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# # who wrote a play Neel Darpan to portray the oppression of in digo farmers. Ans - Din Bandhu Mitra wrote a play Neel Darpan to portray the oppression of indigo farmers. # # who was the editor of Hindu patriot who published reports on i ndigo campaign, organized mass meetings etc. Ans - Harish Chandra Mukherji, # # apart frm Annie Besant and Tilak name some Home Rule Mo vement leaders ? Ans - prominent Indians like Joseph Baptista G. S. Khaparde , Sir S. Subramania Iyer etc. # # Faraizis were followers of a Muslim sect founded by ? Ans - Faraizis ( 1838 to 1857) (East Bengal ) Faraizis were followers of a Muslim sect founded by Haji Shariatullah of Faridpur # # which Governor General launched a military campaign against Sanyasi revolt ? Ans - Governor General Warren Hastings launched a military ca mpaign against Sansyasis. # # A farmer named ..............................contacted Gandhi during C ongress Session at Lucknow abt Champaran oppression ?

Ans - Raj Kumar Shukla # # India has been a WTO member since 1 January 1994...T/F Ans => False.. # # Chromium has a sling appearance.It does not corrode. true or f alse Ans - True # # A prism is made up of .? Ans - A prism can be made up of any material that can transfer or r efract light. usually the material is Glass, Flourite, Plastic. # # Modhera is famous for ? Ans - Sun temple in gujrat, dedicated to the hindu sun god surya b uilt in 1026 AD by king bhimdev of solanki dynasti... # # what are Floating rate bonds ? Ans - These are the bonds which interest goes up and down in acc ordance with market ____ It are bonds that have a variable coupon, equal to a money market reference rate..ex- federal funds rate... # # who organized peasants of Awadh against the landlords, using Ramayana and caste slogans ? Ans - Baba Ramchandra organized peasants of Awadh against the l andlords, using Ramayana and caste slogans .

# # In India, the Chit funds are governed / Regulated by ___? => Chit funds in India are governed by the Chit Funds Act, 1982. Under this Act, the chit fund businesses can be registered and regulated only by the respective State Governments. # # A concave lens diverges the light it is called diverging lens.,,true or false Ans - true... # # MBN Rao Committee is setup for ? => Bhartiy Mahila Bank # # Miss universe 2013 ? => gabriela ..Venezuela, venue was MOSCOW ## What do you understand by the term Money Illusion? => when decision of economic units r guided by monetary variables n not real variables .. dy suffer frm money illusion # # Bold Kurukshetra is exercise between India and ? => singapore # # Indias permanent representative to UN is => Ashok Mukarji # # Who is the present High Commissioner to Pakistan ? => tc raghvan

# # A MiniratnaCategory1 Status holding public sector company

in India can incur expenditure on modernization, new projects as well as equipment purchase without the approval of the Governme nt, up to: Ans - B 500 crores [navratna is 1000 crore while mini cat 1 is 500 crore while mini cat 2 is 300 crores]

# # To make recommendations on the devolution of taxes, the 14t h Finance Commission has been directed to use the Census figures of __: Ans - A 1971

# # Approximately, what fraction of Indias total exports is contribu ted by the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector ? Ans - 40 percent

# # Once a Budget has been presented in the Parliament, the gover nment has to get all money bills related to the union budget passed within __? Ans - 75 days\

# # Sankirtana =================== ** encompasses an array of arts performed to mark religious occasi ons and various stages in the life of the Vaishnava people of the Ma nipur plains. *practices centre on the temple, where performers narrate the lives and deeds of Krishna through song and dance. ** In a typical performance, two drummers and about ten singer-d ancers perform in a hall or domestic courtyard encircled by seated

devotees. The dignity and flow of aesthetic and religious energy is u nparalleled, moving audience members to tears and frequently to p rostrate themselves before the performers. ***Sankirtana has two main social functions: -- it brings people tog ether on festive occasions throughout the year, acting as a cohesive force within Manipurs Vaishnava community; and --it establishes and reinforces relationships between the individual a nd the community through life-cycle ceremonies. ** It is thus regarded as the visible manifestation of God. The San kirtana of Manipur is a vibrant practice promoting an organic relati onship with people: the whole society is involved in its safeguarding , with the specific knowledge and skills traditionally transmitted fro m mentor to disciple. ** Sankirtana works in harmony with the natural world, whose pre sence is acknowledged through its many rituals.

# # Sankirtana, ritual singing, drumming and dancing of Manipur.. why is it in news ??? => Sankirtana: Ritual singing, drumming and dancing of Manipur nominated from India is among the 14 elements inscribed on the Representative List of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This was announced at the eighth session of the UN ESCO Intergovernmental Committee in Baku, Azerbaijan, held fr om December 2 to 7.

# # Describe Lord Curzons style of administration ? => Curzon's seven year rule in India was full of 'missions, omission s and commissions'. => aimed at efficiency of administrationand the trend of his mind w as towards officialization and centralization..

=> police reforms : increase in salary of all ranks, increase in streng th of all police force , training school set up, direct recruitment in h igher ranks, a provincial police service set up, creation of central de pt of Criminal Intelligence etc.. => Educational reforms : the Indian Universities Act was passed, af filiation to private colleges were made strict, and periodical inspecti on by the syndicate made compulsory.. => economic reforms : legislation relating to famines, land revenue, irrigation, agriculture, railways taxation, currency etc passed. A fam ine commission was set up.. => judicial reforms : increased salary, pension, and number of judg es., IPC revised, => army reforms : training college for officers, the kitchners test for every battalian, reorganisation of army.. => Calcutta Corporation Act to reduce the strength of elected mem bers => Ancient Monument Act to repair, restore, and protect the histor ical monuments in the country..

# # Difference Between FTA and PTA??

=> PTA is always a starting point & FTA is the final goal of particip ating countries in a trade block... => PTA aims at reducing tariffs, FTA aims at elimination of tariff al together. => PTA pertains to reduced or nil custom duties on transport of o nly specific number goods between the countries.. => FTA is a wider n liberalised concept to pta..it allow countries to transport wide no. of goods wid no duties.

# # UNESCOs Intangible Cultural Heritage List??

Ans - The Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage are established by UNESCO aiming to ensure the better protection of important inta ngible cultural heritages worldwide and the awareness of their signif icance. => Through a compendium of the different oral and intangible trea sures of humankind worldwide, the program aims to draw attention to the importance of safeguarding intangible heritage, which has b een identified by UNESCO as an essential component and a repos itory of cultural diversity and creative expression. India ====>> * Kutiyattam , Sanskrit Theatre , The Tradition of Vedic Chanting * Ramlila - the Traditional Performance of the Ramayana * Ramman: religious festival and ritual theatre of the Garhwal Him alayas * Mudiyett : a ritual theatre of Kerala * Kalbelia : folk songs and dances of Rajasthan * Chhau dance : a tradition from eastern India * Buddhist chanting of Ladakh: recitation of sacred Buddhist texts in the trans- Himalayan Ladakh region, Jammu and Kashmir, India * Nowrouz, Nauroz

# # Pulichantala project ??? Ans - The inauguration of the project was a dream come true for fa rmers of Krishna Delta system as it has been designed to stabilise 1 3.08 lakh acres of ayacut besides generating 120 MW of power in t he hydel unit located in Vajinipalli village in Nalgonda district. => It was in 1911 that Colonel Ellis proposed that an irrigation proj ect could be built upstream of Prakasam Barrage but the then Briti sh Government did not evince interest. Later, Muktyala Zamindar Raja Vasireddy Ramakrishna Maheswara Prasad took up the gauntl

et and with the help of K.L Rao placed the project back on tracks. => N.T Rama Rao, as a Chief Minister, initiated the Pulichintala In vestigation Circles and secured all clearances. But his successor N. Chandrababu Naidu did not show any interest and until Y.S Rajase khara Reddy took it up again in 2004. => The dam has a catchment area of 20,028 k.m and has been desi gned for a maximum flood discharge of 20,37,656 Cusecs. The gro ss storage of the reservoir is 45.77 tmcft of which 36.23 tmcft is live storage. => Called as KLRao sagar multipurpose irrig. Project serving irriga tion needs, hydro power gen. & flood control.. AP Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy on Saturday dedicated to the nation the Pu lichantala project (named after Dr. K. L Rao ) across the Krishna.

# # The need for day care centres (DCC) for the aged/senior citize ns. OR According to the National Adult Day Services Association ( NADSA), there are more than 4,600 adult day care centres in the U.S. However, this concept is not common in India. ...COMMEN T. Ans ==> It is all about difference in society and cultural practices. The practice of DCC might be excelled in USA due to various reas ons like family relationships, security, govt financing through social security and population size. Above factors cuts the plan between I ndia and USA. since increasing trend of nuclear families,senior citizens living alon e during day time is very common and their security is the main co ncern.DCC are good idea bcz many elders dnt like to stay away fro m their children.DCC should enrich the lives of elders-building up on their skills,knwldge and unique abilities and strenghts....

# # Santhal uprising , 1855 spread in which region >?

* Reason : oppression of police, atrocities of landlords and moneyl enders, ill-treatment of small farmers by land revenue officials. * Government banned shifting cultivation in forest areas. * Area : Raj Mahal hills * Leaders: Sindhu + Kanhu * Result: The government could pacified these Santhals by creating a separate district of Santhal Parganas.

# # Pagal Panthi movement '/.? * Pagal Panthi, 1830s-40s * Reason: Zamindari Oppression * Area: North Bengal, Hajong and Garo tribes. * Leader: Karam Shah and his son Tipu * Result: Initially British agreed to Pagal Panthi demand, made arr angement to protect the cultivators from Zamindar But later, launc hed massive military operation to suppress Pagal Panthis

# # who were the Jotedars ? Ans. In the early nineteenth Century, jotedars were a class of rich p easants. They acquired vast areas of land and controlled local trade as well as money lending. Thus exercising immense power over th e poorer cultivators of the region. A large part of their land was cult ivated through share croppers who brought their own ploughs, labourer in the field, and handed over half the p roduce to jotedars after the harvest.

# # Champaran Indigo Satyagraha

Ans - Champaran Indigo Satyagraha (1917) Area: Champaran district of Bihar. Ramnagar, Bettiah, Madhuban. European planters forced Indian farmers to cultivate indigo on 3/2 0th of their land holding. Popularly known as tinkathia system. Under this system, European planters holding thikadari leases fro m the big local zamindars forced the peasants to cultivate indigo on part of their land at un-remunerative prices and by charging sharah beshi (rent enhancement) or tawan (lump sum compensation) if th e farmer did not want to grow indigo, he had to pay heavy fines * 1916 ---A farmer Raj Kumar Shukla contacted Gandhi during Co ngress Session @Lucknow. * 1917 ---Mahatma Gandhi launched an agitation. Demanded a det ailed enquiry and redressal of farmers grievances. Result: 1. Government appoints a committee, even included Gandhi as on e of the member. 2. Government abolishes tinkhatia system and pays compensation t o the farmers. 3. Gandhi gets new allies: Rajendra Prasad, JB Kriplani, Mahadev Desai and Braj Kishore Prasad

# # Kheda Satyagraha (1918) Severe drought in Khera District, Gujarat Kanbi-Patidar farm ers. Making decent living through cotton, tobacco and dairy. But Plague and famine during 1898-1906 reduced their income. Yet government increased Revenue de mand. Prices of essential commodities: kerosene, salt etc increased because of WW1. Farmers requested government to waive the land Revenue. G

overnment ignored. Gandhi + Sardar Patel launched no-revenue campaign Result: 1. Government reduced revenue to 6.03% 2. Government ordered officials to recover Revenue only from tho se farmers who were willing to pay. 3. Gandhi gets new ally: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

# # describe the complex methodology suggested by C Rangarajan panel for natural gas pricing ? ==> suggested mandating a price of domestically-produced natural gas at an average of international hub prices and cost of imported L NG instead of the present mechanism of market discovery. => suggested first taking an average of the U.S., Europe and Japan ese hub or market price and then averaging it out with the netback price of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) to give the sale price of domestically-produced gas. => The suggested formula will apply to pricing decisions made in f uture, and can be reviewed after five years.

# # purpose for appointment of Rangachary committee? => to review taxation of development centres and the information t echnology sector in a bid to provide clarity on these issues. # # what is the theme of Human Development Report...2013 ....wh o ranked where...imp ranks Ans => The 2013 Human Development Report "The Rise of the Sout

h: Human Progress in a Diverse World" examines the profound shift in global dynamics driven by the fast-rising new powers of the developing world and its long-term implications for human develop ment. => India has much catching up to do, the Human Development Re port 2013 released by the United Nations Development Programm e (UNDP), ranked the country at a low 136 among 186 countries o n its human development index (HDI) a composite measure of li fe expectancy, access to education and income levels.

# # Difference between thoughts those of Marx and Gandhiji ? Gandhi was repulsed by the Marxist concepts of class wars an d violent revolutions... An issue which highlights the differences between Gandhi an d the marxist is the right to own weapons, were marxist wants to outlaw guns in general but Gandhi stated in his autobiogra phy that depriving the whole nation of arms was the blackest l aw passed by the British..... Gandhi also differed from marxist on the basis of caste where gandhi distinguished importance of caste which played role o f economic guilds....

# # Give examples of monuments of Malwa style of architecture ? Ans - the Kamal Maula Masjid (c.1400), the Lal Masjid (1405), Dil awar Khan's Masjid (c.1405) and the Masjid of Malik Mughis (1452 ) , Jami Masjid , Hoshang Shah's Tomb in Mandu.

# # Which are the two phases of Indo Islamic architecture...describ e them ?

The first was the early medieval and sultanate phase and the other was the mughal phase when, aided by liberalism of Akbar ..it bloo med as a common cultural heritage of Hindustan.

# # What do u mean by the term pietra dura ? Ans - Pietra dura called parchin kari in South Asia is a term for inla y tech. Of using cut & fitted highly polished colored stones to creat e images.. It is considered a decorative art.. => 1st used to built humayun's tomb.. Also used in TaajMahal..

# # Modhera is famous for ? Ans - Sun temple in gujrat, dedicated to the hindu sun god surya b uilt in 1026 AD by king bhimdev of solanki dynasti...

# # difference between coins those of Kushanas and those of Gupt as ? Ans - Earliest Kushan coinage is generally attributed to Vima Kadp hises. The Kushan coins generally depicted iconographic forms dra wn from Greek, Mesopotamian, Zorastrian and Indian mythology. Siva, Buddha and Kartikeya were the major Indian deities portraye d. Kushan gold coins influenced subsequent issues, notably those o f the Guptas. => Gupta coinage (4th-6th centuries AD) followed the tradition oft he Kushans, depicting the king on the obverse and a deityon the re verse; the deities were Indian and the legends werein Brahmi. The earliest Gupta coins are attributed to Samudragupta, Chandragupta II and Kumaragupta and theircoins often commemorate dynastic s

uccession as well assignificant socio-political events, like marriage al liances, the horse sacrifice, etc (King and queen type of coin ofCha ndragupta 1, Asvamedha type, etc.), or for that matterartistic and p ersonal accomplishments of royal members(Lyrist, Archer, Lion-sl ayer etc.)

# # Hubble Space Telescope Ans - The Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) is a space telescope t hat was carried into orbit by a Space Shuttle in 1990 and remains i n operation. A 2.4-meter (7.9 ft) aperture telescope in low Earth or bit, Hubble's four main instruments observe in the near ultraviolet , visible, and near infrared spectra . The telescope is named after th e astronomer Edwin Hubble . => Many Hubble observations have led to breakthroughs in astrop hysics , such as accurately determining the rate of expansion of the universe . => Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well know n as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astro nomy . => The HST was built by the United States space agency NASA , with contributions from the European Space Agency, and is operat ed by the Space Telescope Science Institute . => The HST is one of NASA's Great Observatories , along with th e Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observat ory , and the Spitzer Space Telescope.

# # why do SKY DIVERS USE A eagle spread position while in air ? Ans - To stabilise the way they fall and so prevent tumbling. greater cross-sectional area > more air resistance > slower terminal

velocity > die another day Aerodynamics

# # what is Terminal velocity citing exmple of a free falling body .? => Simply when 'a' becomes 0 during free fall condition the velocity at which the acceleration becomes zero..i.e for a freely falling body when the gravitational pull equals the air drag/resistance..! => It is the max speed which object can achieve while falling freely

# # financial protectionism It is the economic policy of restraining trade between states th rough methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas , and a variety of other government regulations design ed to allow (according to proponents) fair competition betwe en imports and goods and service produced domestically. This policy contrasts with free trade , where government barri ers to trade are kept to a minimum. In recent years, it has bec ome closely aligned with anti-globalization . The term is most ly used in the context of economics , where protectionism ref ers to policies or doctrines which protect businesses and wor kers within a country by restricting or regulating trade with for eign nations.

# # what are Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS) ? Ans MSIPS is investment based scheme. The financial incentives under the scheme are as under:

25% of capital expenditure if the ESDM unit is in non-SEZ a nd 20 % of capital expenditure if the ESDM unit is within SE Z. This capex subsidy is available for investments made withi n 10 years from the date of approval of the project. Reimbursement of CVD/excise on capital equipment for non -SEZ units. Reimbursement of central taxes and duties (like c ustom duties, excise duties and service tax) for 10 years in sel ect high- tech units like fabs, Semiconductor Logic and Mem ory chips, LCD fabrication.

# # Importance of Guar Gum ...what is it ? => Now a days used in fracking of shale gas ..this increased the de mand world wide ..and prices shoot up in last few years... big advan tage for marginal farmers which used to harvest it.

# # Recent collaborations of National Housing Bank ? Ans - The New Delhi-based National Housing Bank in collaborati on with the Germany-based banking giant, KFW, has announced a first-of-its-kind pilot home- financing option with Euros 50 million being conferred as soft fund by the German counterpart to India. => Under this scheme, three banks HDFC, Axis and SBI recei ve the KFW fund through the NHB, with a mandate to deploy the fund in terms of softer interest rates to buyers of homes villas, ap artments and other types in green-rated, energy-efficient projects.

# # What significnt works as Raghuram Rajan done aftr tking ovr as chairman of RBI Ans -

1)raises repo rate and rev.repo rate that would restrict home loans and make liquidity on banks. 2)NPAs of PSU are going down. 3)made a balance between FDI and ministry of finance's decisions f or growth in economy. 4)best he has done two things are- cutting down inflation and bring currency value from 67 to 62.

# # Ecologically Sensitive Area of Western Ghats..whats in news ? => Min of envt. And earth sci. Have put ban in ESA for mining,nu clear plant or any other such activities =>It has recently been found that Tarpedo, one of the ornamental fish which is endemic to Western Ghats has several evolutionary li neage.... => they declared 60k area as recommeneded by kasturirangan com mitteee as ESA and immediate shut down for industries, => The Western Ghats or the Sahydri constitute a mountain rang e along the western side of India. It is a UNESCO World heritage site.. # # Lyon,France is famous for ? Ans International agency for research on cansar, Boutique, old b eautiful buildings, museum , St. georges church, st.peter's palace, m etallic tower, opera house, celestins theatre etc

# # What are heat islands ? Ans - area which is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas. => it is a metropolitan area that's a lot warmer than the rural areas s

urrounding it.. Exam. => tokiyo

# # What is the news from the world of cancer ? => Vitamin D supplements can prevent condition like cancer, diab etes and heart disease.. so its need to receive the ingredients like su nlight, fish liver oil (foods), eggs etc..

# # SS Badrinath...who is this personality ? => an opthalmologist of south india, Sengamedu Srinivasa Badrinat h is the founder and Chairman of Sankara Nethralaya ( a not-for-pr ofit missionary institution for ophthalmic care ) in Chennai...

# # Who is Christina Lamb ? Ans - Christina Lamb is a British journalist who is currently foreig n correspondent for The Sunday Times.. # # Mahajan field firing range The Indian Army's biggest firing range in the desert of Jaisal mer, where real battlefield conditions are simulated to train s oldiers in the entire spectrum of war-fighting. The Mahajan Field Firing Range (MFFR) is the armys oldest and biggest practice area in the desert close to the Pakistan b order, Recently the Indo-Russian joint military exercise 'INDRA 20 13'took place there...

# # How did First World War cause a change in Indian politics => british started appeasing hindu nationalists and alienated musli ms..entire propaganda starts here => rise of various political philosophies in India. => the rise of the Gandhi who transformed the very nature of the

# # A closer look of Inamgaon => Inamgaon is a site on the river Ghod, a tributary of the Bhima. I t is a megalithic site. It was occupied between 3600 and 2700 years ago. => Here,adults were generally buried in the ground, laid out straigh t, with the head towards the north. => Sometimes burials were withi n the houses. Vessels that probably contained food and water were placed with the dead. => Archaeologists have found seeds of wheat, barley, rice, pulses, millets, peas and sesame. Bones of a number of animals, many bea ring cut marks that show they may have been used as food, have als o been found. => These include cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, dog, horse, ass, pig, sa mbhar, spotted deer, blackbuck, antelope, hare, and mongoose, be sides birds, crocodile, turtle, crab and fish. => There is evidence that fruits such as ber, amla, jamun, dates and a variety of berries were collected.

# # Political crisis in Bangladesh...write a note => Politics of Bangladesh takes place ina framework of a parliamen tary .....since 1973 by forming a coalitiongovernment, since they fell

5 seatsshort of a majority. .... Despitepromises, no sign of improve ment inthe economic situation surfaced.

# # Give exmples of Vesara style of architecture ? => Khajuraho, Brihadeeswarar Temple, Chennakesava Temple, B haktavatsalar Temple

# # What are the negative impacts of Electronic media on Society a nd Culture ? => Sheepyfying of people, Misdirection of some realities... => Print media has its great positiveinfluence on society. Majority o f ...Electronic media in its every form is a big source of masscomm unication. ... What are thepositive impact of media on Indiansociety? The right to expression is not restricted which results in unwanted and unparliamentary expressions about persons and organisations

# # Global Hunger Index Report is publshd by ?? => international food policy and research institute , Welthugerthlife , concern worldwide

# # Tax Administration Reform Commission is setup ...why goals ? Ans - TARC Chairman and Advisor to Finance Minister- Parthas arathi Shome => The term of the 7-member TARC is 18 months, and it will wor k as an advisory body to the Ministry of Finance.

=> To review of the existing mechanism of dispute resolution and methods to widen tax base. => To recommend measures to strengthen inter-agency informatio n sharing between Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the Ce ntral Board of Excise and Custom (CBEC), the Financial Intelligen ce Unit (FIU), the Enforcement Directorate, and also with banking as well as financial sectors. => To review the existing mechanism and recommend measures t o enhance predictive analysis to detect and prevent tax and econo mic offences, said an official statement. => To recommend a system to enforce better tax mechanism by size, segment and nature of taxes and taxpayers that should cover methods to encourage voluntary tax compliance.

# # Sir Roger Dowler ? => siraj ud daula.. sumtyms called " Sir Roger Dowler " or " Sir Rog er Dowlah " by some of his British contemporaries, & " Sau Raja D owla " by John Holwell .

# # Where do u find Anthracite coal deposits in India ? => anthracite coal best quality coal carbon contains 98%.. and it als o known as hard coal... find in Jammu & kashmir..

# # What is knwn as brown coal ? => Lignite is most crumby and lowest quality coal.. some times its c alled brown coal.. Lignite contains the lowest level of fixed carbon ( 25 to 35 percent) and highest level of moisture (typically 20 to 40 p ercent by weight..

# # What was called by Nehru as fountain of prosperity ? => During 1958-59, geological and geophysical survey were carried out in Ankaleshwar for Oil,on 14th May 1960, the first indication o f oil & gas was observed n then The first commercially producing w ell of ONGC was christened as Vasudhara by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 23rd June 1960.ONGC, the nascent organization took t he Giant Leap from the unknown Ankleshwar,thus Nehru called A nkaleshwar as as fountain of prosperity.

# # Identify three importnt oil fields in North east India ? => Digboi is known as the Oil City of Assam where the first oil well in Asia was drilled. The first refinery was started here as early as 1 901. Digboi has the oldest oil well in operation. => DigBoy, Johrahat, Rudrasagar, naharkatiya, moran-hugrijan.

# # Tattapani geothermal fields ? => First Geothermal power plant of India, To be establish in Chatti sgar, and its geothermal potential is nearabout 10,000 MW

# # Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion....and oppurtunities in Indi a....write a note India => Harnessing energy from the difference between the radiated ene rgy of tides => It has a vast potentiality of producing renewable energy. India b eing a country with more than 7000kms coastline, has a vast potenti al to produce the otec and meet her energy needs

# # What is a Scheduled commercial bank? => Commercial banks are those which follow bank rate and comes under schedule of RBI. which are notified under rbi act 1934 schedule list(2)

# # why Norwegian ocean current is Warm ? => The gulf stream drift is one of d strongest ocean current. It reac h north atlantic drift. So norway current is warm eventhough its nea r pole. => Extension of nad because of lower latitudinal

# # Vostok Research Station Ans - Vostok Station ( lit. "Station East" or "East Station") is a Russia n (formerly Soviet ) research station in inland Princess Elizabeth La nd , Antarctica . The station lies at the southern Pole of Cold, with the lowest reliably measured natural temperature on Earth of 89.2 C (128.6 F). Research includes ice core drilling and magnetome try . Vostok (Russian for "east" ) was named after Vostok, the lead s hip of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition captained by Fabian v on Bellingshausen (the second ship Mirny captained by Mikhail La zarev became the namesake for Mirny Station) It is coldest place on earth.

# # Hazarduari Palace ? => IT IS ALSO KNOWN AS bara kothi..it is situated in mursidab

ad West Bengal located in murshidabad, west bengal.. earlier know n as bara kothi.. total area of this palace 41 acers.. built in 1837.. in 1985 , the palace was handed over to the Archaeological Survey of India for better preservation.. there are more than thousand real an d false doors...

# # Katyayana ? who was he ? => Ktyyana (c. 3rd century BC) was a Sanskrit grammarian , mat hematician and Vedic priest who lived in ancient India . He is known for two works: The Varttika , an elaboration on Pini grammar. Along with the Mahbhsya of Patajali , this text became a core part of the Vyk arana ( grammar) canon. This was one of the six Vedangas, and co nstituted compulsory education for students in the following twelve centuries. He also composed one of the later Sulba Sutras , a series of nine te xts on the geometry of altar constructions, dealing with rectangles, r ight-sided triangles, rhombuses, etc.

# # what are sulbha sutras? Ans- The Shulba Sutras or ulbastras ( Sanskrit : "string, cord, ro pe") are sutra texts belonging to the rauta ritual and containing geo metry related to fire-altar construction.The Shulba Sutras are part o f the larger corpus of texts called the Shrauta Sutras , considered to be appendices to the Vedas . They are the only sources of knowle dge of Indian mathematics from the Vedic period . Unique fire-alta r shapes were associated with unique gifts from the Gods. For insta nce, "he who desires heaven is to construct a fire-altar in the form o f a falcon"; "a fire-altar in the form of a tortoise is to be constructed by one desiring to win the world of Brahman" and "those who wish

to destroy existing and future enemies should construct a fire-altar i n the form of a rhombus". The four major Shulba Sutras, which are mathematically the most s ignificant, are those composed by Baudhayana , Manava , Apastam ba and Katyayana , about whom very little is known. The texts are dated by comparing their grammar and vocabulary with that of oth er Vedic texts. The texts have been dated from around 800 BCE to 200 CE, with the oldest being a sutra attributed to Baudhayana aro und 800 BCE to 600 BCE.

# # who were the Nayanmars ? => The Nayanars or Nayanmars were devotional saint poets of Shiv a in Tamil Nadu who were active between the fifth and tenth centu ries CE. The Tamil haiva (related to Shiva) hagiography Periya P uranam (a volume of the Tirumurai written during the 13th century CE) narrates the history of each of sixty- three Nayanars and the hi story of nine Thokai Adiyars.

# # what is Ekman Transport ? => Net transport of the effected surface layer will be perpendicular when it will be affected by current forcing.; Same like Fleming's left hand rule

# # Escrow means ? => similar to 'power of attorney'? Agreement between the two parti es in the hand of a third neutral party.when two transacting parties appoints third trusted party to transact on the behalf of them

# # only female Varkari saint to have attained sainthood based solel y on her devotion, without the support of any guru, male Varkari sa int ? => ...it was Kanhopatra # # what is significance of 16 degree - 18 degree latitude area of bA Y OF Bengal =>Is it mostly the common origin of cyclones that hit India => From the co-variation of mixed-layer depth and the sea-surface height during March to May, the boundary between the propagatio n of Oceanic Rossby waves are created due to the interaction of wa rm upper layer and cool deeper layers rather than the local atmosp heric forcing. Its action is also reffered by the Thermocline Movement. This belt is rich in nitrates and the possibility of oil is promin ent in the area covered... even the discovered Godavari Basin falls in its nearby area

# # which Five-year Plan marked the beginning of economic liberal isation /? => 6th # # Inner Line Permit (ILP) Inner Line Permit is required for Indian citizens to enter Ar unachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram. Inner Line Permi t is issued under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 187 3 The Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order 1958 states that a Protected Area Permit (PAP) is required for non-Indian citiz ens to visit certain areas in India (mainly in the North-East ).

Certain requirements have to be fulfilled in order to get this p ermit. Indian citizens who are not resident in these areas nee d an Inner Line Permit (ILP) to enter these places allows any Indian citizen to move freely throughout the territory of the c ountry. the imposition of d ILP under Bengal Eastern Frontier Regu latn 1873 wil b an ultra-vires 2 Art 19 (d) of the Indian Con stitution.

# # what are the things mentioned in Hathigumpha inscriptionz ? the information about the kaling ruler Kharvel and a specific mentioning of Chanakya. 6 miles from dhauli the info is about the chandragupta maurya coronation and th e conflict against Demetrius. And which also suggests Kharavela had ties wit Pushyamitra Sunga...and thats why the attack on Rajgriha to get rid of Yav anas but nvr annexed it to his territory

# # largest wintering ground for migratory birds on the Indian sub-c ontinent ? => chilka lake ..

# # why is Dhauli an important early historic urban centre ? famous rock edicts of ashoka and due to kalinga war dhauli i s famous historic urban city derz one river named Daya der..and during war it turned red by blood ,,nd hence he decided to built lots of stupas chaity

as nd today it is a buddhist pilgrimage center

# # Write a comment...Baiju Bawra >? => Famous Indian Dhrupad singer from Gwalior and Courtier of R aja Mansingh Tomar.. => He had been in the court of Akbar.. and legends praise his talen ts even higher than Tansen.

# # what are Tropic Hormones ? => Tropic hormones are hormones produced and secreted by the anterior pituitary that target endocrine glands. => a hormone that has a growth effect, hyperplasia or hypertrophy , on the tissue it is stimulating. Exa. ACTH TSH

# # Hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary are ? => ACTH TSH FSH LH ICSH GH PRL LEPTIN

# # why do Lizards Moult? => moult is vital for maintaining the animal's quality of vision.. => Lizards shed their skin to allow for growth, as well as to remove parasites along with their old skin. => Lizards consume their shed skin 4 calcium, grooming & othr nu trients => it in order to make way for the new skin.

# # Panchasakhas ?

=> Five Oriya poets emerged during the late 15th and 16th centuri es: Balaram Das, Jagannath Das, Achyutananda Das, Ananta Das a nd Jasobanta Das. Although they wrote over a span of one hundre d years they are collectively known as the "Panchasakhas", since the y adhered to the same school of thought, Utkaliya Vaishnavism. Th e word "pancha" means five and the word "sakha", friend. => Balaram Dass Jagamohan Ramayan provided one pillar, along with Sarala-Das's Mahabharata, upon which subsequent Oriya litera ture was built. His Laksmi Purana is considered the first manifesto of womens liberation or feminism in Indian literature. => Shri Achyutananda Das was the most prolific writer of the Panc hasakhas and wrote numerous books or pothis . One of his signific ant beliefs was in reincarnation. He is known as the Mahapurusha, meaning great man. He was learned in Ayurvedic medicine, other s ciences and social regulations.

# # difference between Smriti and Shruti literature ? => Shruti or sacred knowledge is specially applied to branch of lit erature which has been handed down by verbal transmission and is known as vedas. => The Vedangas are Smriti.The most important contribution of th is period is the composition of Vedangas. These Vedangas are rega rded as less authoritative than Sruti and are styled Smriti. => They are six : 1. Siksha (phonetics) 2. Kalpa (ritual) 3. Vyakaran (grammar) 4. Ni rukta (etymology) 5. Chhand (metrics) 6. Jyotish (astronomy) The basic difference is Veda and Vedanga respectively.

# # Vishishtadvaita ?

=> Vishishtadvaita is a non-dualistic school of Vedanta philosophy. It is non-dualism of the qualified whole, in which Brahman alone e xists, but is characterised by multiplicity. It can be described as qual ified monism or qualified . => Ramanujacharya

# # Decribe 'Gaudiya Vaishnavism' => Religious movement found by Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu in Gaud a(Bengal Region).

# # Achintya Bheda Abheda....what , when , who => Achintya means 'inconceivable',bheda translates as 'difference', a nd abheda translates as 'non-difference'. => It is a school of Vedanta representing the philosophy of inconce ivable one-ness and difference,in relation to the power creation and creator, svayam bhagavan and also between God and his energies within the Gaudiya Vaishnava religious tradition. => This philosophy was taught by this movement's theological foun der Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and differentiates the Gaudiya tradition from the other Vaishnava Sampradaya.

# # What is difference between tier 1 ,tier 2 and tier 3 capital? => conservation increases of the capital with tier rise- 1 means thos e of share and other disclosed reserves, 2 means general provisions and undisclosed reserves and 3 means the capital kept reserved fo r crisis (risk management).

# # Jehangir court - Abul Hasan ? => Mughal painter in Jehangir court..most famous painting is 'squir rels in a plane tree'.. titled as 'wonder of the age'.

# # achievements of Peshwa Bajrao 1 ? => He never lost a battle,declined the influence of syed brothers an d weakened Mughals,moved the capital from Satara to Pune . => Under his command,Marathas defeated the Siddis,Portuguese, and Nizam, Bangash and other generals.He created many kingdom s also like Scindias,Holkars and Pawars to get the Maratha Empire expanded. J N Sarkar has called him a heaven born cavalry leader

# # Keshav Dev Temple => turned out to becoming krishna janmabhumi temple in Ayodhy a replacing that of the original temple near it.

# # Gadhwal Raja 'Govindchandra' ? => Chandravanshi Rajput and 71st Chanderi King of princely state of Bilaspur (Himachl pradesh ) => Defeated Islamic invaders prior to 1109AD and encroached Ma gadh.

# # All the Kushans were patrons of Buddhism except ? => kanishka!!!

# # what is Vorticity ? => Fluid dynamic equation used to calculate the vortex of any spira l caused in them. I'm not sure of the equation, though. => the ability to form vortices..(it means the sppining ability of the f luid),wherever there is a difference being experienced in the volum etric flow rate associated with them. => Navier-stokes is used for it. two times the angular velocity of rot ating fluid in fluid dynamics

# # write on the following in 150 words . 1 . RASUKA => The National Security Act 1980 is an act of the Indian Parliame nt whose purpose is "to provide for preventive detention in certain cases and for matters connected therewith." The act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir . This act e mpowers the Central Government and State Governments to detai n a person to prevent him/her from acting in any manner prejudici al to the security of India, the relations of India with foreign countri es, the maintenance of public order, or the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the community it is necessary s o to do. The act also gives power to the governments to detain a for eigner in a view to regulate his presence or expel from the country. The act was passed in 1980 during the Charan Singh Government 2. POTA=> The Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002 ( POTA ) was an anti-terrorism legislation enacted by the Parliament of India in 2002. The act was enacted due to several terrorist attacks that took place in India especially the attack on the Parliament . The act repl aced the Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance (POTO) of 2001 and the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) ( 198595),

and was supported by the governing National Democratic Alliance . The act was repealed in 2004 by the United Progressive Alliance coalition. The act defined what a "terrorist act" and a "terrorist" is, a nd granted special powers to the investigating authorities described under the act. To ensure certain powers were not misused and hu man rights violations would not take place, specific safeguards were built into the act. 3. MOCCA=> Maharashtra control organised crime act.it is enacte d by the govt of maharashtra state in 1999 in India.According to thi s an accused cant get bail in a span time of 6month if she or he acc used of pre organised crime like that of sreeshant did in IPl spot fix ing scam ,arun gawli gangster turned politician sentenced life impris onment in murder case of shiv sena .

# # sine die adjournment ??? Adjournment sine die (from the Latin "without day") means "withou t assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing". To adjourn an as sembly sine die is to adjourn it for an indefinite period. A legislativ e body adjourns sine die when it adjourns without appointing a day on which to appear or assemble again. It can be used in reference to legislatures whose terms or mandates are coming to an end, and it is anticipated that this particular body will not meet again. A legislative body adjourned in this way may be called back into special session, a reason why sine die adjournmen t rather than dissolution may be preferred in some cases.

# # Wallace line and Weber's line ? => weber line : line seperating flora and fauna => walllace line : seperating australia and asia

# # Well-known mathematician with whom Ramanujan worked ? => thomas hardy

# # A Popular incident often quoted as an example of Ramanujan's prowess ? => taxi cab number => Hardy's visit to Ramunajam and his thus giving of the fact of qua lity of the number now known as Ramanujam number after him- 1 729 => "Every positive integer is one of Ramanujan's personal friends." J. E. Littlewood, upon hearing of the taxicab incident.

# # Ramanujan's first formal paper was on ? => bernouilli number

# # Which indian state host 2013 World Chess Championship ? => Chennai

# # Significant work of CNR Rao ? => nobel prize in the field of solid chemistry recieved BHART RATNA for his contibution in the field of chemi stry Solid state chemistry and Materials sciences

# # Mahasveta Devi in news ..who is she >? => Mahasweta Devi, the Bengali novelist and champion of tribal co

mmunities, has won ... Last year, she won the Jnanpith award, Indi a's highest literary prize

# # How does EC recognise political parties? => to recognize as national party party must be recognize as state pa rty in four states Party has to fulfill following criteria s either that the party has been conducting its activities for a continuous period of five years, or tha t the party has got at least 4% of the votes polled in elections to the state assembly

# # Law of the Sea Treaty ??? => UN convention on the law of sea treaty1982 ,it defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the worlds oceans, est ablishing guidelines 4 business, the environment & the managemen t of natural resources

# # MANHATTAN PROJECT: ? => a project which developed first atomic bomb in world war 2..led by USA with support of UK n cananda

# # Indias nuclear program: Three stages: which are they? => Stage 1 include BWR PHWR HWR, pressurised heavy water r eactor.. stage 2 include FBR, fast breeder reactor Stage 3 include AHWR ...3.thorium based reactor

# # What is Uranium Enrichment ? => Increasing the concentration of U-235 from 0.7 to 5% for power production purpose and to 20 % for weapons => Uranium is found in a composite form where U 235 & 238 are present in 0.7% and 99.3% concentration respectively. => U-235 is used in nuclear reactors as fuel.... so it is enriched by u sing centrifuges process in which % composition of uranium is incr ease by isotope separation..very imp from civil nuclear and nuclear military program..in manhattan project enriched uranium ws used

# # important features of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill , 2013 are **The Bill provides for five per cent reservation in public sector jo bs and makes the private sector more accountable for creating a dis abled-friendly environment. **It provides incentives for the private sector to take such measure s. **On political participation, the proposed law says every person wi th disability who fulfils eligibility requirements is entitled to be regis tered as a voter. **He/she should not be disqualified from exercising the voting rig ht on the grounds of disability, irrespective of any stipulation to the contrary in any law for the time being in force. **Any person who is unable to vote in person due to disability or b ecause of admission to hospital for treatment is entitled to opt for p ostal ballot, says the Bill. **It requires the Election Commission to ensure that all polling sta tions are accessible to persons with disabilities. **The proposed law also allows mentally unsound women the righ

t to fertility and prescribes punishment for forced abortion or hyste rectomy on them

# # Which constitutional amendment is associated with giving effec t to the acquiring of territories by India and transfer of territories to Bangladesh in pursuance of the agreement between the two countr ies? => 119 const. amnd bill......aur shayad berubari case jab 1971 tak el ongate hua to indira-mujib accord me bhi kuch aisa hi hua tha..

# # President Pranab Mukherjee during 2013 launched the Bichitr a online project, which is a project containing texts and records of a famous Indian writer. Which writer is this? => Bichitra, an online collection of RabindranathTagores works, wouldinculcate the essence of humanity and eternal values of civilis ation as propagated by Tagore in his creations.

# # India is the 19th-largest exporter and the 10th-largest importer i n the world.

# # what our Constitution says about alteration of boundary with ot her neighbor countries and what to do with Basic structure & Sover eignty of India. => Can not violate the basic structure of constitution ...but have the supreme power only to parliament... if there is increase in area by aby means ie deal ...acquisition by war etc it does not require const amendment but if any agreement caus

es net loss if area to india it requires const. amendment only parliament has the power to do so, not the state legislatures, a nd while doing so, it must not give effect to the basic strusture of th e constituion

# # Berubani dispute between India and Pakistan??? => India and east pakistan...berubari is a place in bengal...disputed with pakistan as it was not in record files in radcliff`s document...so from 1952 pak starts demanding it to be its place....later nehru dec ided to give it to pak without even talking with people of beubari an d CM of bengal....after that 12000 wrote a letter to Dr. Rajendra Pr asad with their blood that they can give their live but berubari not... .so dr.saab took advice from CJI (143) ...finally constn amended an d nehru won the case(after his death) and decided to give that to pa k....but after 1971 war...indira mujib accord...a Teen Beegha corrid or imp one ...and berubari remained in india... => It was a reference made by president to supreme court under ar ticle 143 on the implementation of india pakistan agreement relatin g to the enclaves and berubari union ... And also in the famous case of berubari union the supreme court s aid that preamble is not the part of constitution it is just for the refe rence if something in the constitution is ambiguous

# # ideology of maoists in india ??? => they are left wing socialists They r the inseparable part of the ide ology which boasts the violence and usurping of the democratic Go vernment which is not legitimate as per their view and in order to b ring stability and righteous one to rule they have taken up to armed struggle against the rulers.. so they crate the current govt. and estab lish their rule. => Revolution through war . They don't believe in democracy... the

y want public rule (which even they don't know what is, and still to be witnessed in the world ). poltical power arisez from barrel of gun.... they want equality in eco nomy... no rich no poor.. all r equal.. according to them India has fake democracy....the govt which rules doesnt have even 30% mndate but it rules 100%.

# # Describe Vertisols..its properties nd wherr it is found => Soil with high clay content, these soils an too sticky and unwork able when wet and very hard when dry and has low fertility status.F ound in eastern Australia , the Deccan Plateau of India.

# # Selvas ..write features => A dense tropical rain forest usually having a cloud cover, feature includes an abundance of mosses, ferns, orchids and other epiphyt ic plants on every tree and rock surface.

# # Describe the pastoral life of Masais => The masais are negroid pastorals who inhabit the savannah gras slands of Africa. They are famouse for their hunting prowess and r ed clock they wear.

# # Define primary,secondary and tertiary sex ratios => It is generally divided into four subdivisions: primary sex ratio ratio at fertilization secondary sex ratio ratio at birth tertiary sex ratio ratio in sexually active organisms.

Also called adult sex ratio and abbreviated to ASR. ASR is defined as the proportion of adults in a population that are male. quaternary sex ratio ratio in post-reproductive organisms Measuring these is a problem since they lack clear boundaries.

# # The Aral Sea is located between?? => The Aral Sea is located between twocountries, the Uzbekistan a nd Kazakstan,which were both formerly part of theSoviet Union. The Aral Sea was a lake lying between Kazakhstan in the north and Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan...

# # Describe Khartoum geographically... => Khartoum, Sudan, the national capital. It is at thejunction of the Blue Nile and White Nile rivers,near the southern edge of the Sah ara. With theadjacent cities of Omdurman and KhartoumNorth, K hartoum makes up Sudan's largest urbancenter. => Khartoum is the national capital of Sudan,the Khartoum state li es in the climatic semi-desert region while northern areas lie in des ert zones. The climate of the state is ranging from hot to very hot. The weather is rainy in summers, cold and dry in winters. Average rainfall reaches 100200 mm in the north-eastern areas and 3002 00 mm in the North Western areas.

# # What is Teleology ? => A teleology is any philosophical account which holds that final c auses exist in nature , meaning that design and purpose analogous t o that found in human actions are inherent also in the rest of natur e.

Teleology was explored by Plato and Aristotle , by Saint Anselm ar ound 1000 AD, and later by Immanuel Kant in his critique of judg ment . It was fundamental to the speculative philosophy of Hegel .

# # Books written by Al Beruni ? => Ta'rikh al-Hind , The Mas'udi Canon, Understanding Astrology

# # What is Adiabatic and Anabatic and Katabatic winds ? => Mountain Winds as they occur most frequently in mountainous areas, meteorologist call them Katabatic or Anabatic Winds. => Anabatic Winds are upslope winds driven by warmer surface te mperatures on a mountain slope than the surrounding air column. Katabatic winds are downslope winds created when the mountain s urface is colder than the surrounding air and creates a down slope wind. => Katabatic wind may range over fairly large areas as in the case of the Santa Anna winds experienced throughout southern California during certain times of the year

# # Ibn Batutta in court of Muhammand Bin Tughlaq ...describe Muhammad bin Tughluq was renowned as the wealthiest man in th e Muslim World at that time. He patronized various scholars, Sufis, qadis, viziers and other function aries in order to consolidate his rule. As with Mamluk Egypt, the Tughlaq Dynasty was a rare vestig ial example of Muslim rule in Asia after the Mongol invasion. On the strength of his years of stud

y in Mecca, Ibn Battuta was appointed a qadi, or judge, by the sultan. He found it difficult to en force Islamic laws beyond the sultan's court in Delhi, due to lack of Islamic appeal in India. [39] From the Rajput Kingdom of Sarsatti, he visited Hansi in India, de scribing it as "among the most beautiful cities, the best constructed and the most populated; it is s urrounded with a strong wall, and its founder is said to be one of the great infidel kings, called Ta ra". [40] Upon his arrival in Sindh , Ibn Battuta mentions the Indian rhinoceros that lived on th e banks of the Indus. The Sultan was erratic even by the standards of the time and for six years Ibn Battuta veered between living the high life of a trusted subordinate and falling und er suspicion of treason for a variety of offences. His plan to leave on the pretext of taking anoth er hajj was stymied by the Sultan, who asked him instead to become his ambassador to Yuan Dynasty China. Given the opport unity to get away from the Sultan and visit new lands, he readily accepted.

# # What r ur views on the current RBI monetary policy by Raghur am Rajan ? => Its quite unorthodox..also CPI is problem..its fr a short time mo netary policy can always be only a temporary and emergency soluti on to inflation especially in case of india where there r supply side constaints rather than demand side....monetary manuvers no doubt are necessary but hav their own limitations...thus fiscal policies hav to provide boost to increase production better access to markets in frastruxture growth etc. so while considering the heavy rate of inflati on rbi could hav increased rates but overall it is to b managed fiscal


# # Role of CVC in current Lokpal bill => CVC has a staff strength of between 200 and 250 employees. [1 4] If one went by international standards, India needs 28,500 anticorruption staff in CVC to check corruption of 57 lakh employees. There has been considerable delay in many cases for grant of sanct ion for prosecution against corrupt government officials. The perm ission to prosecute such officials acts as a deterrent in the drive to e radicate corruption and bring transparency in the system.

# # Classical dances of India..nd states..giv its features Bharatanatyam is a dance of Tamil Nadu in southern India. It trace s its origins back to the Natyashastra, an ancient treatise on theatre written by the mythic priest Bharata. Originally a temple dance for women, bharatanatyam often is used to express Hindu religious sto ries and devotions. It was not commonly seen on the public stage u ntil the 20th century. The dance movements are characterized by b ent legs, while feet keep rhythm. Hands may be used in a series of mudras, or symbolic hand gestures, to tell a story. Kathakali comes from southwestern India, around the state of Kera la. Like bharatanatyam, kathakali is a religious dance. It draws inspi ration from the Ramayana and stories from Shaiva traditions. Kath akali is traditionally performed by boys and men, even for female r oles. The costumes and makeup are especially elaborate, with faces made to look like painted masks and enormous headdresses. A dance of northern India, Kathak is often a dance of love. It is pe

rformed by both men and women. The movements include intricat e footwork accented by bells worn around the ankles and stylized g estures adapted from normal body language. It was originated by K athakas, professional storytellers who used a mixture of dance, son g, and drama. Like other Indian dances it began as a temple dance, but soon moved into the courts of ruling houses. Manipuri comes from Manipur in northeastern India. It has its roo ts in that states folk traditions and rituals, and often depicts scenes from the life of the god Krishna. Unlike some of the other, more r hythmic dances, Manipuri is characterized by smooth and graceful movements. Female roles are especially fluid in the arms and hand s, while male roles tend to have more forceful movements. The da nce may be accompanied by narrative chanting and choral singing. Unlike the other styles mentioned, kuchipudi requires talent in bot h dancing and singing. This dance, from the state of Andhra Prade sh in southeastern India, is highly ritualized, with a formalized song -and- dance introduction, sprinkling of holy water, and burning of i ncense, along with invocations of goddesses. Traditionally the danc e was performed by men, even the female roles, although now it is predominantly performed by women. Odissi is indigenous to Orissa in eastern India. It is predominantly a dance for women, with postures that replicate those found in tem ple sculptures. Based on archaeological findings, odissi is belived to be the oldest of the surviving Indian classical dances. Odissi is a ve ry complex and expressive dance, with over fifty mudras (symbolic hand gestures) commonly used. Mohiniyattam is an Indian classical dance form that evolved in Ker ala . Women dancers basically perform it and its movements are ve ry graceful. Mohini means an enchantress. It basically includes a w hite saree with gold borders and jewellery charming the audience.

The dance has the mnemonic syllables, which are sung. Though th e dance units in Mohiniyattam are limited, its distinct features are t he exemplary grace and the measured movements. Sattriya is a classical dance that belongs to Assam . Its origin lies in five hundred years old theatre tradition nourished in the Vaishnava Monasteries of Assam. It was popular among the holy monks. It h as been extracted from a massive organisation of theatrical activities which constitutes the Ankiya Bhaona form. It got its name from th e monasteries. Sattras are monasteries of the followers of Lord Vis hnu. It has a rhythmic beat and a sensitive style. It is gender specifi c. The upper part of the body is given in to melody, and the lower part is generally surrendered to interpreting rhythms. Abhinaya or expression is also an essential part of the whole process.

# # What r current Ragging laws in India..giv details In 1997, the state of Tamil Nadu first passed laws related to ragging Subsequently, a major boost to anti-ragging efforts was given by a l andmark judgement of the Supreme Court of India in May 2001, [ 24] in response to a Public Interest Litigation filed by the Vishwa Ja griti Mission. The Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), follow ing a directive by the Supreme court, appointed a seven member p anel headed by ex- CBI director Dr. R. K. Raghavan to recommen d anti-ragging measures. The Raghavan Committee report, submitt ed to the court in May 2007, includes a proposal to include ragging as a special section under the Indian Penal Code . The Supreme Court of India interim order (based on the recommendations) date d 16 May 2007 makes it obligatory for academic institutions to file official First Information Reports with the police in any instance of a complaint of ragging. This would ensure that all cases would be f ormally investigated under criminal justice system, and not by the a

cademic institutions own ad-hoc bodies. The Indian Supreme Court has taken a strong stand to prevent rag ging. In 2006, the court directed the H.R.D. Ministry of the Govt. of India to form a panel which will suggest guidelines to control rag ging. The panel, headed by the former director of C.B.I. Dr. R.K.Ragha van, met victims, guardians and others across the country. The Rag havan committee has placed its recommendation to the Hon'ble Su preme Court, which has given its order on the

# # Coastal State which has more inland fishery than marine fishery ? => kerala

# # Role of CBI under the present Lokpal Bill passed recently ? => The Lokpal will have powers of superintendence over cases refe rred by it to the CBI. Any officer of the CBI investigating a case ref erred to it by the Lokpal will not be transferred without its approval . The Centre will fund the CBI investigations into the matters refer red to it by the Lokpal.

# # Ural Mountains ...location ? => The Ural Mountains are a mountain range that runs approximat ely from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of t he Arctic Ocean to the Ural River and northwestern Kazakhstan.T heir eastern side is usually considered the natural boundary betwee n Europe and Asia. Vaygach Island and the islands of Novaya Zem lya form a further continuation of the chain to the north into the Ar


# # Enlist state birds of different states of India => Andhra Pradesh Indian Roller Arunachal Pradesh Great Hornbill Assam White-winged Wood Duck Bihar House Sparrow Chhattisgarh Hill Myna Delhi House Sparrow Goa Black-crested bulbul Gujarat Greater Flamingo Haryana Black Francolin Himachal Pradesh Western Tragopan Jammu and Kashmir Black-necked crane Jharkhand Asian Koel Karnataka Indian Roller Kerala Great Hornbill Lakshadweep Sooty Tern Meghalaya Hill Myna Madhya Pradesh Asian Paradise Flycatcher Maharashtra Yellow-footed Green Pigeon Manipur Mrs. Hume's Pheasant Mizoram Mrs. Hume's Pheasant Nagaland Blyth's Tragopan Odisha Indian Roller Puducherry Asian koel Punjab Northern Goshawk Rajasthan Great Indian Bustard Sikkim Blood Pheasant Tamil Nadu Emerald Dove Uttarakhand Himalayan Monal Uttar Pradesh Sarus Crane

West Bengal White-breasted Kingfisher # # Chernozems ..write a note => it is knwn as black soil. ..bt quite difr frm blk soil. .blk soil is ma de of valcanic lava. .chrnojm is found in sub temperate zone(30dg t o 45 dgr) continental climate. . Lik as stepes in rusia, preyri in ame rica n pampas waldes n downs grslnds.. Its fertile due to less rainfal and leachng proces dsnt hapens. .lot of humus. . => Chernozems is black dirt" or "black earth", is a black-coloured s oil containing a high percentage of humus( 7% to 15%), and high p ercentages of phosphoric acids, phosphorus and ammonia.Cherno zem is very fertile and produces a high agricultural yield. it is a russian word means black earth or black dirt...generally know n as black soil. Found in russia, serbian area and ukraine..Black soi l contain large amount of phosphoric acid and ammonia give high agricultural yield

# # UMEED initiative ? => It is an initiative by umeed to imbibed life skills in young adult t hrough a group counselling process Umeed as an organization is committed to skill building and expert ise sharing with people in the field of psychology and education. => Mission: Enable, Empower and Energize populace for leading a stress free, healthy & happy life.

# # Largest fishery producing state in India => Fishing is a diverse industry in India. The table below presents t he top ten fish harvesting states in India, for the 2007-2008 agricult ure year. Leading fish producing states in India, 20072008

Rank.State Total production (metric tonnes) 1 West Bengal 1,447,260 2 Andhra Pradesh 1,010,830 3 Gujarat 721,910 4 Kerala 667,330 5 Tamil Nadu 559,360 6 Maharashtra 556,450 7 Orissa 349,480 8 Uttar Pradesh 325,950 9 Bihar 319,100 10 Karnataka 297,690

# # Rohtang pass => Himachal Pradesh...known for peak point and usually covered with snow and rides like skiing, paragliding => Rohtang Pass (altitude 3,978 m or 13,051 ft),is a high mountain pass on the eastern Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas around 51 k m (32 mi) from Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley with the Laha ul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh, India.

# # Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, o r "system", of Absolute idealism to account in an integrated and dev elopmental way for the relation of mind and nature , the subject an d object of knowledge, psychology, the state , history , art , religion, and philosophy. In particular, he developed the concept that mind or spirit manifested itself in a set of contradictions or oppositions t hat it ultimately integrated and united without eliminating either pol e. Examples of such contradictions include those between bondage and freedom, between immanence and transcendence , between u niversal and particular, between artificial and natural, between God and man, between divine and human, and between infinite and fin

ite. # # Barbery States denotes ? => North African states of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia which we re famouse for Ottoman sponsored piracy during the Middle Ages morocco ; tunisia ; algeria of north africa..

# # Differnce between Polar front jet streams and sub tropical jet fr ont ? => polar jet streams r those streams which arise due to blow of win ds in polar regions n sub tropical jet front r those which arise due t o blow of winds in sub tropical areas. => There are two main jet streams at polar latitudes, and two minor subtropical streams closer to the equator. The polar jet streams ar e most commonly found between latitudes 30N and 70N and the subtropical stream between latitudes 20N and 50N for . Their win d speeds vary according to temperature and average about 35 mph during the winter and 75 mph during the summer. => The polar dominated streams travel westerly, the subtropical tra vel easterly. polar ftont jet streams r in summers while with arrival of winters po lar jets migrate towards equatorily and bcome sub tropical responsi ble for the formation of western disturbances(temperate cyclone) o ver NW india

# # in vedic times TRADERS were called as ? => Pani

# # Barbaricum

=> Barbaricum has been mentioned by numerous foreign sources and was a great port and a market town. Barbaricum imported a gr eat deal of fine clothing, linen, precious stones, silver, gold plates, a nd wine from different parts of the world. On the other hand, it ex ported various commodities, particularly cotton cloth, silk yarn, an d indigo, produced in different parts of India.

# # Vaisheshika is profounded by ? => Kanada # # what was the contribution of BADRAYANA ? => Utthara mimamsa was the contribution of badarayana

# # tell something about a women figure of vedic history named L OPAMUDRA => Wife of Sage Agastya and an ancient philosopher. => She is the wife of sage agasthya and she composed one hymn of rig veda. she had another title kaushithaki. She is famous for her hy mn which reminds her husband of his household duties.

# # Vedanta was profounded by ? => Vedantha means end of the vedas. Propounded by adi shankara => there are 3 main schools of vedanta- advaita vedanta by shankar a, dvaita vedanta by Madhava n visheshadvaita by ramanuja...

# # write abt the musical instrument Shehnai ...bckgrnd histry .fam ous artist ..etc etc

=> The shehnai , shahnai , shenai or mangal vadya is a double reed oboe, common in India , Pakistan , Bangladesh and Iran, made o ut of wood, with a metal flare bell at the end. Its sound is thought t o create and maintain a sense of auspiciousness and sanctity and, as a result, is widely used during marriages , processions , and in tem ples, although it is also played in concerts. Shenai is similar to Sout h India's nadaswaram => Origin of the shehnai The ancestor of North Indian shehnai is believed to be from Persia n Surna (Sur = feast, Nai= Ney = flute). The shehnai is thought to h ave been developed by improving upon the pungi (a woodwind fol k instrument used primarily for snake charming). There are varying legends of the shehnai's origin. In one of these, a shah initially banned the playing of the pungi in his court due to its shrill sound. A barber, belonging to a family of musicians, improve d on it and created the shehnai. As it was played in the Shah's court and giving due reference to the nai or barber, the new instrument was called shehnai . => Some exponents of the shehnai are: Ustad Bismillah Khan , who was a well-known Shehnai Player (191 62006), Founder Of Shehnai Instrument in Classical Platform to t he world., Ustad Ali Ahmad Hussain, Pt. Anant Lal (1927 2011), Pandit S. Ballesh, Pt. Raghunath Prasanna (19131999), Pt. Rajend ra Prasanna # # first word of Rig veda? => agni # # Mimansa was profounded by ? => Jaimini # # write some info about mimansa => Mimamsa means logic or debate or inquisitiveness or enquiry.

They are not much concerned about the existence of god but want to depict the character of god. Hence it is divided into theist school and atheistic school.

# # describe the Panchaytana type of temple => Pancha means five and ayathna means abode of god or yatna m eans god. The main shrine is surrounded by four shrines. Ganesha di pancha devathas are in vogue. Ganesha surya vishnu rudra and d evi are pancha devathas. Kandaraya and lakshamana temples are e xamples of panchayathana type

# # enlist the works of Kalidasa => meghdootam,Ritusamharam,Raghuvansham,Abhigyan-Shakunt alam => Kalidas wrote dramas and lyrics. Rithusamharam megadutam ar e lyrics. Raghuvamsam kumarasambhavam and abhijnanasakunthal am are dramas

# # Pliny in contexxt of India ? => Pliny the elder wrote natural history. In thia work he depicted r oman trade with ancient india. He bewailed that annually 18 cistern s of gold coin downpoured into india. Hence balance of trade is in favour of I dia. He also complained that the roman ladies were full of indian muslins. The moral code of rome became null and void due to use of this fine muslin.

# # factor IX deficiency, or Christmas disease ?

=> haemophilia B => after a young boy named Stephen Christmas .. he was found to be lacking this exact factor, leading to hemophilia . discovrd in 195 2

# # U.N. Security Council Resolution 1172 => adopted unanimously on 6 June 1998, after hearing of nuclear t ests conducted by India and Pakistan in May 1998, the Council condemned the tests and demanded that both countries refrain from engaging in further tests.

# # What are Antigens and what are antibodies ? => An antigen is any substance that causes ur immune system 2 pro duce antibodies against it. it may be a foreign substance 4m d envir onment such as chemicals, bacteria, viruses, or pollen. may also be formed within d body, as wid bacterial toxins or tissue cells. => An antibody is a protein produced by the body's immune syste m when it detects harmful substances, called antigens. Each type of antibody is unique and defends the body against one specific type of antigen. Antibodies may be produced when the immune system mistakenly considers healthy tissue a harmful substance. This is call ed an autoimmune disorder.

# # Vhf (very high frequency) applications => FM radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, land mobile stat ions (emergency, business, private use and military), long range dat

a communication up to several tens of kilometres with radio mode ms , amateur radio , and marine communications.

# # Fullerene..write a note => applications-especially in materials science , electronics, and nan otechnology . => Fullerenes are similar in structure to graphite , which is compos ed of stacked graphene sheets of linked hexagonal rings; but they may also contain pentagonal (or sometimes heptagonal) rings.

# # define Specific Absorption rate >? => Specific absorption rate (SAR) is a measure of the rateat which energy is absorbed by the human body whenexposed to a radio fre quency (RF) electromagneticfield ; although, it can also refer to abs orption of otherforms of energy by tissue, including ultrasound. => It isdefined as the power absorbed per mass of tissue andhas un its of watts per kilogram (W/kg). => It is defined as in which the rate of absortption of molecule take s place in a unit cubic area of a substance's surfaces

# # Why was Arjun Sengupta committee setup and what were itz fi ndings ?> => To look into functioning of public sector units Memorandum of understanding is the concept which came as outp ut.

# # what r Social Security Agreements (SSAs) ?

=> SSAs are Agreements with foreign countries for securing a bette r deal for Indian nationals working abroad. Government has alread y approved signing of agreements with Germany, Netherlands, Om an and Bahrain. => SSAs are bilateral agreements between India and other countrie s designed to protect the interests of cross border workers. They provide for avoidance o f no coverage or double coverage and equality of treatment of the workers of both c ountries. => first nation with whom v signed is Belgium ...in 2006

# # why r Pigs regarded as amplifying hosts ? => Pigs are amplifyinghosts, in that the virus reproducesin pigs and infects mosquitoes thattake blood meals, but does notcause disease . The virus tends tospill over into human populationswhen infected mosquitopopulations build up explosively andthe human biting rat e increases (these culicines are normallyzoophilic, i.e. they prefer t o takeblood meals from animals).

# # Which animals suffer from Foot and Mouth Disease ? ..what h appens to them nd how is itz behavour ? => Cow suffer.. When in mouth it salivate more nd jst red rashes o ccur buffelows,cows most frequent survivor of fmd,its happens due to virus sat1,sat2 ,the virus is attack mostly in wet areas where these animals are existng,bt ths virus cnnt survive in human body ,thatsw hy its nt occus in human beings

# # The cattle from temperate region have higher milk production. wHY ? => The key environmental factors that influence overall livestock p roductivity fall within three major areas; the physical environment; biological diversity and the socio- economic environment. The deg ree to which these factors impact on productivity will differ betwee n the agro- ecological regions and between production systems. Th e level of production achieved by a particular genotype in harsh en vironments depends on the contribution and expression of many d ifferent traits which may be partitioned into those directly involved with production,

# # ENLIST DESI BREEDS FOUND OF COW IN INDIA => There are 22 breeds of Indian cows and found that in five milk yielding Indian cows -- Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi and Gir , devni, pandhrpuri The origin of the breed is in the Gir forest region and surrounding districts of Saurashtra region of Gujarat State.

# # Mycorrhizal biotechnology...write a note.. its m'organism => biotechnology in land reclamation and revegetation of disturbed min sites is not well practiced in many parts of the world

# # root diseases....write in brief => Root rot is a condition found in both indoor and outdoor plants , although more common in indoor plants with poor roots.. => mainly caused due to overwatering. excess water limit the suffici

ent intake of air by water

# # Agaricus => Agaricus bisporus is a terricolous secondary decomposer fungus ,which plays an ecologically significant role in the degradation of le af and needle litter intemperate forests. Soils containhumic compo unds derived from modified lignin and other recalcitrant aromatic compounds,presenting a different catabolic challenge to intact woo dy resources.

# # what is Bagasse ? what is the difference between Bagasse and M olasses ? => Its the French word . It is basically the fibre remaining after the extraction of juice from sugarcane. => it is d fibrous matter dat remains after sugercane stalks are crush ed to extract their juice. => molasses is dark black viscous liquidcan be made from sugarcan e ,grapes etc while bagasse is lthe leftover fiberous material,when ju ice is extracted out...!

# # Describe Bagasse Cogeneration ? => Fibrous matter that remains after sugarcane is crashed for juice

# # Justice Bilal Nazaki....whose he ? => Justice Bilal Nazki (born 18 November 1947) is a retired Chief J ustice of Orissa High Court whose tenure was probably the shortes

t recorded, being for four days prior to his retirement. bascilly he is related to functioning of Haj Committee

# # What r MERIT GOODS ? => A merit good has twocharacteristic:People do not realise the tru ebenefit. For example, peopleunderestimate the benefit ofeducatio n or vaccinations.Usually these goods havepositive externalities.Th erefore in a free market therewill be under consumption ofmerit g oods.Examples of Merit Goods:Health Care peopleunderestimat e the benefits ofgetting a vaccination. If peopledo get a vaccination, thenthere will be external benefitsto the rest of society because itwil l help reduce disease in therest of society.Museums the educatio nalbenefit of museums.Education People mayundervalue benefit s ofstudying. Demerit Good:A demerit goods has twocharacteristics:1. A good w hich harms theconsumer. For example,people dont realise orignor e the costs of doingsomething e.g. smoking,drugs.2. Usually these goods alsohave negative externalities.Therefore in a f ree market therewill be over consumption of thesegoods.Examples of Demerit Goods include: Smoking Drinking Taking drugs goods which r needed by public bcoz of dere external economies.. dt will b generated on economy like education. goods whose consu mption is unhealthy.. socially undesirable n have external disecono mies on society as a whole.. liquor

# # What are Negotiable Warehousing Receipts (NWR) ? => Farmers can seek loans from banks against the warehouse recei ptsissued to them against theirstorage. These receipts issued by the warehouses registered with theWarehousing Development and Reg ulatory Authority (WDRA), would become a fully negotiable instru

ment backed by a central legislation,

# # Which r the Indian items subjected to anti-dumping duty... =>Imposing a definitive Anti-Dumping Duty, on imports of certain wire of stainless steel, polyethylene terephthalate, fatty alcohols and their blends, Shrimp, certain stainless steel bars and rods, originati ng in India.

# # Find odd term Rinder pest Brucellosis Foot and mouth disease Peste des Petits => Brucellosis -- its human desese..others effetcs animals

'Rinderpest...whats that /?? => it is a kind of virus cattle plague., paramaxovirus se hone wali di sease h jo mainly cattles me hoti hai..

# # When does a electric grid collapse? => The stability of the grids dependson a delicate equilibrium ofde mand-supply chain. Theamount of load is directlyproportional to t he amount of power generated. When theequilibrium between po wergenerated and consumed getsdisturbed and the load becomesm ore, it leads to tripping of theline. It is duty of the powerdistributors to maintain theequilibrium intact so that nottrigger a grid failure.

# # Should Time zone of India can be changed by 0:30 hours to sa ve electricity ?

=> If time zone is changed by 30 min it may save some electricity at some extent like in mall,offices and other big places which can be closed 30 min before than earlier in night so in this 30 min a lot of power units can be saved. => example earlier offices closes at 8 pm and between this time (68 pm) electricity is quite needed and if if timezone is changed to ch anged 30 min so that (6 pm-7:30 pm) now only 1.5 hours electricity is needed conmpare to 2 hours => obviously, in india too it should be taken in practice.. in US ther e is done +1 hr in pst for daylight saving... in this manner it will be effective. => Industrialized countries follow a clock base schedule for the acti vities performed. Now, (especially in higher latitudes)The summer and winter experi ence are felt more strongly as these seasons change with the tilt of t he earth. When in summer the sun rises earlier, we are finding the day starti ng earlier than it should be... and in the winter days are being short er and so on. Now, comes the idea of adjusting ourselves by making synchronous with the sun...if the time has been make 30 minute earlier then the timings will be pronounced to work accordingly in a manner of get ting more energy dependent upon the sun..as it will direct our depe ndence of work to natural resources(esp sunlight here and we will n ot use the electricity for the purpose.) The same idea holds in case of winter by making it delayed for 30 minutes and day will start 30 minute late .. and again our activities will be in the sync of sunlight. This practice is widely obeserved in USA and in the cities like calif ornia an

# # PER CAPITA MILK AVAILABILITY is highest in which stat

e in India ? => according to latest Economic Survey it is 1 Punjab 2 Haryana 3 Rajasthan 4 Himachal Pradesh 5 Gujarat

# # Key milk producing states of India ? => 35% milk produces from GUJRAt, =>Rajasthan, Haryana, HP, Punjab, UP

# # what r the problems faced by private players in power market i n India ? atyant niyamak pranali, (heavy rule regulation formality) as compar e to nz u can open ur buisness in dat reigion in half day a shortage of fuels, insufficient infrastructure and financial weakness 1. license 2. supply of coal or other fuels 3. transportation charge 4. effective personnels 5. inefficient compensation 5. insufficient gov. support

# # India has the worlds fifth largest reserve of coal but its quality i s poor because |? => low carbon content and very high ash content # # Enlist the Nuke Sites which are proposed or are under constru ction ?

=> 1.Mithi Virdi-Gujrat 2.Kumharia- Uttarakhand 3.Jaitapur-Maharashtra 4.Kovvada- Andhra Pradesh 5. Bargi--Madhya Pradesh

# # Ultra Mega Power Project Initiatives..write a note => The program of Ultra Mega PowerProjects (UMPP) was introd uced in2005 by the Ministry of Power in association with the Centr al Electricity Authority and the PowerFinance Corporation to overc ome bureaucratic obstacles hindering the development of large the rmalplants and thereby address India's chronic power deficits. # # Gender Inequality Index (GII)...write a note => GII measures gender diffrences among men n women in differe nt countaries on three criteria.. women labour force participation, r eproductive health n women empowerment => india ranks - 132 => published by UN

# # Petrol prices have very small impact on inflation..Do agree ? Why ? => petrol prices leads to overall price rise due to increased transpor t cost.. it increases prices of food n cost of production of odr goods . so large impact but most transport vehicles like trucks which carry veggies nd other goods run on diesel r u technically seperating petrol or diesel or fuel.. => indian economy based on diesel and petrol as diesel and petrol vehicles is used for transportation agree because much of transport

ation are based upon diesel motors.. petrol is just used for non co mmercial use mainly

# # What do you understand by the term Price stickness"? => under oligopoly .. firms do not change price rather they go for n on price competition.. like selling costs.. so prices r sticky, paul swe ezy gave his price stickiness model.. => If tata motors increases their price, it is unlikely that its competit ors like Mahindra, Bajaj etc will increase their price. They will stick to their price. But if Tata lowers their price, its competitors will m ore likely to lower price which will ultimately lead to a price war. S o generally oligopolists prefer a non price competitio => bcoz of sticky prices.. firms engage in non price competition.. c ustomers do not get benefit of lower prices.

## what is the primary and secondary functions of money ? => primary.. medium of exchange.. measure of value secondary.. m easure of deferred payments and store of value (a) Primary functions, which include the medium of exchange and t he measure of value (b) Secondary include standard of deferred pa yments, store of value and transfer of value (c) Contingent functions which include distribution of national inco me, maximization of satisfaction, basis of credit system

## 7th Pay Commission.......write a note => The Government of India has initiated the process to constitute the 7th Central Pay Commission On September 25, 2013 Its reco

mmendations are likely to be implemented with effect from Januar y 1, 2016.

# # numerically the strongest tribe in Assam ? => Bodos.. Made half of states population..

# # Shom Pens tribe is found where ? => Andaman & Nicobar Islands, It is in Greater Nicobars and is co nceived in the scheduled tribe of A&N.

# # Why are the clouds generally white ? Ans => clouds are white because their water droplets orice crystals are large enough to scatter the light ofthe seven wavelengths ( red , orange , yellow, green ,blue , indigo, and violet ), which combine to producewhite light.

# # as far as 'mobile governance' is concerned what are the initiative s taken by Governmnt of India till date ? => Citizens can now directly interact with Government Department s through SMS. Mobile Seva aims to provide government services t o the people through mobile phones and tablets.

# # The National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) => a project to provide broadband connectivity to over two lakh (2

00,000) Gram panchayats of India at a cost of Rs.20,000 crore ($4 billion). The project provides internet access using existing optical f iber and extending it to the Gram panchayats. The project was inte nded to enable the government of India to provide e-services and e -applications nationally. A special purpose vehicle Bharat Broadba nd Network Limited (BBNL) was created as a Public Sector Under taking (PSU) under the Companies Act of 1956 for the execution o f the project. The project will be funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) and was estimated to be completed in 2 y ears Not a individual is credited with this project but a whole commitee dat is office of adviser too PM on PIII(PUBLIC INFORTMATIO N INFRASTRUCTURE & INNOVATION) is responsible for its making..

# # DeitY has launched a new initiative named as MeghRaj ,,,write about it Ans - >> -Meghraj is the Union government's cloud computing pro ject. -initial focus on an e-Governance app store at a National Data Cent re. -will provide services to government departments, citizens and busi nesses through internet as well as mobile connectivity. -will provide on-demand programming, testing platforms, and softw are and data services. => In order to utilise and harness the benefits of Cloud Computing , Government of India has embarked upon a very ambitious and i mportant initiative GI Cloud which has been coined as Meghr aj.

# # Prime Ministers Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) II ?

=> The proposal was mooted by Rural Development Minister Jaira m Ramesh" for PMGSY-II.The total length of upgradation being ta ken up is 50,000 kms. 75 per cent of the cost of the upgradation wi ll be met by the Centre and 25 per cent by the state. For hill states, desert areas, Schedule V areas and Naxal-affected districts, 90 per c ent of cost would be borne by the Centre," .

# # Construction of Rashtriya Smriti Likely to be Completed Next Year...what is it all about?? =>> serve as a permanent place for holding last rites of departed na tional leaders, is likely to be completed by October next year.

# # National e-Governance Academy .. write in brief abt it => The e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a non-governmental, non -profit organisation, founded for the creation and transfer of knowl edge concerning e-governance, e-democracy and the development of civil society.

# # What is Balance of payments? => balance of payments a system of recording all of a country's eco nomic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one y ear; "a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments a re coming in than going out" layman terms - BOP means whether u r able to pay for ur imports and all by the money reserve u r having. difference between value of total export and total import (goods,ser vices etc)of a country for a particular year. If difference is positive t

hen surplus balance of payment, the flow of Indian money to outsi de country is less than flow of money(other country currency) to In dia.More income to India,hence country becomes self reliant.if the difference is negative the more flow of Indian money to outside co untry.no profit and income is gained,country in debt,country may r equire to take loan to balance the deficit.

# # what is the difference between fixed asset and current asset ? => Current Asset: Which can be converted into liquid cash (having a period of 1 year bonds, shares) Fixed Asset: Which can not converted into liquid cash (period take s morethan 1 year, land, building, machinery) => current assets quickly converted to cash which is movable asset f ixed asset s opposite of current assets. => Current assets are flexible in nature, easy to encashable and floti ng money to company whereas => Fixed assets are Fixed in nature in other words non-moving asse ts, not easy to encash, regularly depreciated. Classification: => Current assets: Cash - at hand and at bank, Inventories, Sundry Debtors, Advance and Deposits => Fixed Assets: Land and Building, Furniture and Fittings, Tools and tackles, Plant and Machinery, Computer ( including assessories and UPS) # # What is CREDIT CRUNCH ? => Simply means credit crisis in thr money market.

# # What is CURRENCY PEG ? => A country or government's exchange-rate policy of pegging the c entral bank's rate of exchange to another country's currency, fixed on government price

# # What is SHADOW BANKING => some financial institutions act like banks. but in actual they are n ot supervised like banks. Non banking financial institutions , when , are involved in provisio n of the traditional banking service but they r loosely and less attac hed to the traditional system of regulatory depository institutions.. y et they provide the service of T.B.Is and remain under the shadow as d word reflects in the term.

# # what is the difference between Parliamentary forum and Cabin et Committees . => In Parliament forum ruling party and opposition party both invo lved but in Cabinet Committee only ruling party involved.

# # A rights issue concerned with share market => an issue of rights to buy additional securities in a company mad e to the company's existing security holders. When the rights are fo r equity securities, such as shares , in a public company, it is a way t o raise capital under a seasoned equity offering . Rights issues are sometimes carried out as a shelf offering . With th e issued rights, existing security-holders have the privilege to buy a s pecified number of new securities from the firm at a specified price within a specified time. In a public company, a rights issue is a for m of public offering (different from most other types of public offe ring, where shares are issued to the general public).

# # why in India fishing is more developed in western coast than th e eastern coast ? => less intense tides,broad estuaries,favourable ocean currents,less occurence of cyclones etc # # ................. could had been the provincial capital' of the Harap pan civilization. => Rakhigarhi haryana # # the smallest indus valley site is ? => it is Allahdino

# # Which race in particular is found to hv existed in the ancient sit e of Mohenjodaro ? => Meditaranean

# # National Crop Insurance Programme being Implemented from Current Rabi Season....what does this programme consists of ? .. it is made by merging which three scheme/programmes ? => 1. National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP) has been intr oduced by merging Modified National Agricultural Insurance Sche me (MNAIS), Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) throughout the coun try from Rabi 2013-14. 2. coverage of indemnity for prevented sowing/planting risk and po st harvest losses (due to cyclone in coastal areas), 3. higher level of indemnity and more proficient basis for calculatio n of threshold yield 4. faster settlement of claims due to provision for making 50% adva nce of likely claims under MNAIS component for immediate relief

to the farmers, etc. 5. To encourage the State Governments to implement the scheme at village/ village panchayat level, a provision to reimburse 50% of i ncremental expenses on Crop Cutting Experiments has been made in the scheme.

# # why does grain size vary in rocks ? they formed recrystallisaton of lava or magma in diff parts of earth,, ,they show a great variety of grain size In sedimentory ..they forme d due to sedimentation of big size rocked and trned into small pice s and store below sea or waterbody in metamorphic these two beco me recrystallised due 2 pressure nd temp...so the way of formation is respo for diff grain size

# # "Fertilizer City","Pensioner's Paradise" and "Second Madras" ..w hichis this place in India? => kakinada

# # The Comrade was a weekly English-language newspaper that w as published and edited by ? in India => Maulana Mohammad Ali ## distinguished editorial board of Tattvabodhini Patrika consisted of ?> => Akshay Kumar Datta was the editor, and Debendranath Tagore was charged with its overall supervision. Well-Known prose writers of the 19th century like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Rajnarayan B asu, Dwijendranath tagore contributed regularly to the journal brini nga new epoch in Bangla language and literature.

# # who were the four revolutionaries who were hanged in the case of Kakori Robbery ? => bismil, ashfakullah khan, rajendra lahidi, roshan singh ...

# # What is the current Total Fertility Rate ? => 2.4 as of 2011 by Ministry of Health and 2.59 is accrding to Wo rld Bank ..

# # Under the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) ........... % of children aged12-24 months in India are fully immunized (CE S 2009) against seven vaccine preventable diseases i.e. Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, severe form of Childhood Tube rculosis and Hepatitis B. => 60%

# # What is blue economy? => economy heavily dependent on marine resources esp small isla nd states....with deterioration in envionmental standards like rising of mean global temp by 2 c has caused threat to very existence of t hese economies...best ex is of maldives in our neighbourhood

# # Indian banks are much better off than global banks that caused the financial crisis. Why ? => due to the capitalization, strict credit giving criteria, better assets, continuous monitoring by RBI, strict guidelines against investment in risk taking ventures.....major issue is increasing NPA

# # What is the biggest criticism against Basel III? => infusion of large money to fulfil 8% criteria in wake of global fin ancial crisis all around

# # What r the discrepancies ( if u feel der r ny ) in Schedule V of t he Indian Constitution ? nd how the role of Governor be accrding to u in terms of Schedule V contrary to what is written in the Const itution ? => according to schedule v, governor have to function according to his discretion...but mostly governor acts on advise of council of mi nister. Governor need to take decisions by his own sense a and do nt take decisions by following the political parties

# # How is Basel III norms different frm Basel I nd II ? => in basel III capital to risk weighed asset Ratio has been increase d to 8% from 7% previously

# # What are white label ATMs?? => ATM of non banking.companies.. indicash of tata is indias fst w hite label atm. => in thane district MH in a village named Chandrapada

# # Do u think that the FRBM Act is a hurdle for making a desirab le Budget for the Government ? why => FRBM act stops government from making unnecessary and poli tically motivated expenditures..It gives enough window to make bu

dget for three benefit of people and at the same time cares about th e economic implications of unnecessary expenditure..so in this way it helps as well as restricts govt to make budget => .due to FRBM Act der r certain restrictions like fiscal deficit has to b less than 3% by 2016-17 nd revenue deficit has to b shown nil ..so a charismatic leader cannot take RISKS ..going against the set n orms nd doing something out of line which might prove to b revolu tionry ,,but than if it fails entire economy tumbles down ,,a nd so w e have FRBM

# # Why is VINEGAR considered good for health ? => becoz vinegar contains harmless bacteria,and our body immunit y consider it as bacteria and produce antibodies which makes body more immune to diseases dear...! => vinegar contains acetic acid which contains bacillus ferroxidans which is an iron oxidising bacteria ,it degrades antioxidants ,acceler ates digestion and enhances production of bile pigment from pancr eas facilitating neutralizing excess HCl in stomach ... also it preserv es useful nutrients rather losing it

# # Who is the project director AND program director of AGNI ? => Avinash chander..

# # enlist the Muslim Presidents of INC sessions in pre independe nce era?? => List of Muslims who became president of The Indian National Congress before Independence of India. 1. Badruddin Tyabji became President in 1887 INC Session - Mad ras

2. Rahimtulla M. Sayani became President in 1896 INC Session Calcutta 3. Nawab Syed Muhammad Bahadur became President in 1913 I NC Session - Karachi 4. Syed Hasan Imam became President in 1918 INC Special Sessi on - Bombay 5. Hakim Ajmal Khan became President in 1921 INC Session - Ah amedabad 6. Maulana Mohammad Ali became President in 1923 INC Sessio n - Cocanada (now Kakinada) 7. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad became President in 1923 INC Spec ial Session - Delhi 8. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari became President in 1927 INC Ses sion - Madras Maulana Abul Kalam Azad again become President of The Indian National Congress in 1940 - INC Session - Ramgarh and he was th e President of Indian National Congress until 1946, he was the onl y person who served as president of INC for THE LONGEST PE RIOD (7 years) before Independence.

# # Kot Dijian style ? => Kot Diji, archaeological site located near an ancient flood chann el of the Indus River in Pakistan, 15 miles (25 km) south of the city of Khairpur in Sindh province. The site, which is adjacent to the modern town of Kot Diji, consists of a stone rubble wall, dating to about 3000 BCE, that surrounds a citadel and numerous residence s, all of which were first excavated in the 1950s. The origins of Kot Diji are recognized as belonging to the early Ha rappan period, which dates to about 3500 BCE. Although Kot Diji lasted through the mature Harappan period (about 26001750 BC E), a layer of burned debris separates structures of the early and th e mature periods, which suggests that the settlement was at some p

oint heavily damaged by fire. Artifacts, including pottery, that display a distinct Kot Dijian style h ave been excavated from Kot Diji and other archaeological sites in the region. Kot Diji is located in the vicinity of several other import ant historic sites. It sits to the east of Mohenjo-daro , a group of mo unds that contain the remains of what was once the largest city of th e Indus civilization . A massive hilltop fortress constructed by T lp ur ruler Sohrb Khn in the early 19th century is also nearby.

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