Master of Computer Applications Fresher Resume

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Present Add: House nod Cross
ChokkaRoad, T.Dasarahalli, Bangalore-56 5! EMAIL: !"#ahoo.$ : %!"g%ail.$o% Mobile: &'()*+( ,) OBJECTIVE T- .ork .i/h a 0ro1essional -rgani2a/ion 3i/h S/i%ula/ing .ork en4iron%en/, And e50loi/ %# e50er/ise and e50erien$e 1or /he 0ros0eri/# o1 /he organi2a/ion and also 0ro4ide gro/h 0ros0e$/s /o %# $areer. ACADEMICS

Examination Specialization School/College Bord/ ni!ersit "

Mas/er o1 Co%0u/er A00li$a/ion Ba$helor o1 S$ien$e H.S.9 H.S.:.C.9 General 8h#si$s AIMS, Bangalore Morigaon College Morigaon College Morigaon Higher s$hool Bangalore 6ni4ersi/# Gauha/i 6ni4ersi/# AHS9C Gu3aha/i S9BA

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De4elo0%en/ o1 ; Mul/ile4el Marke/ing S#s/e%<, a 3e= de4elo0%en/ 0ro>e$/ /ha/ 1a$ili/a/es Clien/s /o au/o%a/e /heir %anual =ased M:M s#s/e% using. Ne/ /e$hnolog# and S?: Ser4er In .I/SAM 0EC12 @56(A)5, 6/h %ain, Ad>. Gandhi 8ark, Bi>a#anagar, Bangalore-56 C . .Ne/ $er/i1i$a/es 1ro% Integer Sol3tion2 Bangalore. Hard3are $er/i1i$a/es 1ro% I/0E4 /E0.5467)

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P458EC0S:9 Pro:ect ;: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD Pro:ect <: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD Pro:ect *: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD Pro:ect ,: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD Pro:ect (: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD .AIMS Eron/Desk %anage%en/ s#s/e% &li4e 8ro>e$/ *. .To %ain/ain /he re$ords o1 all e50anses o1 /he $ollege AIMS, Bangalore .C Mon/h . Bisual S/udio 7 + F MS S?: Ser4er 7 5 )Tra4elMas/er.$o% &desing o1 an online s#s/e% 1or /ra4el agen$#*. . A .e=si/e 1or /he users /o gi4 all de/ails in1or%a/ionGs a=ou/ 4arious /ra4el 0la$es o1 India along /rans0or/a/ions. .C %on/h. . Bisual S/udio 7 + F MS S?: Ser4er 7 5. )Si%ula/ion F I%0le%en/a/ion o1 D9S 9n$r#0/ion algori/h%. . To si%ula/e /he 8ro$ess o1 Da/a 9n$r#0/ion S/andard s/e0 =# s/e0. . C %on/h . C'' 3i/h gra0hi$s. ) Design and I%0le%en/a/ion o1 0ro5# Ser4er . .indo3s =ased ne/3orking a00li$a/ion 1or /he users /i gi4e all de/ails 1a$ili/# o1 0ro5# ser4er .C Mon/h . Ha4a, >a4a S3ing. ) Airline Reser4a/ion ?ueuing %odel. . Si%ula/ion o1 1ligh/ reser4a/ion $oun/ers using single ser4er ?ueue . C Mon/h. . Gra0hi$s using C''

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Pro:ect +: Ti/le o1 /he 0ro>e$/D Des$ri0/ionD Dura/ion 8la/1or% useD
0echnical 6no?ledge

)Tra4eMas/er.$o% . 8lanning and Do$u%en/a/ion o1 /he 0ro>e$/ using Mi$roso1/ 0ro>e$/ 7 . .C %on/h. .Mi$roso1/ 8ro>e$/ 7 .

Comp3ter lang3ages Scripting Lang3ages Application So$t?are Plat$orm Database Designing So$t?are

C2 C@@2 CA2 Programming 10ML2

Core :a!a2 C5B5L2 8a!aScript2

Shell P1P


5$$ice <BB'2 MS pro:ect Pro$essional <BB* =is3al st3dio C<BB(2<BB-D2 /et bean +)B MS access2 SEL Ser!er <BB(2 M#SEL Adobe Photoshop ')B2 Dream .ea!er


E!ent 5rganizer o1 4arious e4en/s in $ollege like Eun Tri4ia &$ul/ural 1es/*, In1ini5 &IT 1es/*,
Tea$hers Da# e/$. Participant in 4arious Colleges =ased Dan$e Co%0e/i/ion. Coordination /he Cele=ra/ion o1 In/erna/ional 8h#si$s da# in /he $ollege <nd Prize in in/er $ollege 1lo3er de$ora/ion $o%0e/i/ion. .inner o1 /he School based Essa" Co%0e/i/ion

S/rong =elie4er in 1ollo3ing 8ro$esses F S/andardi2ing o0era/ion =# use o1 /ools, /e%0la/es. Being a ?ui$k learner, $an 3ork in ra0idl# $hanging en4iron%en/s. Can 3ork as 0ar/ o1 a /ea% or inde0enden/l# 3i/h eIual ease and sin$eri/# 8osssess good a0/i/ude and logi$al reasoning.

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Hard3orking, e5uding $on1iden$e and 0ossessing e5$ellen/ /i%e %anage%en/ skills

8la#ing Co%0u/er Ga%es Dan$ing Reading no4els Cooking Ar/ and Cra1/

PE4S5/AL I/F54MA0I5/ FatherGs name MotherGs name FatherGs 5cc3pation Sex Date o$ Birth /ationalit" Permanent Address DECLA4A0I5/ I Sangha%i/ra Na/h, here=# de$lare /ha/ /he a=o4e-%en/ioned in1or%a/ion is $orre$/ as 0er %# =es/ Jno3ledge and I =ear /he res0onsi=ili/# 1or /he $orre$/ness o1 /he a=o4e%en/ioned 0ar/i$ularsK. Da/eD 7)- 6-7 )) 8la$eD Bangalore D 8adu% kr. Na/h. D 9lee Na/h. D Go4/. Ho=. D Ee%ale. D (/h Hanuar#, )++5. D Indian. D CAoD 0adu% Na/h, !+7) 5

Sangha%i/ra Na/h

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