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Debriefing for ICICI Lombard: Amit Mukim: Family background? Education? How did you land up in IM !agpur?

!agpur? "#y do you t#ink you are $uitable for a $ale$ %ob after a &' ec#? (I) )ro%ect? Any ot#er pro%ect? "eakne$$e$? Hope you are ready to work in any location'

Ab#ina* &#arga*: Family background? +un me t#roug# your C, C, related -$ "#y did you do an M&A? (I)? (treng#t$? "#y $#ould we take you? Are you ready to work anyw#ere? If I put you in C#ennai. #ow will you manage t#e language part?

/a$# 0antaria: 1our$elf? Family &ackground? 2i*en a c#ance to do M&A again. w#at c#ange$ would you bring to t#e curriculum? "#y M&A after &'E'? 3ualitie$ re-uired in a $ale$ e4ecuti*e?


Aparna (#arma: &ackground? "#y M&A after a $cience background? 1our C, doe$n5t pro%ect t#at you are going to do $ale$. t#en #ow will you manage? "eakne$$e$? Are you open to location$?

Ee$#aan 0e$wani: Family background? (trengt#$ and weakne$$e$? Location? "#ere do you $ee your$elf 6 year$ from now? 1ou don5t $eem grounded7 1ou are *ery poli$#ed. w#at i$ t#e rea$on for t#e $ame? (ince you can $ee t#e grey area. are you more ri$k taking? "#at if you c#ange your %ob after 8 mont#$? +etention' Di$cu$$ion' (I)? "#y &&A?

/anit 1ada*: Family &ackground? (trengt#$ and weakne$$e$? (I)? "#y (ale$? "#y IM !agpur?

)o$iti*e$ and negati*e$ of IM !agpur?

A$#i$# 0umar (ri*a$ta*a: Family &ackground? (I)? "#at are t#e trait$ of a good leader? "#at did you learn from your (I)? (uppo$e 9 of your $ubordinate$ i$ not working. your bo$$ want$ to kick #im out. #ow will you #andle t#e $ituation? 1our percentage #a$ been $lipping. Look$ like you are not performing7

/anam Da*e: Family &ackground? "#y Finance and Marketing? "#y (ale$? 3ualitie$ in a leader? "#o according to you i$ an ideal leader? "#ic# wa$ your dream company before you came to IM ? "#ic# companie$ did you apply for?

/oyeta )al: "#y (ale$? "#at i$ t#e different $kill $et$ re-uired for a $ale$ %ob? 1our key $kill$? 1our area$ of impro*ement?: Location?

)ratyu$# C#atur*edi: How come people from almo$t t#e $ame area and people w#o #a*e done t#eir (I)$ from ,( are coming in? Family &ackground? "#y (ale$? And #ow do you feel t#at you make t#e cut?

(trengt#$? "#ic# profile would you prefer? Corporate $elling or retail $elling? "#y? Did you know about ICICI Lombard before coming to IM ? "#at did you feel about ICICI Lombard a$ a lay man? C#aracteri$tic$ of ICICI a$ a brand? +eliance. ata and ICICI #a*e common product$' 1our order of preference and w#y? Location barrier? Any )reference?

!i$#ant (#arma: 1our$elf? Family &ackground? (I)? (trengt#$ and weakne$$e$? "#y were you $ilent in t#e 2D? ; )o$iti*e$ and ; negati*e$ of your college? 3$ about pro%ect'

)adam !abam iwari: E4planation of t#e name' Family &ackground? (ocial per$onality and a parado4' 0ey $kill$ of a $ale$ per$on? "#at are your be$t $kill$? "#y more pro%ect$ in Finance t#an Marketing? A L *<$ & L? 2i*e me a $ituation w#ere marketing i$ not re-uired' Location barrier?

Har$#it Di4it:

(I)? &ackground in I ' (o con*ince me for (ale$' (trengt#$ and weakne$$e$? E*aluate IM !agpur

)eeyu$# 2upta: About 1our$elf? (I)? Low $core in 9=t#? Detailed (I)' (trengt#$ and weakne$$e$? How many friend$ do you #a*e? &e$t friend? Hi$<#er D>&? I &ackground' "#y $ale$?

+ic#a Agarwal: 2raduation in Fa$#ion. M&A in finance. and looking out for a $ale$ %ob??E4plain' Location barrier? Corporate or retail $elling?

+a%0umar: Family &ackground? (ell Home In$urance to me' 2i*e creati*e idea$' >pen to location?

)rana* 2upta: (I) (ell your$elf ; t#ing$ about ur$elf t#at we $#ould #ire u H* u #eard abt ICICI Lombard before coming for t#e inter*iew?



1our$elf? )ro%ect? (I)? "#y Hr? "#y marketing from H+? "#y M&A? "#y do you feel you are t#e rig#t per$on for $ale$ %ob?

+un me t#roug# your C,'

+amendra !at# C#oubey: Career different. you don5t fit into $ale$? Core (trengt#$ (I)? How did you make $ale$?

+o#it Mat#ur About your$elf? (ale$: Are you ok wit# $ale$? How can you %u$tify t#at you can do $ale$? C, related 3$' )ro%ect'' >pen to location?

(u$#il 0umar: (I)? Family &ackground? "#y ICICI?

)iyu$# !andan:

"#ere are you from? "#y ICICI Lombard? Location barrier? H+ or Marketing? 0nowledge. Attitude or (kill$?? "#ic# i$ t#e mo$t important a$pect?

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