Refleksi Bahasa Inggeris

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PPG FEB 2012


First of all, I want to thank all who have helped me directly or indirectly in the process of completing this course work assignments. Many thanks are also dedicated to Ms Teo Lai Yong for the never ending guidance in completing this task. The first step in completing this assignment is done by me in which I need to search for information from the internet and any reference books. I select an article that is related to environment. ased on the article, I select and divide it into three parts of speech which are pronouns, preposition and con!unctions. From this work, I can refresh my knowledge on grammar and sentence structure. The process of searching for the best article takes my few days before I successfully find an article that is related to my topic. There are lots of reference books on grammar" therefore, I could say it is easier to search for the information from books rather than searching it from internet source. asically, #uestion $ is not difficult but it is a bit confusing when it comes to the point where we have to choose only a few of the parts of speech because all of them are important. Most of the e%ercises in the internet needs me to pay. &uestion ' is the most interesting part of all parts in this course work. The topic is on life e%perience. The only problem I have to go through during the process of completing this task is language barrier. I !ust find it hard for me to e%press my feeling in other languages e%cept in my mother tongue, Malay. I challenge myself to try to do it because for me, that is part of learning and I have to try it. I seek advice from friends and search from the internet in order to make sure everything will go smoothly and accordingly. There are a few problems that I have to face during the process of completing this coursework. The first problem is the internet connection. Most of the time, I choose to sleep late at night !ust to make sure my work can be done smoothly without any internet connection problem. It is not easy to always doing that because I am not a full time student and I have another responsibility during the day. The second problem is I need to face my routine as a mother and wife, my workloads and assignments at the same time. It is not easy for me to have an ideal time !ust to

PPG FEB 2012

finish up my work in one shot without any minor or outside interruption. I choose to do my assignments only after all my children asleep. The ne%t problem is during the process of selecting the e%ercises. It is difficult for me to find free e%ercises on grammar as most of them need me to pay. For the second task, the only problem that I have to encounter is my grammar problem. uilding verses and sentences in (nglish is never an easy task for me because i am not coming from a community whom uses (nglish in our daily life. The only thing I do to overcome this limitation is by seeking help and guidance from the (nglish teachers in my school. It is not easy for me to construct sentences in (nglish as there are some differences in sentence structuring when it comes to Malay language. )hen it comes to resources, I find it easy to search and look for some suitable sources for my assignments. Most of my sources are from the internet sources and less from books. Therefore, It gives me such a wonderful e%perience as it is anew knowledge for a beginner like me. It has been a long since my last time writing an essay. *eb(ssay writing provides a lot of e%perience in helping me to reinforce my (nglish. I believe, it is not only useful for me but also to my children as I found it suit to all levels regardless of age. +s conclusion, I have learnt lots of new things throughout the process of completing this course work. It gives me such a wonderful e%perience that I never have never encountered for the entire of my life. I am proud of myself for I successfully face all the challenges in completing this task. ,raise be to +llah.


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