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Virtual Lab: Enzyme Controlled Reactions Instructions 1. Open the Virtual Lab: Enzyme Controlled Reactions 2.

The virtual lab simulation ill be on the ri!ht side o" the screen# and the $%uestion& column ill be on the le"t side o" the screen. '. Clic( the monitor in the lab simulation to atch a video about enzyme action. ). Clic( the $*n"ormation& bar at the bottom o" the lab simulation and read all the bac(!round in"ormation. +. Read all bac(!round in"ormation and instructions in the $%uestion& column. ,. -ns er .uestions 1/0 on the Enzyme Controlled Reactions 1or(sheet. 2. 3ollo the instructions in the $%uestion& column to complete the virtual lab. 4ou must test each lactose sample at all p5 levels: '#+#2#6# and 11. Record your data in Table 1 on the Lab 1or(sheet. 0. -ns er .uestions 6 7 1) on the Lab 1or(sheet.

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