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The Hashemite University Faculty of Science Course Description Department : Chemistry Year : 2005/200 Course Title Course Number

Course Credits Course Time Course Duration Prerequisite s! 'nstru(tor +%%i(e ,o(ation +%%i(e P&one +%%i(e -ours 1- mail Course 2eb $ite: Title Aut&or s! Publis&er 7ear 1dition 8e%eren(es s! *ssessment Type 6irst 1=am $e(ond 1=am +t&er 6inal 1=am Semester : Summer Course !nformation

Organic Chemistry (3) 110103432

3 All days 9:10-10:10; 11:30-12:30 110103232 Dr" #ayed A" Abu $a%ie& C&emistry De)artment No" 20* 4499 10:20-11-20 .ayedas/&u"edu"0o Te"t #oo$ +r3ani( C&emistry T" 2" 4ra&am $olomons and Crai3e 5" 6ry&le 2iley 2011 10t& edition %valuation &olicy %"pecte) Date 2*;<;2012 10;*;2012 21-2<;*;2012 Course +,-ectives

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To illustrate ot&er %un(tional 3rou)s )resent in or3ani( (om)ounds > es)e(ially t&ose %ound in bio(&emistry "

Teachin( an) .earnin( /etho)s ,e(tures; te=t boo. and ot&er re%eren(es"

'ee$ 1 2 5 8: 5 5: ; ;<4

Course Contents Topics 6eactions at the a Car,on of Car,onyl Compoun)s %nols an) %nolates Con)ensation an) Con-u(ate *))ition 6eactions of Car,onyl Compoun)s /ore Chemistry of %nolates0 &henols an) *ryl Hali)es 9ucleophilic *romatic Su,stitution Car,ohy)rates .ipi)s *mino *ci)s an) &roteins 9ucleic *ci)s an) &rotein Synthesis

Ch0 1 &a(e2 34 14532 37 14 72 2317 82 22 130002 25 130502 28 130482 25 133532

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