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Ghansham sharma Near state bank of patiala Talwandi sabo. Dist: Bathinda Mobile No.9041077947 Email: hanshamtalwandi! mail."om

Career Objective
To obtain "reati#e position in an $r ani%ation& where ' "an (tili%e m) skills and *nowled e in a manner that enables me to a team pla)er& makin positi#e "ontrib(tion in o#erall s(""ess of a pro ressi#e rowth oriented or ani%ation.

Educational Qualifications
10th from +,EB Mohali in -00../first di#ision0. Diploma in E1E from +(n2ab state board of te"hni"al ed("ation and ind(strial tranin in -003. /first di#ision0. B.te"h in E1E from +(n2abi 4ni#ersit) +atiala in -011 /se"ond di#ision0. M.te"h in E1E doin /final semester0 from (r( kashi (ni#ersit) talwandi sabo.

Training Experience
4 weaks e5perien"e in the f(ndamental workin of "omp(ter from E67one "omp(ter "enter Bathinda - weaks ind(strial tranin from 8+T Doordarshan bathinda. - weaks tranin re ardin basi" ele"troni"s from ser#i"e net tranin "olle e bathinda. 9 weeks trainin in 11N: /1is"o "ertified network asso"iated0 from ,TN /software te"hnolo ) network0 1handi arh. 9 months ind(strial trainin at ;'$M networks /+(n2ab and har)ana0 at tower sites. - months e5perien"e as "har e "enter in"har e /11'0 at "enter "ens(s pro2e"t talwandi sabo.

Tra#eling. ,(rfin new te"hnolo ies . <istenin m(si".

Personality Traits
1reati#e and mentall) honest. ,elf "onfiden"e& attit(de for learnin . E5"ellent "omm(ni"ation skills.

General nformation
!ame " #ather$s !ame " Mother=s Name : D$B : Nationalit) : <an (a e *nown : ,kills : Ghansham sharma Tej ram sharma ;eerpal ka(r -6361933 'ndian En lish& +(n2abi& 8indi M, $ffi"e & 'nternet.

' hereb) de"lare that abo#e information is "orre"t and best of m) knowled e.

Ghansham sharma

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