extentions: 6x10 DB Front Raise: 1x12, 1x10 DB Side Raise: 1x12, 1x10 Rear Delt/DB Row: 1x12,10,8 Lat Pulldown: 1x12,10,8,6 Hammer Curls: 1x12, 5x8 Day #2 Close Grip Bench (Phase I, Day #2) Dips or Incline DB: 1x12,10 2x8 EZ Bar Triceps Exetnsions: 1x12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5 DB Front Raise: 1x12, 10 DB Side Raise: 1x12, 10 Rear Delt/DB Row: 1x12, 10, 8 Lat Pulldown: 1x12, 10, 8, 6 Hammer Curls: 1x10, 4x8 Weekly Training Cycles 10 Week Weeks 1-2: Phase I Weeks 3-5: Phase II Weeks 6-8: Phase III Weeks 9-10: Peak Phase

8 Week Week 1: Phase I Weeks 2-3: Phase II Weeks 4-5: Phase III Weeks 6-8: Peak Phase 6 week Week 1: Phase I Week 2: Phase II Weeks 3-4: Phase III Weeks 5-6: Peak Phase PROGRAM #1 Phase I - % s 10x40%, 8x50%, 5x60%, 10x65%, 10x70%, 10x75% Phase II - % s 10x40%, 8x50%, 5x65%, 5x80%, 5x82%, 5x85%, 10x70% Phase III - % s 10x45%, 8x60%, 5x70%, 3x82%, 3x87%, 3x92%, 5x80%, 10x70% Peak Phase - % s 10x45%, 8x60%, 5x70%, 1x80%, 1x90%, 1x95%, 1x97%, 5x82%, 10x72% PROGRAM #2 Phase I 10x40%, 8x50%, 5x60%, 10x72%x3 sets Phase II 10x40%, 8x50%, 5x60%, 5x83%x4 sets Phase III 10x45%, 8x60%, 5x80%, 3x92%x4 sets, 10x70% Peak Phase: 10x45%, 8x60%, 5x80%, 1x90%, 1x95%, 1x97%, 5x82%, 10x72%

Squat Training Cycle

1) Day #1 is the first squat day of the week (heavy), Train with the weight in the left hand column that corresponds with your max (1RM, 3RM, 5RM). Train each phase with the percents as outlined. When you are able to achieve the proper sets with the weight prescribed then increased the max by ten pounds for the next week.


Day #2 is the second leg day of the week and train with the percents by reducing your max by 75-100 pounds. This day is to be used as a recovery day or a speed day. You can also use this day to train the front squat. If you are doing this than reduce your weights by 100-150lbs. Other forms of squats can also be introduced on this day (box, safety bar). After a few weeks of training unload by doing lunges.

Sample Workout Day #1 Squat (Phase I) Clean (Phase I) Leg Ext or Stepups or Lunges or Walking Lunges: 2x10-12 Leg Curl or SLD or Reverse Hypers: 3x10-12 Ab Work: Heavy Lower Back: Recovery Calve Work: 3x10-15 Day #2 Clean (Phase I) (Heavy Day #2) Squat (Phase I) (Light Day #2) or Front Squat Shrugs: 3x8-12 RDL or SDL or Rack Lockouts: Ab Work: Heavy GHR: 2x8 Calve Work: 3x15-20 You may choose to clean first on day #1 Training Cycles Linear: Phases Phase I Phase II Phase III Peak Undulatory Phase I Phase II Phase I Phase III

8 weeks 1 week 2-3 weeks 4-5 weeks 6-8 weeks

10 weeks 1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks 5-7 weeks 8-10 week

12 weeks 1-3 weeks 4-5 weeks 7-9 weeks 10-12 weeks

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4

1-2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5-6

1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks 5 weeks 6-7

Phase II Peak Phase Peak Phase Peak Phase

5 6 7 8

7 8 9 10

8-9 10 11 12

Phase I - % s 8x40%, 5x50%, 3x60%, 10-12x68%, 10-12x72%, 10-12x78% Phase II - % s 8x40%, 5x55%, 3x68%, 5-7x82%, 5-7x87%, 5-7x90% Phase III - % s 8x40%, 5x60%, 3x70%, 4-5x82%, 4-5x90%, 4-5x95% Peak - % s 8x40%, 5x60%, 3x70%, 3x85%, 3x92%, 3x100%

Hang Clean Training Cycle

1) The first day of the week is the light clean day. To make it a light day, take the weight that you are prescribed to do for the cycle and subtract 50lbs. When you hit the target weight for all the sets than up the weight 5lbs. 2) Day #2 is the heavy clean day. Do the prescribed weight from the charts.

Cycles are the same as the squat cycles. (as far as weeks to do which phase) Training Percents Phase I 8x50%, 5x60%, 3x70%, 5x78%, 5x80%, 5x85% Phase II 8x50%, 5x65%, 3x75%, 3x87%, 3x90%, 3x92%, 3x95% Phase III 8x50%, 5x65%, 3x75%, 2x85%, 2x87%, 2x95%, 2x97% Peak Phase 8x50%, 5x65%, 3x75%, 1x87%, 1x92%, 1x97%, 1x100%

Sample Off-Season Workouts

Day 1 Bench: Day 1 Dips: 3x8-12

Triceps: 8-10x5-12 Shoulders: 3x8-12 Back: 3x15-20 Biceps: 5x8 Neck + Abs 3x8-12 Day 2 Squat: Day 1 Clean: Speed Day Reverse Hyper: 3x10 Leg Ext: 3x8-12 + Abs + Calves Day 3 Close Grip: Day #2 Triceps (Heavy): 10-15x5-12 Shoulders: 3x8-12 Back: 5x8-12 Hammer Curls: 5x8 Neck + Abs Day 4 Clean: Heavy Squats: Light or Front Squat Shrugs: 3x8-12 RDL: 3x8-12 Abs + Claves

3 DAY Day 1 Bench Press: Day 1 Hang Clean: Speed Day Leg Press: 3x8-12 Shrugs: 3x8-12 Back: 3x15-20 Hammer Curls: 5x8-12 Triceps: 5x8-12 Hamstrings: 2x12 Calves: 3x15-20 Abs + Neck Day 2 Squat: Day 1 Deadlift: 3x3-5 (rotate every two weeks) Shoulders: 5x8-12 (rotate every two weeks) Back: 4x8-12 (rotate every two weeks)

Leg Ext + Leg Curl: 3x8-10 Abs + Neck Day 3 Clean: Day 2 Bench: Day 2 Squat: Day 2 Dips: 3x8-12 (rotate with other exercises every two weeks) Triceps: 8x8-12 Hammer Curls: 5x8-12 Back: 3x8-12 Abs + Neck In Season Day 1 Bench: Moderate to Heavy Abbreviated power program day 1 Squat: 3x5-8 (55-65%) Clean: 3x3-5 (70-82%) Low Back: 2x10 Abs + Neck Day 2 Bench: Abbreviated power program day 2 Upper Body Circuit: 12-14 exercises 12 reps (20-30s rest in between) Abs/Neck Day 3 (optional) Upper Body Circuit: For recovery Abs/Neck

How Do I Become Bigger Faster Stronger: 10 Tips

1) Train with weights a. Train Year round b. Train with max force and max speed c. Choose fundamental exercises (presses, squats, etc.) d. Train supplemental exercises hard e. Train with intensity f. Have a goal 2) Speed Train a. Consistently: off season and pre-season b. 6 fundamentals of speed: specific power, overspeed, flexibility, techniques, acceleration, and stride. c. Consistenticy unlocks potential d. Train hard .train smart e. Train fast .cant be fast training slow

f. Set goals 3) Eat a high protein diet a. Muscles grow because of an increase in whole body protein b. Timing is important: it is really needed after a workout and at other points during the day c. Extra protein may be needed 30 hours after a workout because of protein synthesis. d. Protein is needed at bedtime to keep the cortisal low e. Eat at least 1gram a day f. Also use a multi-vitamin 4) Eat frequently a. 6-7 meals a day, evenly spaced ..breakfast is a must b. Smaller more frequent meals controls appetite c. Great for weight gain and loss d. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day 5) Use Creatine a. It is a cell volumizer, allows muscles to hold more fluid. 6) Seek Pain a. Intensity is important for growth b. Muscles must be damaged to grow c. During the extra rep pain will introduce himself d. Seek pain and get comfortable with it .builds mental toughness 7) Be Consistent a. Record your weights and reps b. Take a positive approach and make gains 8) Following training get carbs and protein. a. Have a high carb, high protein drink after training. b. This lowers cortisal levels, increases glycogen levels, gives muscles the protein that they need to grow. 9) Change your routine often a. Off-season, pre-season, in-season. Variety is key b. Rotate exercises every 3-4 weeks 10) Rest a. Sleep 8-10 hours a day b. Nap for 30 minutes a day c. Have relaxing activities

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