Case Study On Job Analysis

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Application Case

Tropical Storm Charley

In August 2004, tropical storm Charley hit North Carolina and the Optima Air Filter Company. Many employees homes ere de!astated and the "irm "ound that it had to hire almost # completely ne cre s, one "or each o" its shi"ts. $he pro%lem as that the &Old'timers( had )no n their *o%s so ell that no one had e!er %othered to dra up *o% descriptions "or them. +hen a%out #0 ne employees %egan ta)ing their places, there as general con"usion a%out hat they should do and ho they should do it. $he storm ,uic)ly %ecame old ne s to the "irms out'o" state customers' ho anted "ilters, not e-cuses. .hil Mann, the "irms .resident, as at his its end. /e had a%out #0 ne employees, 00 old'timers, and his original "actory super!isor, May%elline. /e decided to meet ith 1inda 1o e, a consultant "rom the local uni!ersities %usiness school. 2he immediately had the old' timers "ill out a *o% ,uestionnaire that listed all their tas)s, duties 3 responsi%ilities. Arguments ensued almost at once' 4oth .hil 3 May%elline thought the old'timers ere e-aggerating to ma)e themsel!es loo) more important, and the old'timers instead that the list "aith"ully re"lected their duties. Mean hile, the customers clamoured "or their "ilters.

Questions: 2hould .hil 3 1inda ignore that old'timers protests and they see "it5 +hy5 +hy not5 /o ould you go a%out resol!ing the di""erences5 rite up the *o% descriptions as

Solution: No, .hil 3 1inda should ne!er ignore the old'timers protest. 2ince its the old6timers ho ha!e "ull )no ledge a%out the tas)s, duties 3 responsi%ilities they used to per"orm. Ignoring them may result to tur%ulence among the or)ers and theyll "eel cheated hence leading to lo er producti!ity. +riting *o% description ithout the in"ormation ac,uired "rom old'timers ould %e li)e clim%ing mountain ithout a guide. 2ince they )no the nature and re,uirement o" the *o% !ery ell, they must %e as)ed a%out the in"ormation o" the *o% %e"ore riting a *o% description. $o resol!e the pro%lem I ould ha!e used a ,uestionnaire ith %oth structured as ell as open' ended ,uestions. $hat ould ha!e lead to lesser con"usion and misinterpretation %y .hil 3 May%elline. (The Job Information Sheet is given below which consist of both structured and unstructured questions)

Question: /o ould you ha!e conducted the *o% analysis5 +hat should .hil do no 5

Solution: I ould ha!e conducted the *o% analysis in one o" the t o ays. 7ither I ould ha!e used ,uestionnaire 8 ith %oth structured as ell as unstructured ,uestions9 or the inter!ie method. In the inter!ie method, a"ter collecting the in"ormation, I ould "urther proceeded to get the in"ormation re!ie ed and !eri"ied %y the immediate super!isor o" the inter!ie ee and the inter!ie ee. .hil should no use the in"ormation, hich is !eri"ied and re!ie ed %y super!isor and or)er %oth, "or the training purpose o" the ne or)er. $he in"ormation consists o" tas), duties 3 responsi%ilities o" the or)ers. +hen the or)ers ill %e trained accordingly theyll )no hat to do and ho to do, resulting in lesser con"usion and time' astage 3 increase in producti!ity so that Optima Air Filter Company comes %ac) on trac).

Questionnaire with Structured & Unstructured Question

Job Analysis Information Sheet

Job Title: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Job Code: ________________________________ Dept.: _________________________________ Superior's Title: _________________________________________________________________ Hours wor ed _______ A! to ________ "! Job Analyst's #ame: _____________________________________________________________ 1. $hat is the %ob's o&erall purpose? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. If the in'umbent super&ises others, list them by job title; if there is more than one employee with the same title, put the number in parentheses following. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Che' those a'ti&ities that are part of the incumbent's supervisory uties. !raining "erformance appraisal #nspecting wor$ %u geting &oaching an 'or counseling (thers )please specify* __________________________________________________

+. Des'ribe the type and e(tent of super&ision receive by the incumbent. ______________________________________________________________________________

,. J)* D+TI,S: -escribe briefly ./0! the incumbent oes an , if possible, /(. he or she oes it. #nclu e uties in the following categories1 a. -aily uties )those performe on a regular basis every ay or almost every ay* _______________________________________________________________________ b. "erio ic uties )those performe wee$ly, monthly, 2uarterly, or at other regular intervals* _______________________________________________________________________ c. -uties performe at irregular intervals _______________________________________________________________________

3. #s the incumbent performing uties he or she consi ers unnecessary? #f so, escribe. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. #s the incumbent performing uties not presently inclu e in the job escription? #f so, escribe. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. ,D+CATI)#: &hec$ the bo6 that in icates the e ucational re2uirements for the job ) not the e ucational bac$groun of the incumbent*. 7o formal e ucation re2uire 8ighth gra e e ucation /igh school iploma )or e2uivalent* 29year college egree )or e2uivalent* +9year college egree )or e2uivalent* :ra uate wor$ or a vance egree )specify1*

"rofessional license )specify1*

;. ,-",.I,#C,1 &hec$ the amount of e6perience nee e to perform the job. 7one <ess than 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 months to 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to , years , to 1= years >ore than 1= years

1=. /)CATI)#: &hec$ location of job an , if necessary or appropriate, escribe briefly. (ut oor #n oor ?n ergroun "it @caffol (ther )specify*

11. ,#0I.)#!,#TA/ C)#DITI)#S: &hec$ any objectionable con itions foun on the job an note afterwar how fre2uently each is encountere )rarely, occasionally, constantly, etc.* -irt -ust /eat &ol 7oise Aumes ( ors .etness'humi ity Bibration @u en temperature changes

-ar$ness or poor lighting (ther )specify*

12. H,A/TH A#D SA3,T41 &hec$ any un esirable health an safety con itions un er which the incumbent must perform an note how often they are encountere . 8levate wor$place >echanical haCar s 86plosives 8lectrical haCar s Aire haCar s Da iation (ther )specify*

13. !ACHI#,S5 T))/S5 ,6+I"!,#T5 A#D $).7 AIDS1 -escribe briefly what machines, tools, e2uipment, or wor$ ai s the incumbent wor$s with on a regular basis1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1+. /ave concrete wor$ stan ar s been establishe )errors allowe , time ta$en for a particular tas$, etc.*? #f so, what are they? ______________________________________________________________________________ 1,. 0re there any personal attributes )special aptitu es, physical characteristics, personality traits, etc.* re2uire by the job? ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. 0re there any e6ceptional problems the incumbent might be e6pecte to encounter in performing the job un er normal con itions? #f so, escribe. ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. -escribe the successful completion an 'or en results of the job.


15. .hat is the seriousness of error on this job? .ho or what is affecte by errors the incumbent ma$es? ______________________________________________________________________________ 1;. !o what job woul a successful incumbent e6pect to be promote ?

E#ote1 !his form is obviously slante towar a manufacturing environment, but it can be a apte 2uite easily to fit a number of ifferent types of jobs.F

Job Description (Example Overview)

The example below is for a sales person who is selling financial service products. About 75% of his/her time is spent in the office and the other 25% is out on the road making presentations to customers. The ob re!uires a "ertified #inancial $lanners designation and re!uires heav% dut% lead generation.

Job Requirements
A: Summary of Position &esearches and identifies target client sectors for financial product services. 'evelops and implements a sales process to include initial contact( follow up( presentation and closing procedures. )aintains records of contacts and sales status including contact reports( sales pro ections and !uota ratios. B. Job Duties &esearch and "reate targeted new client lists within 'elhi/*"& territor% )akes initial contact with potential clients $erforms routine and regular follow up with potential clients $erforms routine and regular follow up with former clients +isits potential clients and makes sales presentations "loses sales )aintains regular record reporting sales activit%

C. Computer Skills and Software Used ,indows operating s%stem )- .ffice including ,ord( /xcel and $ower$oint "onstant "ontact or other "ustomer &elations )anagement -oftware

D. Reporting Stru ture &eports to regional sales manager 0as nobod% directl% reporting to this position &e!uired to participate in Annual -ales )eeting

Employee Requirements
A. !du ation and "raining 1achelor 'egree in business( finance or accounting or commerce or 232 4ears experience( 1achelors 'egree $referred "ertified #inancial $lanner

B. Skills and Aptitudes #earless cold caller( 2525 .utbound calls per week Abilit% to close a sale Adapt to changing financial conditions and meet customer expectations

C. !n#ironment and P$ysi al ,ork in high volume sales office 1e able to sit for prolonged periods of time 1e able to travel to client locations 25% of time

D. %i enses&Certifi ations "#$ 3 "ertified #inancial $lanner 6ndian 'riving 7icense

Success Factors
A. 'row Sales 6ncrease market channel penetration b% 82% in first 4ear 'evelop 8 secondar% channels in first 9:2 da%s ;row referral3based sales from 95% to 22% in first %ear

B. De#elop Sales Department &ecruit and train 2 unior sales associates with gross sales of 922< b% 8nd !uarter 6ncrease number of sales presentations b% 22% within 92 months 6mplement ,eb3)eeting presentation -%stem to &educe travel costs b% 22% per %ear

"omments============================================ ==================================================== ====================================================

0& &epresentative=================================== 'epartment )anager================================== 'ate "ompleted======================================

Structured Questionnaire (Example)

Sample Job Analysis Checklists ROUTINE C ERICA RES!ONSI"I ITIES

Activity D Types labels, letters, envelopes, and invoices. Determine layout and format, and type in finished format. Proof read and correct errors. Set up an type financial and statistical reports. Take dictation and transcribe. Transcribe dictation from voice recordings. Record, type, and distribute meeting minutes. Compose standard letters in response to routine correspondence. Schedule appointments without prior clearance, schedule meetings and conferences, and make travel arrangements including reservations. Prepare meeting and conference rooms. aintain, process, distribute, and update records, files, and documents. aintain confidential records and files, and handle confidential correspondence and records. !pen, sort and distribute mail. "nswer telephones, screen and place calls, monitor and follow up on voice mail recordings, refer callers to appropriate parties. Prepare, process, and verify invoices, bills, checks and receipts. aintain and report e#pense account activity. Receive and welcome visitors, and refer to appropriate parties. aintain and update mailing lists. $nter data electronically and verify. W Frequency M O

Process payroll records. Perform calculations, post and verify figures, trace and ad%ust errors. aintain inventory of office supplies, re&uisition new supplies, and distribute supplies to authori'ed parties. Schedule and monitor e&uipment repairs and service contracts. aintain locks and keys for storage cabinets and other facilities, and distribute to authori'ed parties. !rient and train new employees. Schedule work for co(workers as re&uested. )andle cash and negotiable instruments. aintain cash bo#. Sign legal documents. "ct as resource for others as to staff and locations. aintain records of cash receipts and disbursements. Review %ob applicants*applications and conducts screening interviews. Collate and bind. ake copies. Date and stamp documents. Recommend improvements in operations and procedures. odify operations and*or procedures. aintain procedures and information manuals. Develop operating budget for approval. Research, tabulate, and summari'e information of routine, periodic or special reports. Present findings in oral or written form.

Record and verify entries or accounts, %ournals, logs, and general ledgers. +alance accounts and reconcile statements.

,ndicate the e&uipment that is operated as a regular part of the responsibilities of the %obCalculator Computer icrofilm e&uipment Security e&uipment /ord processor !ther e&uipment- 0000000000000000 !ther "ctivitiesCamera Dictation e&uipment Photocopier Sorter Cash register*petty cash .acsimile machine Postage machine Switchboard

CHECKLIST OF ROUTINE MANAGERIAL/SUPERVISORY DUTIES "naly'e, on a periodic basis, workload and personnel needs of an organi'ational unit. Recommend changes in the staff level of the work unit. Review documentation for new positions and positions that have been revised. !btain approval to modify positions. ,nterview candidates for employment and make hiring decision or recommendations. !rient new subordinates concerning policy and procedures, work rules, and performance e#pectation levels. Review position responsibilities. Plan, delegate, communicate and control work assignments and special pro%ects concerning subordinates. $stablish and maintain specific work goals and ob%ectives or &uantitative and &ualitative work standards to be achieved by subordinates. Train, develop, and motivate subordinates to improve current performance and to prepare for higher( level %obs.

Determine significant changes in responsibilities and ma%or duties of subordinates by reviewing their %ob responsibilities on a regular basis. $valuate the performance of subordinates. Document and discuss present and past performance with each direct report. 1eep supervisor informed of results. Review salaries of subordinates and recommend changes according to policy and procedures. Recommend personnel actions such as promotions, performance awards, demotions, etc., according to budget guidance and policy. "dvise superiors and subordinates of developments that impact %ob duties. $nsure proper communications. aintain discipline, recommend and administer corrective action according to policy and procedures. Communicate and administer personnel programs in accordance with design and ob%ectives. aintain proper documentation on all subordinates. !ther responsibilities-

Re#erence Te$tbooks a. :ao ;.2..., /uman :esource Management, 7-cel 4oo)s 8200<9 %. Cascio, +ayne F. Managing Human Resources. Ne =or)> Mc?ra '/ill, Inc., 0<<2. c. @eCenAo, @a!id A. and 2tephen .. :o%%ins. Human Resource Management. Ne =or)> Bohn +iley 3 2ons, 0<<<. d. ?omeA'Me*ia, 1uis :. and @a!id 4. 4al)in. Managing Human Resources. Cpper 2addle :i!er> .rentice' /all, Inc., 2000.

Internet Sources http>DD http>DD .*

For *o% analysisDpersonality research !isit http>DD .har!ey.psyc.!

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